My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 201: Qin Cao, I want to ask you for this meal.

Chapter 210, Qin Cao, I want to ask you for this meal.

Taking off the windbreaker, the Qin Dynasty was replaced by Guangyuan’s security uniform.

The clothes are no different from the previous ones, only a blue shield mark on the chest.

"Qin Ge is back!"

"Qin brother is early!"

Students who passed from the school gate greeted Qin Chao.

And the boys Qin Chao are nodding, talking to the girls. Occasionally see beautiful, but also play around.

"Beauty, long time no see, beautiful!"

"Hey, chick, chest has developed a lot, is it secretly drinking a milk powder?"

The girls who are generally ridiculed are screaming strangely.

"Qin Ge, hate!"

Occasionally there are a few shy, red faces are gone.

This scene makes other security guards stunned. But they don't have the guts of Qin Chao. They understand that if they dare to make such jokes, they will surely be a big mouth.

"Qin Chao? Are you coming back?" A little girl wearing a flowering branch also entered the school gate. She still has a little girl in her hand. Both of them are very beautiful, but there are some differences in beauty.

A passion is like a fire, a gentle as water.

"Qin Chao big brother..." The girl she was holding, saw the Qin Dynasty, and the eyes flashed a surprise. But this surprise was quickly suppressed by a touch of reason, replaced with a light, and said hello to Qin Chao.

"Hu Xiaoniu, Fang Mei, I haven't seen you for a long time!" Qin Chao also responded with a smile. "I haven't seen you for so long, the two are still so beautiful."

"Of course, we are two beautiful women, that's what I said." Hu Lili rolled her eyes and pulled Fang Wen. She said, "Is this what you said? It is your guy who disappeared for two months as soon as he disappeared. Sister amused!"

"Amount?" Qin Chao touched his nose. He found that Hu Lili seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied. "Hey, look at your mood is not very beautiful, what is your heart?"

"I can have a heartfelt thing!" Hu Lili said in her heart, and some can't tell you, "It's our Fang Wenmei, I want someone. It turns out that someone is very irresponsible, I don't know where to go. It is."

"Amount? Is it to me?" Qin Chao pointed to his nose and couldn't help but ask.

“Is there a second one here?” Hu Lili’s speech was extremely embarrassing, which reminded Qin Chao of the policewoman who met last night.

Her name seems to be called Ai Xiaoxue.

Very good name, very good legs... just, the character is too strong.

But if she is very gentle, it has no special features. It was such a tricky poppy flower that the Qin Dynasty had an urge to conquer her.

Woman... Qin Chao perceives this desire in the heart, can not help but sigh, women are drugs.

Qin Chao resisted this kind of mind, his eyes re-focus on the two little beautiful women in front of him.

"Why, the two beautiful women missed me." Qin Chao said with a smile, "I went to Dongchuan City for a business trip a few days ago and just came back."

"Hey, I don't want you." Hu Lili grinned and took her good friend to her body. "This comrade is thinking about crying several times."

"Lili!" Fang Wen suddenly became red, grabbed the neck of his good friend, and said, "You fox, who, who cried several times!"

In the Qin Dynasty, the eldest brother was told about the girl’s heart, and Fang Wen felt that she wanted to find a place to sneak in.

Another girl who likes shy... Qin Chao sighs. However, he felt that Fang Wen was much deeper than Wu Xin.

"Cough, I am wrong... Don't make trouble, I will be late for class." Hu Lili repeatedly asked for mercy, and the two little girls played for a while before slowly stopping.

The two beautiful women are very troublesome. It’s a pity that it’s early winter, and everyone wears it very thick. Both beautiful women wore thick cotton clothes, and Fang Wen was surrounded by a blue collar, which seemed more and more quiet.

Qin Chao could not help but feel that if it was summer, a beautiful PK fight would be even more powerful.

Isn't there a word, now it's not popular nude-female, pop split!

"Qin...Qin Cao..." The two beautiful women just pulled good clothes here, and a beautiful woman wearing a beige trench coat came over and stood in front of the Qin Dynasty.

"Qin Cao... I haven't seen you for a long time."

Qin Cao? How does this name sound so fucking? Qin Chao looked at it, good guy, this is not the exchange student in Korea! What is it called... Han Enxi!

This Han Enxi followed her tail, the guy who was kicked by Qin Chao last time, Jin Zaiyou.

"This, how did this guy come back?" Jin Zaiyou said in Korean, Qin Chao could not understand.

Han Enxi, naturally, will not translate this.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time." Qin Chao waved and said to the little girl.

"And, my name is Qin Chao, not Qin Cao." Qin Chao tried to correct the Mandarin of others. "The name Qin Cao, listening too fucked..."

"Well... Qin... rub... oh..." Han Enxi tried hard to pronounce and wanted to call the names of others.

However, the result of the effort was to call out a name that made the Qin Dynasty more want to hit the wall.

