My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 604: Healing others

Chapter six hundred and four chapters to treat others

"..." Qin Chao did not speak for a long time.

"Su Ji... You brothers and two of them dare to hold a wedding, it is good to escape the killing of the real world."

Qin Chao’s tone is particularly helpless. “Know that the combination between man and demon is the most intolerable shame in the realm of cultivation.”

"What happened to people, is people better than demon?" Su Ji retorted, "I see some people, not as good as demon!"

"You and I all think so, but it does not mean that everyone in the realm of cultivation is as much as we think." Qin Chao shrugged his shoulders and said, "In their eyes, human beings are the highest beings that rule everything. As the saying goes, Non-my people, their hearts must be different. For thousands of years, all the demon people fall in love, the final price is very painful."

Qin Chao remembered the flower girl.

Although Huaniang did not tell him anything, he always felt that there were some stories in Huaniang. But what is the specific story, he is not clear. It’s just a vague appointment, and you can catch a sorrow from the eyes of Huaniang.

"I don't care about others!" Su Ji held her little fist and said, "But my brother, no one can bully! Dead Qin Dynasty, you don't know, when I first entered Lushan, I was always a brother. Take care of me. He is in my heart, just like my brother. So, I have to protect him!"

"If you say this, my brother, Su Yao, will be jealous." Qin Chao pinched Suji's nose.

"Go to death!" Su Ji was unceremonious, and he also punched him, and almost hit the Qin Chao nosebleed. "Don't just pinch the aging mother's nose, what to do if it's pinched! I don't know where the brother is now, I can't contact him. Hey, I'm worried."

"Do not worry, how to say the law, is also the master of the mid-Yang Ying." Qin Chao while holding his nose, while comforting Su Ji, "It is to look at your husband first, my nose is bleeding."

"Hey, this guy is thick and thick, how can it hurt so easily!"

Su Ji once saw the lies of the Qin Dynasty. "Chairman Qin, Qin Zhenren, now give you a task, find out the brothers! Otherwise, don't blame me for using small scissors to spend the day for you!"

"..." Qin Chao this cold sweat.

Su Ji is really his little grandmother, it is easy to find the Fa. The two people are hiding now, and it is definitely very hidden. Otherwise, they have long been taken away by the comprehensions.

I have to strengthen my own strength as soon as possible, and enter the golden age as soon as possible. At the Hongmeng Road meeting, he will have one more guarantee!

"Anna, I have been looking for you for a long time. Are you still here?"

Just when two people talked about love, an untimely voice came in.

Su Ji looked back and was roommate Catherine.

"Qin Chao, tell you about it, this is my roommate, Catherine. She is French, and she studies economic management."

Qin Chao saw the French beauty with a little freckle on both sides of her nose, and quickly and politely reached out.


"Catherine, this is my boyfriend, the security guard who told you before." Su Ji's other hand, holding the arm of Qin Chao.

"Hello there."

Catherine directly ignored the hand that Qin Chao had extended, but turned and said to Su Ji, "Anna, Professor Henry is waiting for your paper, he has to worry about it."

"Oh, my God, I forgot, this is his class!"

Su Ji took a small head and said to the Qin Dynasty, "Qin Chao, you wait for me for a while in my dormitory. I will hand over the paper to Professor Henry and come back to you!"

After that, I ran back to the villa-style small dormitory and took a document and ran out.

When I came back, I put it in the ear of Qin Chao and said to him.

"Dear, Catherine's father is the boss of a French group company. So, she is also a little princess temper, don't mind Ha! I am waiting for me in bed, take a shower, I will come back to see you!"

After that, he gave the Qin Chao a terrible wink, and then ran to the teaching area.

"This girl is getting more and more like it! See you back, I won't beat your ass!"

Qin Chao watched his girlfriend disappear into sight and couldn't help but laugh.

In the end, he was still with Su Ji, and he did not have any pressure.

"You are called Qin Chao."

At this time, Catherine finally took the initiative to speak to Qin Chao. However, there is some coldness in the voice.

"I heard that you are a security guard?"

"Well, yes." Qin Chao nodded. He did have security guards at Guangyuan College. Moreover, he believes that that period of time is his most interesting time.

Every day, I teach the lessons of the king electric baton, play tricks and play the little beauty, and the days are more chic.

"Then you should have some self-knowledge." Catherine finally said the topic, "Anna is the little princess of our school, and it is also my good friend. I can't look at her, so I ruined my later life. Whether it is Jim. The prince, or Master Kel, they are 10,000 times better than you! Anna is young and beautiful, she should have a better life."

"Miss Catherine." Qin Chao shrugged his shoulders, and his heart was an open eye. But he didn't get angry, just said, "Everyone will be old. Young, beautiful, these are like blooming flowers, and they will wither in a blink of an eye. So if you really want to be happy, find someone who really loves you, Not someone who really cares about you."

After the Qin Dynasty finished, he turned and walked toward Suji’s apartment.

Catherine looked at the back of the Qin Dynasty and stunned.

