Movie Witcher

Chapter 473: The Power of Anger

Although Metatron has always been in an advantageous position during the years of struggle, it does not mean that there is no hatred between him and Samael. The feud between the two parties is so deep that it cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

All in all, Samael hates Metatron extremely, and Metatron is also very hostile to Samael. The relationship between the two parties has long been incompatible.

No, as soon as Luo Ning took out the seal of the archangel, Samuel let out an extremely angry roar: "Metatron!!!"

The archangel seal in Luo Ning's hand also responded immediately, bursting out with an incomparably dazzling light.

That is the divine light of Metatron!

Dazzling divine light bloomed in the abyss of darkness, condensing an incomparably majestic figure.

He, no, it should be said that he can't see the specific face clearly, there is only one outline, shining with a bright divine brilliance, as bright and bright as the sun in the sky, three pairs of main wings spread out behind him, and eighteen pairs are derived, thirty-six Only the aileron, and the phantom of a tree that reaches the sky.


The prime minister of the kingdom of heaven, the clerk of the temple, the guardian of the supreme throne, and the archangel who is favored and favored by God, finally cast his eyes on the world at this moment.


With one glance, just one glance, Metatron's incarnation locked onto Samael, pointed it out with a condescending hand, and said as if declaring: "Accept the trial!"


Samael let out a low voice, and then laughed wildly: "Why do you judge me, there is no one here to support you!"

Metatron didn't make any rebuttals, the six main wings on the back spread out to the limit, and the thirty-six ailerons bloomed with brilliance, condensing into a sun-like brilliance, shining straight towards Samael's demon body.

In the radiant divine light, a strange cubic figure can be vaguely seen, which is composed of six regular polyhedrons, filled with the power of the four elements of the universe, forming a nearly perfect balance.

Metatron's Cube!

Metatron was able to hold a high position in the temple not only because of the favor and favor of the only true God, but also because of his own powerful strength.

He is a creation angel who holds the authority of "creation" and the power of the four subordinate laws.

These four laws are the basic elements of the universe, earth, air, fire, and water!

In the world of Eastern practice, there is a saying called "Earth Wind, Fire Water, Opening Up Heaven and Earth", which refers to the power of creation.

The earth, wind, fire, and water transferred to the west are the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water. Mastering the power of the laws of these four elements can grasp the authority of "creation" and gain the great power to open up the world.

Of course, the creation of the world is the highest manifestation of the power of creation. Only the only true God, Jehovah, has such power in the temple. Metatron is just a small Jehovah, not the real Jehovah.

Even so, the creative power he possesses is not trivial. He can already use the four basic elements to create a small world completely controlled by him, and use the power of this small world to suppress the enemy.

This is the prestigious Metatron Cube. Its effect is similar to the fourth-order spell of the Temple God System, the Gate of Heaven, but it is more powerful than the Gate of Heaven, especially in the hands of the creator, Metatron.

This is also the main reason why Samael has been hiding in Aretha's body, unwilling to show up to face Ronin.

As an old opponent of Metatron, Samael has experienced the power of Metatron's cube more than once, and knows the horror of this move.

Although he also has a way to deal with it, he may not be suppressed and purified by Metatron, but this response also has a price. He doesn't think that after resisting the Metatron cube, he can still block the eager Ronin.

Ronin, Samael is not afraid.

Metatron and Samael are not afraid either.

But Ronin and Metatron together...

That gave Samuel a headache.

However, until now, no matter how painful he was, he could only face it.

Dazzling divine light shines through the abyss of darkness, the Metatron cube shines brightly, and the power of the four elements forms the prototype of a world.

A huge force of attraction burst out, trying to swallow Samael's demon body into it, suppressing and purifying it.

But Samael did not sit still, the demon wings behind him spread out, the branded inverted hexagram shone brilliantly, and the pitch-black hellfire spewed out, rushing straight towards the Metatron cube.

Seeing that the two sides were about to clash to the extreme, Luo Ning also took up the holy prison, ready to go, ready to make up for the battlefield at any time.

