My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 729: Complete

Chapter 729

"Sakura, you will be in this forest in the future. There are enchantments set by my mother, and no one from outside can enter."

I remember that the mother told her that. Xuanyuan Yingji is very convinced of her mother, because she is a ghost, no one except her father is stronger than her.

Therefore, Xuanyuan Yingji, staying in this wood every day, lives with all the animals in the forest. She never went out and never came in.

Xuanyuan Yingji knows that he can't leave this forest. Because she is very dangerous, all people close to her will be brought to the disaster. Even my father and mother are only visiting each other once a year.

Her daily entertainment activities are in the lake in the forest, playing with the fish.

Until one day, the arrival of a stranger broke her original tranquility.

"I don't think that there is such a beautiful woman in this barren mountain."

The man who didn't know where to come from, dressed in a black outfit, stood by the lake, his eyes stunned and stared at himself.

Xuanyuan Yingji, for the first time, had a feeling called shyness.

She hid behind a stone in the lake and looked at the man and asked.

"Who are you, how did you get in?"

"I? I am called Yingtian." The man smiled. "This place, naturally, wants to come in, and comes in."

He said, he raised his foot and walked toward the lake.

Xuanyuan Yingji was frightened, she was very scared, like a frightened deer, wanting to escape from the lake.

But the man's power was terrible, and he just waved his hand and led himself to his body.

The man kissed Xuanyuan Yingji.

Suddenly, Xuanyuan Yingji’s mind became a blank.

This person is the second man that Xuanyuan Yingji has seen since he was sensible.

He is rude and overbearing, taking possession of himself.

At that moment, Xuanyuan Yingji was surprisingly calm. Because she thinks, in the future, finally can no longer be lonely. Because this man has left a deep imprint on her life.

The seal was broken and the whole forest suddenly became a desert.

Trees and grasslands are beginning to wither. What appears in a blink of an eye is the yellow sand of the sky.

All the creatures in the woods are at this moment. Because of their fierce beasts, they began to evolve and became a powerful and fierce beast.

In the face of the accusations of ghosts and human respects, Ying Tian did not care. He only took Xuanyuan Yingji's hand and took her to the heavens, and created a fantasy, where two people live together.

Xuanyuan Yingji felt that during that time, it was the happiest day for two people.

He spends his time with himself, teaching himself to write, painting, and all sorts of weird postures.

Until one day, he said that it was the birthday of the Emperor, and he would leave the illusion if he wanted to go to Heshou.

And from that day on, he never returned.

Xuanyuan Yingji is very scared and scared. Because she is used to the days when she should be there.

No day, she feels that life is meaningless.

To this end, she ignored the opposition of Bai Ze, resolutely left the illusion, with all the way to the wind, came to Ying Tian.

When she saw that Ying Tian and another woman stood hand in hand, she seemed to hear the heartbreaking voice.

"I want this woman to die."

At that moment, Xuanyuan Yingji knew that she only wanted to kill the **** woman, even if she put everything on her own, it was not enough!

As the king of the beast, when the seal is broken, almost no one can stop his power.

Moreover, her parents are human respect and ghosts, even if they are Xiandi, they dare not take her.

But Ying Tian, ​​his favorite lover, has shot.

He abandoned the cultivation of a body, made the mountain tomb, sealed himself with the power of the Kowloon ring, and there were 100,000 beasts.

But he also entered the terrible situation of the five failures of the heavens and the people, and soon fell into the reincarnation.

"I will return!"

Xuanyuan Yingji told the day before being pressed under the wall of Kowloon.

"I know I am sorry for you, so I used half of my repairs and sent you a present."

Before the death, Ying Tian stood in front of the tomb, so told Xuanyuan Yingji, "When you walk out of this tomb, you will find out what gift I am giving you."

What did he give me?

Xuanyuan Yingji sat on his tomb and stared at the sky.

"Wang, Bai Ze came to the news and told us that Yu and Ying Tian were reincarnation in battle."

He said in front of Xuanyuan Yingji.

"He went to find the sky?"

Xuanyuan Yingji’s look is unchanged. “How do you say Bai Ze?”

"He said that it is best to send people in the past and prepare to rescue." He smiled a little. "But I don't think it is necessary. Ying Tian, ​​it was not the unparalleled fairy of the year. He is just a little now. A small comprehension. In our beasts, we are also among the best in the world. With one finger, he can crush the present day."

"You are going to save your donkey."

Xuanyuan Ying Ji head is not hanging, still looking at the sky, only to drop a sentence.

"Why, Wang?"

"Because he is supposed to be heaven."

