My 1983

Chapter 14

In the end, Lu Xiaofeng left under Lu Huimin's vicious gaze, and he never put Lu Huimin in his eyes from the beginning.

For this matter, he also understands that Lu Huimin does not feel pain, and he will not stop there, but it doesn't matter to himself, mainly to spare him in the face of his parents.

If he dares to stretch out his claws to himself, he will also chop off the extended claws without mercy.

At noon, Lu Xiaofeng and several members of the joint defense team were called to their home for dinner by village chief Wu Guoliang.

In this era, the law is not perfect, people's awareness of the law is still very weak, and sometimes quarrels and quick knives are everywhere.

Since Lu Xiaofeng, the party, was no longer pursued, and this matter had not been reported to the county bureau, the several joint defense team members who came did not say anything.

But this incident made waves in Lilou Village, and the villagers also had a lot more to talk about after tea, and the villain of the story in the villagers' mouths was often their cousin Lu Huimin.

After a while, Lu Huimin became honest, and Lu Xiaofeng and several people still pulled a scooter to deliver crayfish to the county every day as usual.

And Tian Defa's small restaurant business is also full every day because of crayfish, and the spicy crayfish in the store have become a must in Linyang.

Seeing that the crayfish breeding season is almost over. Tian Defa made a difficulty, the business of his small restaurant all relied on crayfish to bring fire, if Lu Xiaofeng no longer supplied crayfish after going to school, then the business of his small shop would be as bleak as before.

Tian Defa spat bitter water at Lu Xiaofeng after delivering the goods.

Lu Xiaofeng gave Tian De an idea.

"You can make a hot pot! Uncle Tian, if you think about it, in winter, there are snowflakes floating outside, and people in the house are comfortable thinking about the hot pot. As for the crayfish, I will arrange for someone to deliver it to you at that time, and it will be delivered to October at most.

"I've heard of hot pot, but I haven't seen it and I haven't made it!"

Tian Defa agreed with Lu Xiaofeng's idea, but he had never made a hot pot, and his heart was still a little bottomless. Lu Xiaofeng didn't care about Tian Defa's worries, hadn't he eaten pork and seen pigs run? In his previous life, he was also a spicy person, as long as he found the materials for making the hot pot base, the taste of the scoop would not be bad according to the gourd.

"Uncle Tian, if you are really preparing to serve the hot pot, you don't have to worry, I also know a little about this. I'll give you a list to buy some materials, and we'll sit down at noon and try it. Listening

to Lu Xiaofeng say this, Tian Defa was relieved, he didn't believe Lu Xiaofeng, since he dealt with Lu Xiaofeng, he didn't treat Lu Xiaofeng as an ordinary child, just relying on these things Lu Xiaofeng did, coupled with the improvement plan occasionally provided to his restaurant, it was enough to convince himself, even adults now can rarely do Lu Xiaofeng like this.

After Tian Defa took the list opened by Lu Xiaofeng, he asked his daughter-in-law to go out to purchase, and he also had to cook for the guests at noon. And Lu Xiaofeng and several people have also come many times, so they are not restrained and help Tian Defa to live.

It wasn't until after one o'clock in the afternoon that the customers in the store were basically finished. Lu Xiaofeng pointed out the ingredients for Tian Defa to prepare the hot pot, and after stir-frying the base, the soup stock prepared in the morning was put into the pot.

When the smell of the pot was all over the house, several people also put some prepared vegetables and balls into the pot as Lu Xiaofeng taught.

As soon as Lu Xiaofeng said that he could eat it, everyone couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks and start, it was so fragrant, everyone drooled when they smelled the smell.

"Xiaofeng, I didn't expect you to be so proficient in cooking, not to mention some dishes you taught me before, let's just say that the taste of this hot pot today is not to say, I have rarely served others, you Lu Xiaofeng is one."

Saying that, Tian Defa extended his thumb towards Lu Xiaofeng.

Several other people also nodded in agreement, just burying their heads in eating the contents of the bowl, and did not care to raise their heads when praising Lu Xiaofeng.

For everyone's praise, Lu Xiaofeng was still very useful in his heart, but his face did not show it.

When everyone was eating happily, a person came in at the door, Tian Defa's wife Liu Xia quickly got up to greet, her private restaurant is not comparable to the state-run hotel, as long as there are guests, how can you greet well.

The visitor did not hurry to order, but looked at Lu Xiaofeng and their table, obviously he was attracted by this taste.

"This is a hot pot?" Someone came and asked the hostess.

Lu Xiaofeng was a little surprised, at this time, hot pot was not popular, except for the surrounding area of Yu City, Sichuan Province, it was rare in other places.

Turning around, the person himself still knows, this is not the Zhongshan costume he met in the department store last time, or the owner of the department store, last time he also helped a few people to deal with the dispute, Lu Xiaofeng still has some good impression of him.

The person who came also recognized Lu Xiaofeng and shook Lu Xiaofeng's hand with a smile.

"Let's get to know each other again, my name is Song Limin, today I rely on the old and sell the old once, if you don't dislike to call me uncle." Song Limin was very easy-going, without the slightest hint of official shelf.

"Uncle Song, look at what you said, we are very happy to call you uncle." The flower palanquin people lifted people, and Song Limin put his posture so low Lu Xiaofeng could not be ignorant.

"Uncle Song, if you don't dislike it, just join us at a table, there will be no outsiders."

"That's good, I haven't eaten this hot pot for many years, or I have eaten it once before when I was on a business trip in Sichuan Province." Song Limin said and sat down next to Lu Xiaofeng.

He also had a very good impression of the young man in front of him, and the call that Lu Xiaofeng said in the department store at the beginning was definitely not something that a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child could say. If I had changed to someone else today, I would not have sat down to eat it with a table of mountain and sea delicacies.

"Let me introduce you, this is..." Before Lu Xiaofeng finished speaking, Tian Defa interrupted Lu Xiaofeng's words.

"Introduce what, we all know Manager Song, and he is also a frequent customer of our family."

"Manager Song?" Lu Xiaofeng was a little puzzled, this is a promotion, the manager is the number one in the department store, this status is also the number one figure in the row in Linyang County.

"What manager is not a manager, I am a manager at work, and we are all the same after work, we are all ordinary people." Song Limin waved his hand and said that he was disgusted with the bureaucratic style and even more scoffed at the sycophancy that some leaders liked.

Because everyone knew each other, this meal was very harmonious, and when he heard that Lu Xiaofeng was going to put the small restaurant on the hot pot, Song Limin couldn't help but praise this idea.

When he heard that the spicy crayfish that were popular in the county during this time was also Lu Xiaofeng's idea, Song Limin was also interested, and had to pull Lu Xiaofeng to ask him for details.

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