My 100-Day Secret Marriage With The Boss

Chapter 285: Her ‘debt repayment’ days (7), the fastest update trial marriage 100 days: Emperor less, don't be too bad latest chapter!

"What way?" Chu Wuyou's ear was bitten by her, feeling crisp and numb, a little itchy, but unlike the usual itching, in short she felt inexplicable... uncomfortable.

At this moment, her body was completely pressed by him, unable to move, and she felt breathless again.

Ye Lanchen didn't answer her question immediately. His lips kissed her skin little by little. The dense kiss made Chu Wuyou feel more and more itchy, and her body became more and more uncomfortable.

"You, let me go first." Chu Wuyou exhaled fiercely, trying to push him away, she felt like this, and things would really not be under her control.

She pushed hard, but didn't push Ye Lanchen, and Lan Chen's movement to kiss her stopped overnight.

Chu Wuyou just thought of a sigh of relief, and then heard Ye Lanchen slowly said in an extremely gruesome tone: "Last night, I also said this, but how did you treat me at that time? "

At this moment, Ye Lanchen's tone is not only murky, but also wronged and injured.

Of course, at this moment Chu Wuyou is lying on her stomach, and Ye Lanchen is pressed against her back, so Chu Wuyou didn't see the smile that raised his lips.

"Why? How to you?" Chu Wuyou felt a little guilty when he mentioned what happened last night.

Originally, she determined that her strong Ye Lanchen was subjectively conscious, plus the video evidence just now, as well as Ye Lanchen's tone of grievance and injury at the moment, she thought that the tough point could not be tough.

Hearing her words, Ye Lanchen raised her lips silently, and the woman was really simple in terms of feelings.

She asked such a question at this moment, and he was happy to give her a detailed demonstration.

Her words can make his plan go smoothly.

At the next moment, Ye Lanchen removed her clothes at a speed that was too quick to cover her ears, and Chu Wuyou, who was fast, did not react.

"You, you?" When Chu worries back to God and wants to resist.

Someone has repressed her, kissed her, and said again in a very bitter tone: "Last night, you did this to me."

The anger that Chu Wuyou just wanted to shout was suddenly extinguished for most of the time.

However, he is not finished yet.

"Last night, you were very rude to me, and these were all made by you." Ye Lanchen's clothes had also faded, and he deliberately revealed the scratches on his body to Chu Wuyou.

That was when he tossed her desperately last night. She cried and begged for mercy to let him let go of her. At that time, Chu Wuyou was tossed too hard by him, so he made a cruel grasp, especially hard. There was no mercy at all, and it was shocking to watch them one by one.

Chu Wuyou looked at this'guilty evidence' of Chi Guoguo and suddenly lost his voice and lost his temper.

She knew that she was crazy after being drunk, because Qin Yutong had told her before, but she didn't expect it to be so crazy last night. In this way, Ye Lanchen was actually very pitiful! ! !

Chu Wuyou thought so, the movement and consciousness of the resistance slowly slowed down.

How smart is Ye Lanchen, how can she not see her mind, and how can she miss such an opportunity.

His kiss fell on her skin, kissing inch by inch. He wanted to make his movements as gentle as possible, but found that as soon as he touched her, he could not control it, and his movements became uncontrolled. Intense, crazy...

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