"I rub, it is Qin Chao, not Qin wipe!"

"Qin... rub...scratch..."

The Qin Dynasty is going crazy.

"You have to... you still call me Qin Cao..."

Qin Chao felt that he had lost, and the first defeat was so sloppy.

The two beautiful women next to me, but smiled and bent. Only Jin Youyou did not understand what they were laughing at.

"That's good..." South Korea's little girl nodded and stared at Qin Chao with her watery eyes, saying, "I like you, I want to meet you!"

"Amount?" Qin Chao stunned. Too much power, this just returned to school, there are Korean beauty to confess to themselves?

The envious eyes of some passing male students are red. I rely on it, even if the Qin Dynasty will work hard, it is just a security guard, even can get such a beautiful big beauty confession!

Unfair, why the man who was confessed is not me!

This is the voice of all male compatriots.

"Hey!" At this time, a vinegar-like, very sweet voice also flew over. "Get up in the morning, let me see such a warm picture... Qin Chao, the confession of Korean beauty, you have to seize the opportunity."

Looking back at the Qin Dynasty, it is the beautiful face of Su Ji’s beauty. However, the expression on the face is worthy of investigation, and the two eyes are full of deep vinegar.

"Sister, the enchanting of the magic road, is so rude." The handsome monk next to him shook his repaired staff and said, "Let the brothers overtake him."

"Senior brother!" Su Ji immediately anxiously anxiously. "What are you talking about? Don't you say that you are good? If you want to continue to follow me, you can't shoot Qin Chao anymore! If you can't swear, you can forget the brothers. What?"

"Amitabha..." The law took a Buddha's ceremony, but blurted out. "The Buddha said, I don't go to hell, who goes to hell."

Su Ji was said to be speechless.

When Qin Chao saw the monk, he said with a sigh of relief and cold words.

"Monk, if you want to fight, I will accompany you to Qin Chao! However, it does not seem to be a place here, so let's talk about it another day."

"Amitabha!" The Fa-rect also recited the Buddha. "The donor, you are only the end of the gods. The impoverished now fights with you, it is cheaper for you. The poor will always stare at you, this enchanting, waiting for you to break through the foundation, become When the gods are in the realm, the barren will fight you again."

"The monk is very good to win..." Qin Chao's mouth.

The next few people listened to the confused, what condensed, what enchanting. Only Hu Lili, listening clearly. Especially when the big monk appeared, she felt an inexplicable fear.

If it is not that there is almost no demon power, and people are temporarily undetectable, I am afraid that this monk has already hit a scepter.

"Qin Cao..." Han Enxi did not get the answer. He saw that Qin Chao did not take care of himself. He quickly took the courage to go and pulled his sleeve. "Please promise me!"

"That is, you promised others." Su Ji's vinegar jar was overturned, and he said in a sour voice, "Let's fall in love with a beautiful Korean woman. When you can move to the Republic of Korea, how good things are." ”

"I went to Korea to do hair!" Qin Chao grinned. "Eating a mango is like a New Year."

Said, Qin Chao pulled Su Ji, in front of everyone, squatting in his arms.

"Ah!" Suu Kyi exclaimed, but did not resist, and firmly leaned on the shoulders of Qin Chao.

Everyone was taken aback, and what is the heart of the Qin Dynasty?

"Korean chick, see no, I already have a girlfriend. This is this, your gymnastics teacher, Ms. Su Ji."

"What?" Hu Lili and Fang Wenquan were wide-eyed and looked at the two surprised. They imagined Su Ji teacher will slap a fan on the face of Qin Chao, and then scream at him.

However, this scene did not appear. The teacher Su Ji, who was called the unbreakable in the school, even leaned back in the arms of the Qin Dynasty.

Is it true that the Qin Dynasty really won the teacher Su Ji?

This news is nothing more than an atomic bomb, which detonated in the sky above Guangyuan College.

Some of the boys passing by are directly struck by lightning and stand in the same place. Han Enxi’s Korean beauty is nothing more than the Qin dynasty, even their dream lover, Su Ji’s teacher has been abducted...

God, this is a nightmare...

Several boys couldn't help but cry out and cover their faces.

Some of the heroic, directly rushed up, shouting loudly, to fight with the Qin Dynasty.

"I rely on..." Qin Chao looked at some black-pressed people in front of him, couldn't help but touch his nose, and said to Su Ji, a happy and sweet face in his arms.

"I seem to have smashed the horse's nest..." He said, he turned his head and looked at Su Ji. "Chick, you said, are you the queen bee?"

"Go, you are the wasp!" The chick couldn't help but turn a blind eye, with the numbness of the electric, so that Qin Chao was very useful.

"Well, that's no way." Qin Chao held Suji tightly and said loudly to the boys in front of him.

"Everyone has given me a good listen! Your teacher Su, Su Ji beautiful, from today, is the woman of Laozi!"

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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