Movie Witcher

Chapter 508: The Good Show Begins

The latest website: The attack of the Ringwraiths, the departure of Rhonin, and the serious injury of Mel Ryan, many, many things happened last night.

But none of these can shake the will of the Vala gods, and the attack on Sauron and Mordor will still proceed according to the original plan.

In the early morning of the next day, when the sun just shone into the forest of elves, the three elite legions were assembled.

The human legion, the main force of the cavalry, 3,000 holy white knights and 6,000 Gondor cavalry will become the most powerful cavalry force on the battlefield.

The Dwarf Legion, the main force of the infantry, 5,000 fully armed and heavily armored Duin clan dwarves, are as unshakable as rocks and rocks.

The elven army, the core force of the battle, is also the strongest of the three-clan alliance. Tens of thousands of elven warriors came out in Aman Continent and the two main elven cities, and there are also several legendary elves.

The prosperity of the army far exceeds the combined army of humans and dwarves.

"People of Gondor, today we take up the sword again and fight for the glory of Gondor!"

In front of the cavalry phalanx, Mel Ryan in battle armor rode on a strong horse of Mearas, holding the holy sword of Nasir and shouted to the crowd: "We will defend the glory of Gondor with our lives, defeat Sauron and his Orc Lord, let the glory of the Holy White Tree shine on Middle-Earth again!"

"For the glory of Gondor!"

Nearly ten thousand cavalry shouted in unison, responding to their king's encouragement.

"very good!"

Mel Ryan turned his horse's head and faced the teleportation array that was about to unfold. Feeling the powerful force in his body, he grasped Nasir's holy sword and pointed forward, loudly shouting: " charge!"

Sauron's strength is growing all the time, and the plan to attack Mordor cannot be changed. As the key to defeating Sauron and the Supreme Lord of the Rings, Maier Ryan and the Holy Sword of Nasir cannot be absent.

In order to ensure that this battle can be carried out as scheduled, the elves did not hesitate to use the foundation of Dergombelli, and consumed part of the divine power of the main city of the elves to restore the wounds and strength for Mel Ryan.

The current Mel Ryan is not only not injured at all, but also stronger than before. He leads the cavalry legion of Gondor and shoulders the heavy responsibility of the forward.

The spirit world is different from reality, and the chaotic area is a natural defense barrier.

The exchanges and attacks between the stable areas are isolated, and few people can organize large-scale military operations.

Although few do not mean none, the forces with deep foundations have the means to cross the chaotic area of ​​the spirit world and launch large-scale wars, but few people are willing to do so.

Because the price paid is mostly not proportional to the benefits obtained.

This kind of cross-domain war is quite unfavorable for the attacker.

Take this time as an example, the coalition forces of the three races want to attack Mordor, they can only rely on the teleportation array to transport soldiers.

But the teleportation array couldn't teleport so many people at once, the coalition forces of the three clans had to enter the battlefield in batches.

It will take them a lot of time to send all the troops to the front line of Mordor.

During this period, Sauron might not do anything, just staring at them to send the soldiers, and stand firm?

Obviously impossible!

Sauron would definitely launch an attack on the forward troops of the coalition forces at the first time, and might even have deployed heavy defenses outside the Black Gate of Mordor, where the coalition forces' teleportation formations might be deployed.

Therefore, the first wave of teleportation, as the forward troops, must be the elite among the elite.

They want to break through the front of the magic army and open the way for the follow-up troops.

Mel Ryan took the initiative to provoke this burden. His holy white knights were all elite and heavy cavalry, which were suitable for attacking as forwards.

Although there will definitely be a large number of casualties, Mel Ryan has already made up his mind.


The portal slowly opened, and the boundary was full of armored and fully armed orcs and demon soldiers.

Obviously, Sauron is ready.


Unafraid, Mel Ryan directly led the army and launched a charge. The Holy Sword of Nasir in his hand shone brightly, converging with the army and sweeping forward, rushing towards the formation of the demon army like a stormy sea.

Holy Sword of Nasir!

Although the final transformation has not been completed, it is the sword of the king, the artifact of luck, and the power of the ring of water.


The cavalry charged like a tidal wave, and the radiance of the King's Sword covered the whole formation. Like a torrent breaking a dike, it hit the defensive array of the orcs and demon army, and soon broke through a bloody gap.

But that's about it.

A large number of orcs poured out from the black gate of Mordor in the rear, forming an endless black ocean.

