Musashi of the Elves

Vol 3 Chapter 73: Ticket to the king

With Musashi's explanation and the flames lying on the ground that he could see with his own eyes, Yang Na completely believed what Musashi said. I am secretly happy that such a powerful flame also has today, and at the same time a strong yearning for myself has risen.

"Musashi, what do you plan to do with him?" Yang Cai asked carefully, pointing to the flame on the ground.

"Where to go back and forth, act as our eyeliner, and prepare for the next troubled times."

When Musashi spoke, he changed from casual to serious. Looking at Musashi’s serious expression, Yangna knew that Musashi was not joking, but: "But, how are you going to send him back? He doesn’t look like he is capable. Let’s go back, and all his main forces have been killed. With such a tragic result, can he get it back, okay? The most important thing is how do you ensure his loyalty and pass information to us."

Yang Na's questions are reasonable, but they ignore Musashi's methods that are different from ordinary people.

In response to Yang Na’s question, Musashi smiled slightly: "Shanren has his own tricks, and how he will go back, and how he will explain after he goes back, naturally someone will go back with him and realize this lie together. Moreover, as long as he is trained at the Heavenly King level. Home, then, his position in the Lava team cannot be easily shaken in a short period of time."

"His fire-breathing dragon is not already..."

"It's true that his main trump card, the fire-breathing dragon, has been killed in battle, but whoever said that there is only one main force to train a veteran heavenly king like them. Moreover, the secret that I can make him loyal to me lies in the Naga, of course there are also Some of my methods are in it."

After Musashi finished speaking, he squatted down and stretched out his fingers a little in front of the flame's forehead. A red blood bead oozes out, and a mysterious symbol is drawn under the outline of the fingertips, which is like a vivid one in the twist and turn. The snake then flickered and disappeared in front of the flame's forehead.

"It's done. In addition to the life and death contract I planted on him, there is also Naga's snake venom. If he doesn't want to die, he must come to you for an antidote, so don't worry about his loyalty. As for the accuracy of the information. There is no doubt about sex. He can only tell the truth in front of us, but we need to think about which of the truths he said is really important." After Musashi finished speaking, he glanced towards the square. , Got up and said to Yang Cai.

"It's time for us to go back. The people who will help with the funeral are here."

"Yeah." Although Yangna was a little puzzled why Musashi was so eager to leave, since Musashi said it, there must be nothing wrong with leaving first.

As for the Anko under the cloth of Musashi, although Yang Na is curious, she is not so eager to see it one day. Pack them up and return to the Weather Shrine to summarize the shortest gains.

When Musashi and others left, the fire geese appeared from a hidden corner of the Yinyu Forest, walked slowly to the flames, looked at the flames falling on the ground, a sneer appeared at the corners of their mouths, and murmured: "You too There is today."

The phenomenon of underground dark forces such as Lava Team and faction overwhelming often occurs. The largest factions are the radicals led by Flame and Naruto, and the conservatives led by Fire Goose, which are weak. Large-scale treasures are available in Lava Team. The dream catching operation, the evil anomalous Pokémon experiment, and the brutal selection of the personnel are all proposed by them, and the fire geese are mainly responsible for personnel absorption, training, and participation in more important things such as the rabbi during the capture. organize event.

Take the personnel to absorb and nurture. Whenever they encounter good seedlings, most of them are cut off by flames and they use various means. A small number of spineless people either die in cruel selection or die accidentally in a certain mission. However, the leader Chi Yansong was pressing on it, and they did not dare to go too far, but Liang Zi was always there.

So even if the fire geese were under Musashi's control at this time, seeing the current state of the flames still inevitably made a smirk of laughter.

Moreover, the restriction on the fire goose is much less than that on the flame, and in terms of contract, it is also one level higher than that on the flame. Although it is not very useful, it can hide the flame’s perception of the fire goose. But Huo Goose can clearly perceive the snake contract on the flame, which means she is dark, and Huo Goose is bright, if the flame is making any small movements, Huo Goose can also detect it for the first time and seek some benefits for itself. .

As for Huo Yan's idea of ​​wanting to leave the Lava Team, it disappeared long after the contract was planted. Now the idea deeply rooted in her heart is to help Musashi and dig the roots of the Lava Team.

However, Huo Yan frowned as he watched the flame's state at this time, because the master healed so well and healed all the injuries. On the other hand, the flame's main force was all killed. In such a fierce battle, the flame was a little bit. There is no trauma, which is a bit unreasonable. So Huo Yan decided to help Flame to change his appearance. Although he didn't want to understand the flame, Huo Yan still silently decided to make an unknown unknown totem. The next action movies will not describe them one by one. Anyway, you have to believe in the world of elves. Medical technology will always recover.