This man, speaking really vulgar. But, find someone who really loves you, don't find someone who really loves you... It feels like there is some truth.

Damn, I was almost fooled by the man’s rhetoric!

Sure enough, I can say that I can't help but fool Anna's heart! No, you must find a way to break him and Anna!

"Oh, it’s almost Christmas, and every Christmas house has a Christmas tree!"

Qin Chao looked at a three-meter-high Christmas tree in front of him and couldn't help feeling.

There are also some small items on the top, which should be the masterpieces of Suu Kyi and her roommate.

"If you like, you can also hang your little gift on it."

Catherine came over at this time and completely changed her face. She smiled kindly to Qin Chao, and let Qin Chao feel that this is not good.

It is estimated that this Catherine does not know a Chinese old saying that the weasel gives the chicken a New Year.

"I don't have any small gifts to hang up..." There are really no ordinary items on Qin Chao, they are all artifacts such as comprehension. If you want to hang, there are only two KFC coupons.

He took out the two coupons and put his feet on a tree. "I hope Santa can make me eat the whole family every day, Amen."

The prayers of the fake model, the Qin Dynasty is entirely here to entertain themselves.

Catherine behind her couldn't help but swear in her heart, poor ghost.

Catherine walked two steps forward, and suddenly she fell into the arms of the Qin Dynasty.


She exclaimed.

"what happened?"

Qin Chao was shocked and subconsciously reached out to Catherine.

"The feet and feet are accidentally twisted."

Catherine pointed to her feet in high heels and said with a brow.

"I will help you in."

The Qin Dynasty was not so cold-blooded, and directly dropped Catherine here. He helped Su Ji, the roommate, and walked toward the apartment.

Catherine and Su Ji lived in a superior villa apartment with two floors, the living room below, and the bedroom above.

"Get me in the bedroom... oh..."

Catherine whispered in the ear of Qin Chao while sipping her breath.

The Qin Dynasty felt that the ear was itching. He rubbed his ears. In order to get on the stairs, he directly took Catherine and hugged him in his arms.

Catherine was light, and then looked at the face of Qin Chao, sneer in her heart.

Hey, Anna’s fancy man is just like this. There is a beautiful woman in her arms, and she can’t help thinking about her lower body. Anna, see how I broke the ugly face of your boyfriend today!

Thinking of this, Catherine reached out and pulled her neckline down a little.

This foreign woman's chest is big, falling in the eyes of the Qin Dynasty, the career line is extremely deep and magnificent.

The Qin Dynasty was also slightly obsessed with it, not thinking too much about it.

He is not short of women, and the reserve army is a large number. How to deal with these women's problems has already caused him a headache. Therefore, he will not give himself more trouble.

If Catherine is not Su Ji’s roommate, Qin Chao may be too lazy to take care of her.

And Catherine, but she wanted to seduce the Qin Dynasty to make mistakes. She stretched out her arm and gently wrapped the neck of Qin Chao and rubbed her chest on the body of Qin Chao.

Qin Chao also felt that something was wrong. How did the girl in her arms express her feelings? He looked at Catherine's eyes and didn't speak.

The stairs were not too long. Qin Chao took a big step and went up the second floor in three steps and two steps.

There are two bedrooms on the top, Catherine pointed to the right side and told Qin Chao that this is her bedroom.

Qin Chao went in and put Catherine on her bed.

After finishing the task, he turned and left.

"Hey!" Catherine yelled. "Are you just throwing an injured lady in the house? Not a gentleman! Anna's boyfriend, can't even have this style!"

"Then what do you want me to do?" Qin Chao turned around and looked helplessly in bed, and deliberately put a seductive Catherine, "I am not a doctor..."

They all say that the French advocate romance, but he looks at this Catherine. It seems that there is nothing, and the light is left.

This leg, can you not hold back and forth? Where you want to itch, just scrape it with sandpaper.

"But are you not a security guard?" Catherine licked her lips and said, "I just saw you fighting downstairs. You will still have Chinese Kung Fu! Isn’t the Chinese Kung Fu on TV all the same? After that, as long as the hand is attached to the back of the other person, it will hurt if you scream for a while!"

I will make it up, and I will be healing!

"Miss Catherine, you are watching a martial arts movie. I am just a security guard, not a hero."

"It's all the same, it's all Chinese Kung Fu!" Catherine said. "My feet are hurting now, come and help me heal!"

Said, she suddenly blinked, as if thinking of something.

"Right You can't wear clothes on TV. You are embarrassed to open it, it doesn't matter, I take the initiative."

Said, with a hand shake, he untied his shirt.

She wore a black corset inside, and the light and snowy skin seemed to be waving to Qin Chao.

I rely, no, so fierce!

Qin Chao swallowed a slobber and hurriedly turned his body.

"Miss Catherine, you are dressed! I won't do anything to heal, you don't bother me!"

"Chinese people like low-key, I know."

Catherine seemed to sit up, reached out and pulled the arm of Qin Chao behind her back, then leaned over and leaned over.

"Come on... heal the wounded."

=========================================================== ==============

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