My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1995: Escape 3 circles

The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-five chapters escaped the three realms

"Forget it, let him come."

Xuanyuan Yingji waved his hand. "I don't want to start with my own compatriots. After all, I have already died too much..."

Thousands of mountains and sea tombs and beasts are now only two or three hundred.

This is also divided into two dials, one followed by the black unicorn away, the other is guarded by Xuanyuan Ying Ji.

The beasts around Xuanyuan Yingji are still not 100.

But every one of Xuanyuan Yingji is like a loved one.

In that closed forest, who accompanied her, was the beast.

Although they were just animals that didn't understand anything at the time.

Later, they should seal them with themselves.

"You should kill him!"

Hawthorn sighed very uncomfortably.

"Wang made a speech, you have less nonsense!"

I took a look at the mountain.

The command of the king, that is the sacred purpose!

Even if the king let him die, he would not hesitate to die.

This is the life of the beast!

Those who betrayed the king are not fierce beasts!

It’s all rubbish!

"I have seen my king."

Bai Ze swayed the fan and walked over. He said to the Xuanyuan Yingji with respect and respect.

"Fuck! Who is your king! You are a traitor!"

The mountain next to it couldn't help but anger, waving a tail and going up to Bai Ze.

"Forget it... the king didn't say anything..."

He took the mountain and stopped him.

"Hey, a harmonious society has saved you."

Although the mountain is still in the mountain tomb, it occasionally runs to the human land.

Therefore, the words of the human world have also learned a lot.

He glanced at Bai Ze with a bad look and spit on his feet.

Bai Ze frowned slightly, but gently swayed the fan, only two sneers.

"I don't know how many gifts, I can only be a beast in this life."

He said faintly.


The mountain was suddenly furious.

"Enough, Bai Ze, are you here to sneer at the former partners?"

Xuanyuan Yingji couldn't help it, squinted and asked coldly.

"No, not, Queen of Xuanyuan, I came here for my current king, black unicorn, like Queen Xuanyuan, please kiss."

"what did you say!"

The mountain is suddenly a glimpse.

"Bai Ze, it's against you!"

He is also very angry, his temper is no bigger than the mountain.

"You have rebelled against us, and the black-eyed wolf with the black-eyed wolf is no problem! Now, I want to ask for a kiss with our king! I see, you are not coming to kiss today, but to die!"

Said, the hand of the cockroach picked up a black light, very dazzling.

"Hey, I advise you to be calmer."

Bai Zehe smiled and said faintly.

"I was not afraid of you before. Now that you have only one arm, I will not put you in the eye."


His eyes were full of anger.

"Bai Ze, what are you going to do?"

Xuanyuan Yingji is not happy either.

What she hates most is the entanglement of the black unicorn.

Now that Bai Ze runs to say this, can she be happy?

"Queen of Xuanyuan... In fact, you are always the king of eternal in my heart."

Bai Ze stood there, taking a fan and saying it word by word.

"I recognize you as king, but what did you do..."

Bai Ze said with a little sadness.

"In your heart, there is only one person, that is heaven. For the man, you can give up everything, abandon our mountain tomb, and abandon all our lives. Say that I have betrayed you by Bai Ze? No, you betrayed us. , Xuanyuan Yingji!"


Xuanyuan Yingji did not speak, but the eyes flashed.

"How can you talk to the king like this!"

"Mind your tone! White Pond, do not push I beat you!"

They and the mountains are suddenly in the air.

"Hey, Hawthorn, we have known each other for a long time."

Bai Ze is not moved, but he said, "In the years we have known, I did take you as a brother. But now, I have to laugh at you stupid. I betrayed the mountain tomb, in fact, to protect the mountain tomb." Because in addition to the black unicorn, no one can pass on our mountain tomb. Xuanyuan Yingji, she only has the heart in the heart, and there is no mountain tomb. Sooner or later, in order to meet the sky, you will die."

"For the king, if you die, what about?"

I laughed and said without fear.

"Our beast is born for the king, and naturally we must die for the king."


Bai Ze couldn't help but grin. "Since we were born in this world, we have received the gift of the king, but we have the meaning of living. Blindly for the king to die, contrary to the principle of our birth. Our beasts should not be kings. Live, we should live for ourselves."

"Let's relax!"

"Your ambition is too big, Bai Ze!"

The beasts couldn’t help but squat.

"That's... too shameless!"

"I am shameless, or you guys are stupid."

Bai Ze shook his head, "following the black unicorn, we can save our lives. We should go out to dominate the world, not the nest of wild grasses."