Luo Ning knew very well that it was impossible for Metatron to kill Samael, because they were all incarnations now, and the basis of Metatron's avatar was the seal of the archangel entrusting his divine light, Samael's The foundation of the incarnation was carefully prepared for him by the Vattar sect. The embryo of the god conceived by Aretha herself has a certain relationship with the soul of Silent Hill.

The gap is too big.

Even if Metatron's true strength is greater than Samael's, it cannot make up for the basic gap between the two incarnations.

Therefore, Metatron can only severely injure Samael at most, and Ronin must be prepared to take over the battle after Metatron and completely kill the severely injured Samael.

This is the smoothest development and the most ideal result.


The dazzling angelic light meets the raging hellfire, and Metatron's creative power collides with Samael's death power.

In the end, there was no fierce conflict. The flames of hell, the power of death, and the figure of Samael dissipated in an instant, turning into a naked girl with wings on her back.


She didn't die.

Just now, Luo Ning launched Sword Qi Slash, intending to kill her mother body, but Samael appeared in time to block her, and took her into his body after being seriously injured.

Why put her in the body?

Just for this moment!

Under the radiance of the divine light, Aretha opened her eyes, and the angel wings behind her spread out, drawing the endless darkness and engulfing the divine light instead.

The power of silence!

Now there are a total of four forces on the scene, Ronin, Samael, Aretha, and Metatron.

The strongest among them is naturally Alessa who is integrated with Silent Hill. She holds the powerful power of Silent Hill, but she can't fully mobilize it.

Samael had previously attempted to absorb the power of Silent Hill in order to counter the combination of Metatron and Ronin.

But now he has changed his strategy, giving up absorbing the power of Silent Hill and letting Alessa deal with Metatron instead.

This is the choice forced by the situation, and it is also the most correct choice.

The boundless darkness surged, enveloping that dazzling divine light.

This darkness is the power of silence transformed by Aretha.

Although the power of silence is far inferior to Metatron's creative power in terms of quality, it can't stand up to its huge number, and it is fighting at home. The endless darkness is used to suppress Metatron's divine light.

This is Samuel's strategy.

Using the power of Aretha and Silent Hill to restrain Metatron's incarnation of divine light, he used this opportunity to deal with Ronin, and finally turned his head to destroy Metatron's incarnation of divine light.

Similar to Tian Ji's horse racing, the key to determining the outcome of the battle is to see whether Luo Ning or Aretha can't hold on first and is broken through by Samael or Metatron.

Judging from the current situation, Aretha and Samael are more dominant. After all, Aretha has the support of Silent Hill, and Metatron's incarnation foundation is also weaker than Samael.

It is even more unfavorable for one to ebb and flow!

Aware of this situation, Ronin immediately jumped up and rushed straight at Aretha from the Holy Prison, hoping to break this unfavorable situation.

but don't want to...


The Abyss of Darkness shook violently, generating a powerful repulsive force that squeezed Luo Ning out.


The figure of Ronin fell from the sky and fell into the ruins, which was the former Silent Hill.


Afterwards, sharp and piercing laughter rang out, echoing in the hazy sky, and a terrifying figure descended, with a sheep's head, a human body, and demon wings on its back. Who is it but Samael?

He swallowed Aretha again, including the Abyss of Darkness into his body, not giving Ronin a chance to rescue Metatron and reverse the situation.


Samael's figure descended, and the tall demon body looked down at Luo Ning, saying: "No one can redeem you, pay the price for the previous blasphemy!"

Luo Ning didn't respond, looking at the archangel's seal in his hand, he pinched it slightly, and it changed its shape.

Metatron's divine light is the core of the archangel's seal, and the archangel's seal without Metatron's divine light is a piece of scrap iron, so naturally it cannot resist the power of Ronin.

"Sure enough, relying on no one is worse than relying on yourself!"

But Luo Ning didn't pay too much attention to it. He threw away the twisted and deformed archangel's seal, looked at Samael with a hideous face, and said, "Now it depends on how capable you are as a god."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Samuel laughed wildly, and said sharply: "Very well, this courage will definitely make your soul more delicious."

After all, Samuel pointed out, and the dark flames of hell immediately shot up under Luo Ning's feet, trying to invade his body, flesh and even soul consciousness.

