Movie World’s Archvillain

Vol 5 Chapter 60: Three dance partners (second)

Qiu Zhang looked at the back of Wu Yang's departure, and said to himself, "I'm right to do this? Maybe I'm sorry only Diggory."

Qiu Zhang put one hand on his heart. "But I didn't feel regret. I'm crazy."

"Anyway, you are responsible for all this, Wu Yang, you have to bear everything." Qiu Zhang 『Lu』 smiled.

Ginny stepped out of the restaurant with a few eyes and accidentally bumped into a person.

Ginny awoke from the wandering and immediately said: "Sorry, sorry ..."

"It's okay, Ginny, it's great to meet you here." This is a boy with a round face, looking very nervous.

Ginny knew this male student, though he didn't say a word, "You are Neville Long Button."

"It's me, you remember me, great." Neville said with some joy.

Neville Long Button is a more tragic figure. He has parents, but his parents have been tortured by the Death Eaters into lunatics; he has a family, but the family's suspicions about his ability hurt him.

"I'm so sorry just now," Ginny apologized.

"It's all right, all right." Neville waved his hand, still nervous.

"So I'm leaving." Ginny was ready to leave.

"and many more."

"Is there anything?" Ginny asked.

"That, that, Ginny, do you have a dance partner?" Neville asked nervously.

Ginny froze. "No, what's wrong?"

"That's great." Neville's eyes revealed a hint of excitement.

"what did you say?"

"Nothing, Ginny, I think, I want to invite you to be my dance partner, but can you?" Neville couldn't say anything nervous.

Ginny looked at Neville in surprise, "You want to invite me to be your dance partner ?!"

"Yes, yeah, can you?"

"I ..." Before Ginny's words were finished, she was interrupted by a voice.

"No, because Ginny is going to be my partner."

Ginny and Neville both looked towards the source of the sound, and both froze. "Wu Yang ?!"

Wu Yang came over. For the tragedy of Neville, his kindness broke out, and he didn't want to hit people too much. "Neville, Ginny is my dance partner, so there is no way around this."

Neville looked at Wu Yang, and resigned himself, "I, I know." Neville turned around and walked down with his head down.

"Wu Yang." Ginny looked at Wu Yang with strong doubts in her eyes.

"what happened?"

"Wu Yang, I heard that you have a dance partner. Why do you say that I am your dance partner?" Ginny asked nervously.

Wu Yang smiled and put her hands on Ginny's shoulder. "The dancer you heard about is in my heart, it's you, but I didn't tell you, I didn't invite you, now I say to you Is it too late? "

"Is this true?" Ginny's eyes flashed with joy, "Wu Yang, I'm just, I just can't believe it."

Wu Yang smiled and said, "Why can't you believe it?"

"You rejected so many people, and you chose me to be your dance partner. I'm really, really, very happy." Ginny couldn't help the excitement.

"So you agree?"

"Um." Ginny nodded.

"So that's it, I'll wait for you on Christmas Eve." Wu Yang smiled at Ginny and walked forward.

Ginny's hands held her hot face, all disappointment and haze swept away, and she walked towards the front cheerfully.

Wu Yang hummed eighteen "touch", and Dang Erlang walked, "Guideline, you said that I got three dance partners all at once and went to the dance party, would it be very windy, then, it will cause a lot of envy Hate, it's annoying. "

"Boss, I think this is secondary. I am worried that the three little beauties will tear it up. They all think they are your only dance partner, and you get three." The sound came from the small iron plate in front of Wu Yang Xiong.

Wu Yang frowned slightly. "You are indeed talking about a problem."

"Actually, I would like to see, three little beauties and the boss, you tear the" force "at the party, it must be very interesting." The guideline was a little gloating.

"Do you really think so?"

"Joke, just kidding, boss, don't take it seriously, boss's thing is mine, and boss's happiness is my happiness." The sight line immediately slapped.

Wu Yang snorted, "I almost tore you off just now, letting you taste what it feels like."

"Boss, don't do that."

Wu Yang uttered a wicked smile, "Actually, I am also looking forward to it, and what will happen at the party will be very interesting."

"Boss, you are so evil." Gui Yin Yin smiled.

"Ha ha ha ha ..." Wu Yang looked up and laughed.

In the study room.

Ron said with a sullen expression: "Oh my God, maybe we are the only ones without a partner now."

"No, Neville doesn't," Harry Potter said.

Sitting aside, Hermione with a smile writing her homework, "I heard he found it, too."

"No," Ron called. "Hermione, you are also a girl."

Hermione was in a good mood, not paying attention to Ron's words, "I have always been."

"The boy is all right, but it's too bad for you to go to the party alone." Ron thought of Hermione.

Hermione's pride came up immediately. "I won't be alone. Wait and see, you will know who it is." Hermione stood up and walked outside.

"She's bragging," Ron said in disbelief.

"I think we should worry about ourselves." Harry Potter shook his head.

Ron resolutely said, "Anyway, we are looking for someone to follow us. When we return to the lounge tomorrow afternoon, we must find a partner."

"Agree." Halibo nodded characteristically.

The next day, Harry Potter "chanced" at Qiu Zhang in the owl house.

Qiu Zhang greeted Harry Potter, "Harry, hello."

"You, hello." Harry Potter looked nervous.

Qiu Zhang was ready to go downstairs, and Harry Potter suddenly called, "Autumn."

"Is there anything?" Qiu Zhang stopped, turned around and looked at Harry Potter.

Harry Potter incoherent and nervously said, "Well, can you, can I be your partner?"

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