Movie Witcher

Chapter 537: EX

There is a saying that if you have too much debt, you will not be burdened. Luo Ning, the Seven Lords of Hell, has already provoked two, and he is not afraid of another Leviathan.

Such an attitude made the Hell monk who reported his family very angry: "How dare you challenge the majesty of Leviathan!"

In the low and hoarse voice, a large number of chains stretched like tentacles, and the blood-stained instruments of torture directly locked on Luo Ning.

The sword is on the verge of breaking out!

Does he have the confidence to defeat Ronin?


The instant confrontation just now, the scorching heat of hellfire, had already made him feel the difference in strength between the two sides.

He is just a hell monk, an ordinary member of the Leviathan sect, his strength is equivalent to that of an ordinary adult demon, but he is only at the level of a fourth-order legend.

On the other hand, Luo Ning is already the judge who branded his real name in the city of hell, equivalent to a demon lord at the level of a god.

The gap between the two sides is too big, not to mention defeating Luo Ning, it is the assurance of self-protection, which this hell monk does not have.

But he still challenged Ronin.

Because the hell monks are the most loyal and fanatical priests.

They are not afraid of death, but they cannot accept others' contempt and desecration of their beliefs.

Therefore, he launched an attack on Luo Ning without hesitation.

"Pay for your actions!"

Following the declaration of the monk from hell, blood-stained instruments of torture flew out and smashed towards Luo Ning overwhelmingly.

Quite a bit of "treasure of the king".

It's just hell's bloody version of King's Treasure.


"Be careful!"

Although they were well aware of Luo Ning's strength, Yinuo and the others couldn't help feeling a little nervous when they saw the bloody instruments of torture.


Luo Ning didn't care, smiled softly, and pulled out a weapon from the storage space with his backhand.

The wide and heavy blade, the sharp and sharp edge, the icy light of steel and machinery gleamed up and down, like a sleeping giant beast, giving people an extremely strong sense of oppression before waking up.

It was the Scarlet Queen!

Luo Ning held the Scarlet Queen with his right hand, and suddenly twisted the dark red handle.


There was only the sound of the engine turning, and the dark red flames of hell spewed out, turning the big sword red instantly, like a soldering iron being burned by high temperature, and a violent and surging force acted on it, leading this generous and heavy sword The blade was trembling slightly.

But only the blade of the sword trembled, and Luo Ning's hand holding the sword was still as stable as Mount Tai, standing still!

The Crimson Queen's ex construction system is an extremely rough design. While gaining powerful power, it also increases the difficulty of using the weapon.

If it is not powerful enough, then you will find that after igniting the violent flames, this weapon is as difficult to control as a ferocious beast out of the cage. You cannot control it to attack your enemy at all, and you may be injured by it instead. Arrived, or flew out without a trace.

But this is not a trouble for Luo Ning, his strength can easily control this weapon, so now only the blade of the sword that is under the power is trembling, and his hand holding the hilt is still calm and firm. Looking at the awakened beast.

At this time, the bloody instruments of torture of the hell monks also fell.

Chains, iron hooks, pointed hammers, guillotines, and many unknown instruments of torture and weapons flew towards him like a violent storm, and they were about to be annihilated by Luo Ning's figure.

Luo Ning, however, did not avoid it. He stepped away and swung his sword across. The Scarlet Queen rushed out with a roar, and the blade injected with hellfire swept away a circle of gorgeous sparks, and hit the dense rain like rain head-on. A tide of bloody instruments of torture.


There was only a loud clang, brilliant sparks swept away in a circle, the bloody instruments of torture were completely shattered under the dark red sword blade, and there was a surge of flames, bringing the broken instruments of torture to the monks on the altar Smash it.


The flames of hellfire wrapped the broken instruments of torture and smashed back, bombarding the altar made of metal, the violent power,

The scorching flames made the monk in hell retreat a few steps, his pale face covered with spikes was full of shock, anger and horror.


After the bang, the monster fell silent again, and Luo Ning put the restored Crimson Queen on his shoulders, looked at the frightened Hell monk, and said with a chuckle: "It seems that you don't have the ability to make me pay the price. "

"The Blasphemer!"

The words with a chuckle and the casual attitude were not provocative but provocative. The furious hell monk roared, stretched out his hand and shook it suddenly towards the sky.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka!"

There was a sound of mechanical rotation, and the metal structure of the altar cracked suddenly, and a blood-stained giant ax rose out of the crack.

The hell monk stood behind the crack, and the bloody giant ax flew up with his thoughts, and slashed at Luo Ning heavily with terrifying force.


Luo Ning smiled, not talking nonsense, his right hand holding the sword suddenly turned, and the silent Scarlet Queen roared again and woke up.


The flames of hell spewed out and poured into the thick and heavy blade, making it as red and hot as a branding iron.

Luo Ning strode away, leaned forward, and the awakened Scarlet Queen swept out, spinning a series of flame vortexes in the dark forest, facing the bloody giant ax that struck heavily.

The ex system has a total of four energy levels and four grades. Each energy level and each grade can enhance the power of the Scarlet Queen, launching enhanced slashes that are more powerful than ordinary slashes, and more powerful than ordinary skills. Strengthen skills.

It's like the stab now!

The original stab had only one attack method, that is to charge forward like a spear charge.

Now with the Crimson Queen's ex power system, the stabbing skills have been fully strengthened. In addition to the original stabbing attack, a second attack method has been derived, which is the spin-slashing rush launched by Luo Ning at this time.

Spinning Slash and Advance, as the name suggests, is to swirl and slash, rushing forward, hitting the target like a spinning top.

This skill is changed from "thrust" to "sweep", from the breakthrough of "by" to the destruction of "face", which weakens the penetration ability and enhances the destructive ability.


There was only a loud clang, and the Crimson Queen, who was constantly increasing in strength during the whirling slash, collided head-on with the bloody giant ax that came from the heavy slash, directly crushing this hell torture instrument face to face.

The bloody giant ax shattered, but Ronin's footsteps did not stop at all. The Scarlet Queen continued to slash and rush forward with his footsteps. A series of gorgeous flames bloomed in the darkness, until they rushed towards the hell monk and the altar under his feet.

Although he was extremely angry because his faith was desecrated, the anger did not completely devour the reason of the monk in hell. Looking at the violent whirlwind of flames, the monk in hell directly extinguished the idea of ​​attacking against attack, and the dark gold sacrifice under his feet An iron wall rose from the platform, trying to resist Ronin's blade.

But how could a mere iron wall stop Luo Ning and the Scarlet Queen in his hands!

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