There were only 3,000 holy white knights around Mel Ryan. Even if the holy sword of Nasir in his hand could strengthen the army formation, it was still impossible to break through the black sea composed of hundreds of thousands of orcs and demon soldiers.

They could only rush forward with all their strength, resist the army of the orcs and demon soldiers, and open up a teleportation space for the follow-up coalition troops.

"For Duyin!"

In front of the dwarf army, Morsi, who was fully armed, carried the Hammer of Auli, rode on a strong wild boar, shouted loudly and rushed towards the portal. Qi pressed into the teleportation array as the second batch of forces to enter the battlefield.

The Holy White Knight led by Mel Ryan has fallen into the formation of the orc demon army, like a lion trapped in the mud, although it is still struggling, it cannot change the fate of sinking.

At this time, the arrival of the Dwarf Legion undoubtedly solved the urgent need.

Wearing heavy armor and fully armed, the dwarves, like soldiers made of steel, rushed into the battlefield aggressively, and slammed into the defense line of the orcs and demon soldiers, causing the entire battlefield to tremble and vibrate.

"Feel the wrath of the earth!"

Morsi took a horse, oh no, a pig in the lead, Aoli's hammer swung to the sky, the ground shook where it passed, heat gushed out, and countless orcs and demon soldiers fell to the ground, dizzy and unable to control themselves.

However, the dwarf soldiers under Morsi were not affected. Instead, their strength increased greatly. They felt that the ground under their feet was as kind as a mother, and it continuously fed them with strength.

The hammer of Aoli, the power of the earth.

The magic weapon of luck can absorb the power of luck, and can also feed back the main body with the power of luck, achieving a complementary effect.

This is true of Mel Ryan's King's Sword, and so is Morsi's Earth Hammer.

With the blessing of the Hammer of the Earth, the Dwarf Legion was like a god descending from the earth, wielding a heavy mountain hammer, smashing the front line array of the orc demon lord, and rescued Mel Ryan who was trapped in the battle.

"Mile Ryan!"

Morsi came galloping on a wild boar, and laughed at the blood-stained Mel Ryan, "Do you still have the strength to kill the enemy?"


Mel Ryan also smiled, and raised the Holy Sword of Nasir, and the tidal wave of holy light swept across, not only cleaning up the blood on his body, but also healing the wounds of the nearby Holy White Knight and Duin Dwarf.

The artifact of luck is also a artifact of race, generally speaking, it only works on the race of the main body of luck.

But now these three artifacts of luck, under the guidance of the gods of Valar, the main body of luck is no longer Gondor humans or Duin dwarves, but the descendants of the world of Arda - the remnants of Middle Earth!

The power of these three luck artifacts can have miraculous effects on all the descendants of the middle-earth and the world of Arda.

"Then continue to charge and crush these orc cubs!"

With the blessing of Nasir's holy sword, Mursi became even more active, holding the hammer of the earth with one hand and smashing forward, shaking the mountain suddenly, and a large amount of magma spewed and burst in the orc formation.

Mel Ryan, who was straddling his horse, also swung the holy sword of Nasir, and the bright sword light swept out like tidal waves. The orcs and demon soldiers in heavy armor faced the sword light, just like wheat in the rice field , One piece after another was cut down, stirring up scarlet waves like blood.

In front of the two people holding the artifact of luck, these middle and low-level orc soldiers are simply lambs to be slaughtered.

But Sauron's magic army is not just these middle and low-level orc magic soldiers.


A roar shook the sky, followed by a horrified shadow. Dozens of ring spirits in black robes and armor riding fallen flying dragons flew out from the fortress of Mordor and plundered towards Mel Ryan and Mursi. .

The leader is Sauron's right-hand man - the Witch King of Angmar!

"Finally, there are a few serious opponents!"

The Ringwraiths approached menacingly, but the two were not afraid at all. Morsi jumped out and threw the Earth Hammer in his hand, like a meteor flying through the sky, hitting the Witch King of Angmar straight.

But the Witch King of Angmar is not an ordinary character. The Mogul blade in his hand slashed down angrily, slashing out a sword light condensed by the power of death, facing the incoming Hammer of the Earth.

Not only the Witch King of Angmar, but dozens of other Ringwraiths also mobilized, and the black sword light rained down, slashing heavily at the Hammer of the Earth.


