My 100-Day Secret Marriage With The Boss

Chapter 1169: DNA identification results, my father saw us (7), the fastest update trial marriage 100 days: Emperor less, don't be too bad latest chapter!

She has to wait for Tang Ling's information before deciding what to do next?

If the result shows that she is really related to the night blog post, she is afraid that there are a lot of things to do next, so she definitely has no time to sleep.

"I go back to bed too." However, Chu Wuyou still said so.

"I'll see you and go back, I'll wait for you outside the Tang family's door."

Ye Lanchen is always so stubborn. No one can change what he decides.

And her reaction today is too abnormal, so he must see her.

"Okay." Chu Wuyou exhaled secretly, and finally compromised.

Anyway, she has decided, even if it is really as Ye Bowen said, she does not intend to be separated from Ye Lanchen.

Then as long as she covers up a little better, let's meet.

"Uncle Li, hurry up." Chu Wuyou urged Uncle Li directly after hanging up the phone.

When Chu Wuyou arrived at the Tang family, Ye Lanchen's car stopped outside. She didn't know how long he had waited.

Chu Wuyou's car stopped, Ye Lanchen got out of the car, and came quickly, Chu Wuyou woke up, Ye Lanchen hugged her, and then kissed her fiercely.

Chu Wuyou's body froze, her lips curled up subconsciously, and she had to say that the thing that Ye Bowen said still had an impact on her heart.

Although she had planned to stay with Ye Lanchen no matter what the result was, she thought it was one thing, but when something really had to be faced, it was another matter.

If he really had such a relationship with Ye Lanchen, her heart could not be without obstacles.

"What's the matter?" Ye Lanchen felt her strangeness, stopped her movement, and looked at her with some doubt.

"Here is outside the Tang family's door, you are not afraid to be seen?" Chu Wuyou found a suitable reason, her face did not show any abnormalities, but her heart was depressed and hurt.

She found that the result had not come back, as if there was a stone pressed against her chest. If the result came out, if the result was really like that, could she really pretend to do nothing?

At this moment, Chu Wuyou really didn't know.

Ye Lanchen looked at her, frowned slightly, and suddenly said, "Go to the car."

"Don't you say I'll go back when you see me? You can go now." At this moment, his words made Chu Wuyou's eyes subconsciously jump.

Going to the car, many things will be more uncontrolled.

"When I see you, I don't want to go." Ye Lanchen held her, and he didn't want to let go if he didn't let go.

Moreover, she is very strange today.

"Ye Lanchen, you're enough, hurry back to rest." Chu Wuyou pressed slightly, trying to break away from him, but he was too tight, she couldn't break away: "I'm tired too, I want to rest."

Uncle Li already drove in, and at this moment, only she and Ye Lanchen were left.

"You kiss me, and I will go back." Ye Lanchen didn't want to let go of her, and didn't want to leave, but thinking that she hadn't slept all night, he still loved her very much.

Therefore, he did not continue to ask questions, she did not say some things, he can check it by himself, but it is relatively simpler.

He always knew that he had to put a sentence from this woman's mouth, which was really difficult.

However, even if you want to go, you need to ask for a kiss, and then go when you are satisfied.

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