My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 453: I am your god

Chapter 453 I am your God

"I am the hero of the dragon." The middle-aged man's face was hung with a distorted smile. "I am, your god."

He said, suddenly he took out a whistle and blew it in the opposite direction. The sharp whistle sounded, and the genetic beasts that were eating suddenly stopped, roared twice, and then squatted at the feet of the dragon hero.

Seeing this scene, the guests under the stage were whiter.

"Everyone has seen it. These are the little pets raised by my dragon hero. Well, they are really cute and very delicious."

"Dragon, dragon hero, what do you want to do!" An old man who looks like a tall man, speaks, "I, I am the sheriff of the Tokyo Superintendent, you, are you going to fight the government?"

"Oh? My dear Sheriff adult." The dragon hero looked at the old man and sneered again and again. "I remember when you took my 200 million yen bribe last year, it seems that I still say how much I built the island nation. It’s important. Oh, today may also tell you. From now on, the island nation will not have any government, there will be only one god, that is me, the dragon hero!”

"Insane, you must be crazy!" The sheriff's face was gray and could not help but say.

"Hahaha, I am not crazy!" Long hero said with a smile. "I have absolute strength and say these words. These little pets are just a small part of my breeding. And, I still Some other little cute, do you want to see it?"

Said, the dragon hero patted his hands.

The floor in front of him suddenly burst open, and then a black cage was raised.

"Hey!" From the cage, there was a cry of anger, and the whole house shook with the room.

Everyone is frightened.

Because in the cage, stood a human with a height of two meters!

This human, red-naked upper body. And his body, unlike the ordinary people, has the brilliance of the skin. On his back, there was a row of sharp bone spurs.

On his arm, he also has a barb.

It should have been black eyes, now it is a tan.

The most terrifying thing is that he has a pair of curved corners on his forehead.

This man, the whole skin presents a slight red color, which looks awkward and terrible.

"Devil..." Qin Chao, standing in the VIP room No. 1, held tightly with some shivering Keiko, and sighed. He smelled a little devil from the man. No, not all, and human taste.

Could it be...

Qin Chao suddenly realized that it seems that this person's body should also have the X gene.

This X, I really like to mess around... This way, it seems to open the door to **** and release the demon.

Could it be that this man, he wants to destroy the whole world?

Qin Chao guessed while continuing to look down.

"Dear gentlemen, ladies, if you still want to leave your little life, there is only one way, that is to surrender to me."

The dragon hero is no longer a rich man who used to be a promise, and his face is full of pride.

"You dream!" The sheriff snorted again and pointed at the nose of the dragon hero. The gossip, "God, what are you, I am a sheriff, why should I listen to you."

"Hey, now it's a look of righteousness." The face of the dragon hero mouth could not help but sink. He looked at the sheriff and blew a whistle.

Suddenly, the sheriff felt the wind blowing in the face, a blink of an eye, his thin body, was smashed in a mouth by a genetic animal, and then jumped to the top of the cage.

"You, what are you going to do!" The sheriff was squatted by a monster, and almost scared his pants.

"You have offended the majesty of God and naturally have to be punished." The dragon hero laughed and then pressed a remote control switch in front of him.

"Hey!" The iron plate above the cage suddenly opened a gap. The gene animal mouth was loose, and the old man suddenly fell in.

"Ah!" The old man screamed, "Dragon hero, you will pay the price... Ah!"

When he had finished speaking, he saw a pair of yellow-brown eyes.

Soon, his body was directly torn by the man's thick arms.

"The price?" The dragon hero couldn't help but laugh. "I am a great god. Who can make me pay the price! The people below, who else wants to resist me!"

"We surrender, we surrender..."

The death of the old man of the sheriff has already made the following people completely scared.

One by one, they all fell down and screamed at the dragon hero.

"Ha ha ha ha!" This feeling of being worshipped, let the dragon hero can not help but laugh.

Suddenly, he laughed and looked at the VIP room No. 1 opposite, and then pressed the remote control in his hand.

With a brush, the glass window of the VIP room suddenly opened from both sides, revealing the figure of Keiko and Qin Chao.

"Long Ying, my son. Now, you should do what you have to do."

Seeing his father's arrogance like this, Longying is also a little excited.

He shouted at the Keiko above.