Hearing a loud clang, the Hammer of the Earth flew back, and Morsi raised his hand to catch it. As a result, both the man and the pig retreated a few steps, not inferior to the combined attack of the Witch King of Angmar and the Ringwraith Legion.

Not just the Ringwraiths!


In the dark fortress of Mordor, there was a piercing howl again, and several giant shadows flew into the sky with astonishing speed and terrifying power, rushing into the battlefield and attacking the coalition forces of the two clans.


"Sauron even resurrected these guys!"

Morsi and Mel Ryan saw the true colors of these giant shadows for the first time.

It is a huge dragon with wings on its back.

As the creations of the Dark Lord Morgoth, these winged evil dragons shined brilliantly in the Battle of Wrath, and once suppressed the elf army sent by Aman Continent.

If it wasn't for the critical moment when Thorondor, the king of giant eagles under Manwe, led the giant eagle army to the battlefield, the elves might even be slaughtered by these winged dragons.

Now that Sauron has resurrected these powerful evil creatures, how will the coalition forces fight against them?


Before Mursi and Mel Ryan had time to think about their countermeasures, several dragons rushed into the battlefield ferociously, and breathed out dragon flames from their mouths, burning their soldiers to ashes.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the two were tearing apart, and each urged the power of the divine weapon in their hands to stop the attack of the evil dragon.

The dragon was intercepted by two people, but the Nazgul was unchecked. The Witch King of Angmar led the Nazgul army into the battlefield, slaughtering human knights and dwarven infantry with his sword.

Just at this time……


A phoenix cry resounded through the sky, and a dazzling golden light penetrated into the sky, directly piercing a fallen flying dragon, and smashing the Ring Spirit on the dragon's back together.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

After the golden light, there was the intensive sound of the bow string being pulled and the arrows piercing through the air. Arrows flew like a rain curtain, and each arrow shone with golden light, just like the brilliance of the sun.

The elves are coming!

"Puff puff puff!"

Dark red blood flowers bloomed in the sky. Facing the dense rain of arrows, the huge fallen flying dragons couldn't dodge at all. They were pierced by the arrows one after another, and fell to the ground screaming.

The fallen dragons were like this, and the Ring Spirits were not spared. Many Ring Spirits were hit by the arrows attached to the power of the sun, and the dazzling golden light burst under the black robe and black armor, directly destroying their bodies.

Although the mighty Witch King of Angmar was not included in this list, he had to pull up the fallen flying dragon and rise into the sky to avoid the rain of arrows from the elves.

But he didn't want to, just as he lifted into the sky, a dazzling figure ran out of the sent elves.


She was still dressed as a ranger, riding on a snow-white unicorn, shining golden light all over her body, rushing out of the array like a scorching sun, locking onto the fleeing Witch King of Angmar, and slowly pulling away The bowstring of the bow of the sun condenses into an atmospheric arrow between the bow and the string.



Hearing a phoenix cry, the golden arrow turned into a phoenix shadow and flew out. Before the Witch King of Angmar in the sky could react, the phoenix shadow pierced through his body.

Bow of the Sun, Arrow of Space!

This bow of the sun made from the branches of the two sacred trees is infused with the power of Via, the ring of the atmosphere, which can condense the atmosphere into arrows and shoot out space arrows that cannot be dodged.

The arrow of space hit the body of the Witch King of Angmar, and the power of the sun condensed in it exploded instantly. The head of the Nazgul didn't even have time to let out a wail, and it exploded into fireworks together with the fallen dragon below him.

The Witch-King of Angmar—falls again!


The Witch King of Angmar fell, and the Ringwraiths were shot and killed by the elves one after another. All the coalition forces of the three clans teleported into the arena, launching a full-scale offensive, attacking the defense line of the orcs and demon army.

Facing the assembled and aggressive coalition forces of the three clans, the orc army, which relied entirely on numbers, could no longer gain an advantage, and the raging black tide was gradually torn apart by the three rays of light.

Just when the orc demon army was retreating steadily, and the balance of victory was tilting towards the coalition forces...

In Mordor, within the smoky Doomsday Volcano, under the surging and boiling volcanic lava, a tall, strong, and majestic phantom slowly emerged.

He was wearing a set of dark brown battle armor and a pointed king helmet. Under the armor, lava from the Doomsday Volcano flowed. The pitch-black cloak danced wildly behind him, casting a terrifying shadow on the rock wall.

"The show... has begun!"

A faint whisper echoed in the Doomsday Volcano.

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