Tier 4 Legendary Spell—Devil Haunted.

Although more people call this spell Doomsday Judgment, but for a Hell Satan of Samuel's level, a mere fourth-level spell is really not on the edge of Doomsday, it can only be regarded as the devil's entanglement.

The pitch-black hellfire rose and burned, trying to invade Luo Ning's body, but was quickly blocked, resisted, and dispersed by the same dark red flame.

Ronin's hellfire comes from Belial, the lazy demon king, but it is not Belial's own power, but the power of judgment from hell. In terms of nature, it is not inferior to other demon kings, because the power of judgment of other demon kings is also Hell grants.

Therefore, Samael's demon haunting did not have much effect on Ronin.

But Samael didn't care. He was sure of winning, but he just wanted to confirm the source of Ronin's hellfire, and see if he could use it to make a fuss.

Now it seems that Luo Ning does not have this value. His hellfire is quite pure, without any other Satanic breath at all. Samael has no way to use him to make a big fuss.

Since it's worthless, there's no need to hold back, just devour his soul directly, as the nourishment of this incarnation of yourself.

Samael roared wildly, and the huge demon body rushed out, the sharp and sharp claws tore through the space, and swept towards Luo Ning's head.

Samael is the fallen angel, the Satan of hell, and the angry devil. He has three main authorities, namely the power of death from the angel of death, the power of hell from hell Satan, and the power of anger from the angry devil.

The power of hell is the power of judgment. The fire of hell belongs to the same source as Ronin, and the damage is greatly reduced. The power of death is restrained by the power of judgment, and it is difficult to make a big breakthrough, so Samael can only use the power of anger to Fight Ronin.

What is the power of anger?

Anger is a situation as well as a force that can manifest in many forms.

Now the expression of Samael's anger power is the strength of the body, the physical strength that has reached the limit due to anger.

What a terrifying force a raging demon can unleash.

The giant claws of the demon that swept over were enough to smash the mountain, tear the space, and shatter the earth!

In the face of this menacing blow, Luo Ning did not dodge. He stepped forward and sank into the defensive posture of the royal guard. The dark red magic barrier rose to hold Samael's giant demon claws.


There was only a loud noise, and the magic barrier flickered, and finally returned to calm. Luo Ning remained motionless, as stable as Mount Tai, while Samael suffered a force shock, his giant claws swung away, and the charge stopped immediately.

"A peculiar power structure..."

The blow was fruitless, causing Samael's eyes to change slightly, and then filled with endless anger, and the devil's giant claws struck out again, which was about to break Rhonin's defense.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Luo Ning stepped forward and sank down, rooted in the ground, and the defensive posture of the royal guard unfolded, blocking all of Samael's attacks.

Seeing this, Samael didn't stop fighting, his frenzied offensive remained the same, and he assumed an attitude of immortality.

His body strength also continued to intensify in this frenzied offensive, relying on the role of anger to break through the limit little by little, and finally...


With a loud noise, the barrier shattered, and the dark red light dissipated and disappeared. Luo Ning's right arm supported Samael's giant demon claw, and the sky punishment covered most of the damage, but his body was still blown away by the opponent's beyond-limit anger.

The defense of the royal guard is not invincible. Apart from the mana consumption when blocking, the defense of the magic barrier also has an upper limit. Once the opponent's attack exceeds this upper limit, the magic barrier will be shattered.

Now, Samael's attack power has broken through this upper limit.

Luo Ning flew back smoothly, the flames under his feet splashed, and two deep scratches were pulled out, only to offset the terrifying force exerted on his body.

The force of the action was counteracted, and Luo Ning stabilized his body. On the right arm and in the gauntlet, the dark red blood overflowed, splashing bloody flowers on the ground.

The power of anger exceeds the limit. Now the power of Samael's demon body is more terrifying than the final form of the slippery scoop. It not only shattered the defensive barrier of the royal guard, but also caused huge damage to Ronin's body. .

If Luo Ning hadn't equipped with Heavenly Punishment, then Samuel's blow would definitely be able to replicate the results of the original battle, smashing Luo Ning's arm and gauntlet together.

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