I don't know why, Xuanyuan Yingji feels that it is hard to beat. Maybe not why, just like what he said, he is supposed to be heaven. Even in the reincarnation of the reincarnation, he was also the heaven and the earth in that year, but I only respected the gods.

I was helpless, but I turned into a black behemoth and disappeared into the air in a blink of an eye.


The huge cockroach, a slap in the head, suddenly hit the body of the Qin Dynasty, and smashed him.

The Qin Dynasty felt like he had been hit by a galloping train, and he broke into the audience behind him. The auditorium on the concrete steps suddenly collapsed.


And the biggest mouth opened, facing the direction of the Qin Dynasty, spit out a raging flame. The flame hit the audience and suddenly blasted a quarter of the stadium into dregs.

The Qin Dynasty, has long since disappeared, appeared behind the hustle and bustle.

It seems that I can see the Qin Dynasty, the tail of the dragonfly smashed up, and the Qin Dynasty quickly turned into a black smoke to escape.

The power of the flying fairy period seems to have not yet fully played out. Even so, Qin Chao can't fight positively with this guy now. As long as he is hit, he will be miserable.

"Qin Chao, let us help you."

At this time, six lights flashed and appeared on this messy stadium.

Qin Chao fixed his eyes and looked at the cold sweat.

I saw Su Ji, Zhao Jingjing, Xiao Bai, Qian Dai, Liu Ying and Ai Xiaoxue all again. They have six girls in six orientations, and the division is around the ancient beast.

At the same time, they all lit up the light of different colors.

"Great killing!"

The Qin Dynasty felt a devastating force, and it was suddenly shocked when it was uploaded from the girls.

This is a lore, but the power is tyrannical, but it consumes vitality!

This kind of damage to the girl who likes the girl, Qin Chao will never do it.


Qin Chao shouted, "I can kill him!"

"Do not make jokes!"

Su Ji looked up and said to the Qin Dynasty, "Qin Chao, we know that you always want to protect us. But now, it is our turn to protect you."

"You guys."

Qin Chao was a little angry, and Su Ji’s idea was too positive. It really annoyed himself.

"The big idea, let me quickly enter the cultivation of the flying fairy, all the spells are perfect."

Qin Chao knew that he could not wait. He extended his hands and took a law decision. At the same time, he showed his quest for resilience and great thoughts.

The gear of destiny, quietly turned a bit.

At this moment, the body of Qin Chao constantly showed the brilliance of nine colors. Then, the thunderclouds in the sky rolled, and there were constant lightnings of various attributes, squatting on the stadium.

"This, what is this?"

Su Ji, a few of them saw this scene, could not help but stunned.

The light of the nine colors, the cloud of thunder, why are these things happening...

Soon, they will understand. Because at this time, Qin Chao’s body was golden, and this was the time to enter the Feixian period and reached a perfect state.

"Oh, let's die!"

Qin Chao stood in the air, wrapped in a golden enchantment with Sanskrit. At the same time, nine kinds of flames constantly rotate around his body.

"I am supposed to be heaven, I am here, come up and die!"

Although at this time, some of them lost their senses, his subconscious goal was to kill the bastard.

Therefore, he was challenged by the Qin Dynasty. He did not go to the girls next to him, but jumped into the air. Under his feet, he stepped on the flames of the flames, his body with a fierce fire, and he came to the Qin Dynasty.

"Good to come!"

The eyes of Qin Chao flashed through the light, letting the huge beast beast hit him.

A fierce beast more than 30 meters long was actually blocked by a small golden enchantment in the air.

The screaming screaming, but it is impossible to grasp the golden ball of this group without his nails.

"Three thousand Luocha ghosts."

Qin Chao stood there, a black cloud of smoke, coming out of his body, frantically biting the body.

The hard scales on the body were so light, they were peeled off by those Luocha ghosts. Blood, quickly dyed the body.

"Remaining swords."

Qin Chao extended a finger and pointed at the sly body.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of white gold lotus cockroaches flew out from behind him, with a sly white light, pierced the huge body, bloodshot, disappeared into the air in the blink of an eye.

This series of attacks made you afraid of it. He seems to have recovered some reason, with a seriously injured body, wants to turn and flee.

However, after the Qin Dynasty was so stunned, the idea was launched and directly caught his body, so that he could not run out in one step.

"Since you are not far away from the thousands of miles to come to die, how can I let you disappoint and return." Qin Chao said, the other hand, turned into ethereal black smoke. The strongest nine genie palms are brewing.

For a moment, his palm can pierce his chest and pinch his heart.

"Let's stay under the palm!"

But at this time, a rough and familiar voice rang. Then, a black sledgehammer crossed the sky and flew toward himself.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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