"In this case, you are with your black unicorn, don't come back to my eyes."

Xuanyuan Yingji said.

"But my king is right for you, heaven and earth can be learned."

Bai Ze smiled.

"What good is there, there are so many women around me, and the heart is too much. We are black unicorns for you, but one heart. Follow the black unicorns, you are the perfect match."

"To shut up!"

Xuanyuan Yingji is angry.

A black-red flame suddenly squatted at Bai Ze's feet and burned the ground into a charcoal pit.

"Don't dare to say a word, I don't care about it!"

"Ha ha……"

Bai Ze’s face was white, then he said.

"See it... your heart is only heaven."

Bai Ze sneered. "It seems that I can't do it here. Only my king has personally shot..."

After he finished, he knelt down and said respectfully to the sky.

"Congratulations to my king..."

Between the words, in the sky, the clouds are discolored.

A black cloud of fire appeared in the sky.

The beasts were shocked to see this scene.

What is the situation of Nima...

this is……

"Black unicorn!"

Xuanyuan Yingji hair became white, and the slender jade palm became a fist.

"You dare to come!"

At the beginning, the black unicorn came once, and the beasts were mostly injured and injured.

This mountain sea tomb, for Xuanyuan Yingji, is the forbidden place of the black unicorn.

He even dared to come!

Really, too jerk...

"Hehehe... This is also a half-home, why don't you dare to come?"

There was a sneer in the sky. Then the black flame fluttered around.

And a huge dragon chair, carried by several beasts, slowly flew from the air.

On the dragon chair, it is not someone else, it is a black unicorn.

At this time, the black unicorn, a luxurious robes, had a proud smile on his face.

"This is not your home."

Xuanyuan Yingji touched her own Wang Pei, and said coldly, "You are close to a few steps, and I promise that your home will become an 18-story hell."

"Oh oh, my Xuanyuan Yingji, why is it so tempered?"

Black Kirin smiled. "But I like your temper. You can try to launch your 阎王佩 and see if I can take my black unicorn."

"You are bold enough..."

Xuanyuan Yingying eyes are cold.

"My dear Xuanyuan Ying Ji, when I am not going to find a way to restrain your 阎王佩?"

Black Kirin did not carelessly laugh, "Come on, if you try, take me away."

Looking at the black unicorn, I was sitting there, Xuanyuan Yingji was not sure.

He really...has there been something to restrain Wang Pei?

"Do you think that you have been lurking for so long, what are you doing? It is studying the method of restraining Wang Pei!"

Black Kirin said, referring to the crown he was wearing on his head.

"This is the crown made of Sanshengshi, which can make you escape from the reincarnation and escape from the realm of the three realms. You Wang Pei, you can only lock people in the three realms, want to lock? Hahaha..."

Xuanyuan Yingying’s heart was a little panicked.

She did not expect that this black unicorn actually found the Sansheng stone!

This is what settled in the corpse of the eighteen layers of hell...

If you want to find it, you can pay a lot.

It seems that the black unicorn is indeed deep enough in the city... In order to get these three stones, he probably does not know how many men have sacrificed!

For your own life, sacrifice your life...

This kind of person is scum.

Xuanyuan Ying Ji pinched the jade hand.

"Even so... I would rather be broken, not full."

"Xuanyuan Yingji, why don't you obsess?"

Black Kirin shook his head and was in the air, overlooking Xuanyuan Yingji.

"Follow the embarrassment, you can live better. What good is there in the day? Three wives and four beggars, very romantic. My black unicorn loves you, and can even give everything for you. Why do you not come to my black unicorn? By the side? My black unicorn Where is the difference?"

"I don't care if you are a black unicorn or a black king. In my heart, you can't cope with the can't compare it with Qin Chao."

"Since it can't compare, then I have a way."

Black Kirin said, pulling out a red sword from his arms.

The sword is swaying, and the Xuanyuan Sakura Ji’s heart is even more endless.

This sword... looks like a very strange force.

"Have you ever played the Qin Dynasty? His current strength... It is not something you can face right now!"

"You will know."

Black Kirin smiled. "Since you don't agree, you will bring his head to see you."

When he finished, he waved his hand. "Let's go."

Said, the beasts carried his dragon chair and left.

Bai Ze looked at Xuanyuan Yingji and left a sentence.

"We... see who is laughing at the end."

Said, he turned and was leaving.

And the hustle and bustle on the side suddenly stopped him.

"Wait, Bai Ze! Something to find you!"


Bai Ze does not know what to do.


He suddenly raised his hand and gave him a mouth.

"go away!"

"You... give me a wait..."

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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