At the Weather Shrine, the three of Musashi kneeling in an independent hut belonging to Haruna, discussing recent events. For the kneeling ceremony, Musashi and Haruna are very comfortable with no discomfort, but Yoshimi is like a cushion. There was a needle stick, and it changed into a sitting posture in a short while. Although it was a bit inelegant, the society is not so particular about it now, and the three of them are relatively casual, so I don't think there is any rudeness in Jigme.

"...Hakron and the others are probably in this way." Musashi briefly explained to Yang Na some things about Khakron he had obtained from Shirabi.

"In this way, because of the broken rain god, Hakron will soon be promoted to the Heavenly King-level Pokémon and become the real "Rain God"?"

"It can be understood this way, but the necessary faith is still indispensable. Faith can accelerate the absorption and refining of the priesthood by Khakron and the others, and with the help of Srilabi, they have been able to vaguely perceive the existence of faith, so ha Kelong and the others are no accident, and promotion to the Heavenly King level is a sure thing."

"In this way, Musashi, you will all be the trainers of the heavenly king in the near future, and I will be the poor trainer of the heavenly kings, I am not alive!!" Jigme yelled, it seems that there are still The uncomfortable rolling on the spot, splashing, there is a posture that Musashi will not get up if you don't want to do something to compensate her.

"This is specially brought back to you." Musashi glanced at Jigme helplessly. He was already a big man. If he had been an adult who had already practiced rituals in ancient times, he would be like a child, always dissatisfied. Wherever it is, it’s splattering and rolling.

"What, what? Show me quickly." When Jigme heard Musashi's words, she got up from the ground and rushed to the side of Musashi in three and two steps, with an expression of flattery.

As soon as Musashi's eyeballs turned, he thought about it, and between turning his hands, a dark pokemon ball appeared in the palm of Musashi's palm and said, "Here, that's it."

"That's it? A pixie ball?! Musashi, we are all here in Fengyuan. You still don't forget to squeeze my surplus labor force and give me a job. Are you a capitalist?!" Jigme seemed to be frightened, widening. Looking at Musashi, she seemed to want to know her again.

"Don't underestimate this poke ball, this poke ball can capture other people's Pokémon and become your own, how about it? Are you not interested at all?" Musashi asked with a smirk.

"Cut, I'm not interested at all." Although Jigme said so, but his hands were not at all ambiguous. He grabbed this special pokemon ball from Musashi, looked around and asked, "Just one?"

"Yes, just one. Be careful when you research. The main thing is to crack the mechanism and add countermeasures to our pokeball." Musashi replied quite seriously.

"That's OK, I know." Jigme put the poke ball away and was about to sit in his place.

"Don't worry, there are other things."

Ji Mei white glanced at Musashi, and said angrily, "What else can I take out quickly, capitalist."

"This, the heart blood of the fire-breathing dragon with the power of the sun is the heart blood essence of the fire-breathing dragon of the heavenly king, and the super-evolved form is the super fire-breathing dragon Y, which contains a lot of understanding of the Presumably it should be a rare treasure for your Nine Tails. Once it works well, it is not impossible to be promoted to the rank of Heavenly King."

As Musashi said, he took out a test tube containing fire-breathing dragon blood. In the test tube, the blood showed a golden red color and was in a slightly boiling state. It can be seen that the activity in it was perfectly preserved, and after the test tube was taken out , The meaning of scorching heat began to surround the whole room.

"Huh, you still have a conscience." Jigme took the test tube happily, flipped through his rucksack, and found a box made of obsidian, with two or three fire stones on the flannel, left and right. After going upside down, the test tube was finally fixed in it, and I was satisfied.

"Yangcai is here for you. If the flame comes to you, if you take this out, he will be obedient, and this is the antidote that can suppress the snake venom in his body."

"You are going back, are you?" Yang Na didn't go to get the object in Musashi's hand, but seemed to ask.

"Well, it's almost the same. You will be able to relax a lot when Hackron is promoted to the Heavenly King level. Then you can come to the level to play with us, and I don't want to go back, but plan to go to the Galer area. Go to challenge the palace gate arena, make final preparations for the Naga and their breakthrough."

"Eh, what about me?" Yoshimi looked at Musashi in surprise.

"Of course you want to go back to the battle tower, how else can you rely on Li Jia alone? Moreover, the research of that poke ball needs a relatively stable place, so that's it."


After the exam, the whole person was in a state of slack and lack of vitality, and then there was some change in the body in the past two days, I hope there is no major problem.

Daily routine, begging and begging.

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