"Ha ha ha, Keiko, scared! Now my father is a god. If you don't want to provoke anger, don't want to die, just kneel down and sit under my arm, let the young master be cool and cool. Cool, you have the chance to live!"

Qin Chao looked at his arrogant appearance, and suddenly could not help but sigh.

Oh, it’s another guy looking for death.

"Yamazaki Kato, you are not crazy now! Ten million, dare to ask us 10 million! Now, I see what you take to spend this money! My father is a god, God wants your life, too It's simple! You are also coming down, apologizing to this young master! When you are a young master, you will help me hold her, hahahaha!"

That Longying’s mouth is full of foul language, making Keiko’s face look ugly.

"God?" Qin Chao naturally would not let his woman be humiliated. That Longying one, the death period has arrived. However, Qin Chao was not in a hurry to collect his life. He just threw the smoke on the ground and gently stepped on it.

"There is a **** in this world."

When Qin Chao said this, he couldn’t help but see Roone’s figure in his mind.

"Yes, I am God." The dragon hero hangs a smile at his mouth. "In front of God, you are just a small mortal. Come on, kneel at my feet, maybe I will be merciful, give you a Dog life."

"Oh, there is another kind of person in the world, they are neuropathy." Qin Chao shrugged his shoulders and said, "Just, they think they have such a poor power, they can call themselves God. You are like this. The poor worm, and the X, he is also."

"You are looking for death!" The dragon hero heard this and his eyes flashed. He suddenly whipped the whistle, a strong genetic beast, immediately jumped up, jumped three meters high, flew into the window upstairs, biting toward Qin Chao.

This genetic beast is the proud work of the laboratory. Unlike the obedient beasts, these genetic beasts, which have biochips in their brains, are under their control and can be used as powerful biological weapons.

"Hey!" Qin Chao did not have the slightest fear on his face. He held a five-four pistol and fired several shots at the beast that had been thrown over.

The power of the May Fourth Pistol is very large. This is the souvenir of Qin Chao hidden in his own ring.

On the black skin of the beast, a piece of Mars splashed. The impact of the bullets smashed the body of the beast, but the latter did not suffer any injuries. The claws were caught on the wall beside them, and they vomited their teeth against the Qin Dynasty.

"Hahaha, it’s an idiot." The dragon hero couldn’t help but laugh. "I thought it would be great if I had a gun! My little pet, but even the bomb is not afraid. Go, baby, let it know God. Angry!"

The voice of the dragon hero mouth fell, and the beast suddenly snarled, and the sharp claws of the limbs stood on the wall and rushed toward the Qin Dynasty again.

This time, it is faster and more ferocious.


Those bodyguards, one by one, were scared and regressed by the appearance of the genetic beast. The Qin Dynasty, but coldly snorted, facing the gene beast that flew over, suddenly extended his left hand.


"Hey!" The genetic beast that had just been impetuous, was left by the left hand of Qin Chao. A two-meter-long monster was so carried by the Qin Chao in the air, and the lower body was hanging outside the window.

"Nana, Nani?"

Seeing my "small pet" is so easy to grasp in the hands, and struggled, the dragon hero mouth just smiled, I don't know where to go. This is the genetic beast!

You know, a genetic beast, a monster that combines the genes of a variety of beasts such as lions, wolves, and black bears! Their power can tear a yak!

It is now a human being, and even one hand has subdued such a genetic beast.

"With such a little strength, I dare to call myself God." Qin Chao's hand used a force, only to hear the scream of the genetic beast, and then the huge head, directly smashed, softly fell from the air.

"Impossible!" The dragon hero jumped up and shouted loudly. "You can't compete against the power of God! It's a coincidence, it must be a coincidence! On, on, I killed the guy who despised the gods!" ”

"Hey!" Suddenly, all the genetic beasts, the four limbs used together, all flew toward the Qin Dynasty.

"Oh, very good, just to play with you first." Qin Chao suddenly, from the window on the second floor, jumped out. At the same time, he spread his palms and released twelve platinum lotus swords in the air, showing a battle, scattered around the VIP room.

This is one of the remnants of the sword array, with twelve swords, you can form a sword array. Anyone who wants to forcibly enter outside will be smashed by this sword.

In particular, in the island country, people who can break this sword array are afraid that they have not yet been born!

With the sword array to protect Keiko, the Qin Dynasty was safe to leave the VIP room and have fun with these cute little pets.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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