After finishing the music room, they played in the vegetable garden for a while.

The grapes on the grape rack were already ripe, and the assistant picked a few bunches, and they felt very sweet.

Brother Chen was surprised: "The food at your house is really weird, why is it better than the food outside."

Jiang Anzhi glanced at the grapes, and if he wasn't afraid of Teacher Xiaofeng's anger, he would have taken them away long ago, so he said generously:

"It's delicious and eat more."

"Okay, thank you Xiao Chu for going."

Brother Chen took out his phone while talking, took a photo of him and his assistants eating grapes and threw it to Feng Lanchu.

At that time, Feng Lanchu was in the department... watching Lao Li grind coffee.

Hearing the phone ringing, she took it out and saw that it was a photo sent by brother Chen. She immediately rang the alarm and immediately sent a text message to Jiang Anzhi.

Feng Fengfeng: If you dare to give the grape vines to Brother Chen, you can expect to be beaten.

Jiang Anzhi: ...


After sending off Brother Chen and his party, Jiang Anzhi returned to the study and began to process the photos taken in Hainan.

He and Xu Mu squatted in the woods for a few days. The boa constrictor slept and slept, and there were no exciting moments. However, when they were squatting, they encountered a few passing snakes, which shocked them.

Fortunately, the insect repellent on them was effective, and the passing snakes avoided them from a distance, and even if they got nearby, they quickly detoured, otherwise they might be bitten out of several bloody holes.

Looking at the photos he took, Jiang Anzhi couldn't help feeling a little distressed. The pictures are beautiful, and the snake's scales are also beautiful, but... most of them are sleeping.

Jiang Anzhi scratched his head and began to carefully select the photos. Before he could choose the one he was satisfied with, President Watermelon called.

"Hello Jiang Dashen, it's like this. I want to discuss a few things with you."

"You say."

"I heard from Fang Fang that you took a few photos of Eld's deer on the first day when you visited the site. Those photos were very good. Could you send them along? I know your photos are very good. Precious, each one is from your painstaking efforts..."

"No problem." Jiang Anzhi simply nodded in agreement before President Watermelon's brainwashing was over.

This made the watermelon president stagnate, ah, the master is indeed a master, look at this magnanimity.

Many people, relying on their fame, feel that it is a disadvantage for him to send an extra photo in the name of public welfare, such as his son Xu Mu. Ah.

This kind of small family's style of pie is really incomparable to that of a great master.

President Watermelon was grateful to Jiang Anzhi before continuing the topic: "We have invited Xiao Zhuo as a guest at the opening ceremony, and we will also announce the strategic partnership between Phantom Entertainment and the association. Can you and Teacher Xiaofeng appreciate it?"

"I'm sorry, you are also aware of our situation, it is not suitable to appear in public for the time being, I hope you can understand."

"Understand, understand, of course we understand. Then we will send you the souvenir at that time."

President Watermelon naturally knew that Jiang Anzhi would reject the latter, and he called to inquire personally to show that he attached great importance to Jiang Anzhi. After all, the phantom cooperation is such an important matter, and his intuition still needs to inform Jiang Anzhi.

If Jiang Anzhi appeared naturally radiant, he wouldn't blame him if he didn't come.

And it was a surprise to get the extra photos of Eld's deer taken by Jiang Anzhi.

The President of Watermelon who hung up the phone happily went outside the office: "Jiang Haiji Yusheng is willing to send us the photo of Eld's deer."

As soon as this remark came out, the staff were all happy. That's great.

"For this film festival, we can select some volunteers on the Internet. Remember to check your identity more. If you are 18 years old, you have a positive outlook on the three aspects, and the principle of proximity is the priority."

"Okay." The staff in charge of selecting volunteers nodded seriously.

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