Movie Witcher

Chapter 174: Acquaintances are all acquaintances

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In the Diocese of the Holy Church in Miami, there is always one archbishop and three assistant bishops. The structure is similar to that of BPRD's branch director and three deputy directors in charge, each performing its duties and responsibilities.

This Archbishop Anthony is the leader of the Holy Church in Miami. He has an overview of everything in the Holy Church in the area. He is a real overlord and holds great power.

In addition, the archbishop is also a well-known clergyman, and he is a rare third-tier master in this city.

There are only three strong men who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him in Miami, and they belong to the federal agency, the Hunter's Guild, and the Mages' Association.

Only such giant-level extraordinary forces have the capital to send third-tier master-level extraordinary people to sit on one side.

Second-level supernatural forces like the Dark Night Alliance, the Assassin Brotherhood, and the Azure Dragon Gang don't have such strong capital and strength.

Except for a few core areas and important cities, their managers and spokespersons in other regions and other cities are basically second-tier, and some places don’t even have second-tier, relying on a few first-tier facades.

It can be seen from this that the giant-level extraordinary forces of the Holy Church are terrifying existences.

There are third-tier masters sitting outside, how many strong people are there inside?

Will there be a living legend or two popping up?

It is unknown, and not many people dare to try it.

But there is a saying that goes well, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Although these giant-level extraordinary forces are powerful, they also have to face many problems.

The Church of the Holy Church is no exception. As an orthodox sect on the human side, they not only have to fight against the evil forces within their sphere of influence, but also have to guard against the intrusion and sneak attacks of their deadly rival, the Church of Satan.

So sometimes, the Church of the Holy Church will be unable to do what it can. The last time Ronin took action to solve the demon's fall incident is the best example.

With the strength of the Holy Church, it is not a problem at all to deal with a demon that has come with a body.

But by coincidence, they were sealing another demon at that time, the archbishop and the two assistant bishops were inseparable, and the remaining assistant bishop had to sit in the base camp, so he had no choice but to entrust Ronin to delay the time as much as possible and wait for them Deploy manpower.

It was like this last time, and it's similar this time. The Vampire Kingdom has been operating in Atlanta for so many years, and no one knows how many cards they have.

If the Church of the Holy Church wants to get rid of them, it will naturally use all available power to ensure safety, reduce losses, and at the same time cut the weeds and roots without leaving any future troubles.

Luo Ning knew this, so he didn't return to the BPRD branch with Serena. Although the federal agency is also a funder, it is still not as good as the gold-swallowing behemoth of the Church of the Holy Church.

Compared to working for the federal agency, Luo Ning is more inclined to be a thug for the Church of the Holy Church, to squeeze the wool of this big fat sheep.

Of course, if they are willing to give people both ends, then Luo Ning is not unacceptable.


"my God."

In the Church of Our Lady of Wugou, just as Luo Ning got out of the car, Lance came up to meet him and asked repeatedly, "Why are you here now?"

Luo Ning didn't answer, but instead asked, "Is it too late?"

Seeing him like this, Lance was also helpless, and said: "The federal agency has already arrived, and he is still a big man. Archbishop Anthony is receiving him. We have to rush there immediately, let's go!"

"Big man?"

Luo Ning murmured, and then walked towards the reception room with Lance without asking who the big man was.

In this world of extraordinary power, the extraordinary are the real privileged class. Ordinary people, no matter what their status, do not have the right to speak in front of high-level extraordinary.

Therefore, this big man in the federal agency must also be a high-level extraordinary person, otherwise, how could Anthony, a high-level clergyman and the archbishop of the Church of the Holy Church, entertain him in person?

Send a high-level extraordinary person to come to contact the Archbishop of the Miami Church,

It seems that this time the federal agency has made up its mind to get rid of the vampire kingdom in Atlanta.

"Bishop Roman!"

Lance led Ronin to the reception room, and said to a middle-aged man dressed as a clergyman with a particularly strong physique, "This is Ronin, a guest invited by Archbishop Anthony."

After that, Lance turned to Luo Ning again and introduced him: "Roning, this is Bishop Roman, one of the three bishops of the Miami Church, and also the Grand Knight Commander of the diocese's Knights."


As soon as Lance finished speaking, the middle-aged man with a strong physique came up and said to Luo Ning with a sigh: "You look a lot like your father."

Luo Ning's expression was calm, and he didn't have the idea of ​​taking advantage of the trend to get closer. He just asked, "You two know each other?"

This kind of attitude is not because Luo Ning's EQ is too low and he doesn't know how to observe colors. It's because his father is a person who has too many friends, not only has many friends, but also has a lot of enemies.

Luo Ning didn't know how many times he had spoken to people like this, but most of them came to seek revenge.

So, for some things, it's better to ask first.

Roman didn't care about this either, he laughed and said, "We used to be adventurers together for a while, according to your seniority, you should call me Uncle Roman."

The endearing address made the corner of Ronin's mouth twitch, and he said, "Bishop Roman."

"Hahaha, father and son are father and son, even their awkward personalities are exactly the same."

Roman smiled, and did not insist on his status as an elder, and said, "Okay, go in, the archbishop and Mrs. Merlin have been waiting for you for a long time."

After finishing speaking, he pushed open the door of the reception room and made a gesture of invitation to Luo Ning.

Seeing this, Luo Ning didn't say much, and followed him into the reception room.

"Archbishop, Mrs. Merlin!"

Roman led Luo Ning into the reception room, bowed slightly to the two people who were talking in the room, and said, "He's here."

The two people in the reception room are an old man wearing a purple bishop's uniform and a middle-aged woman who still has a charming charm.

Roman turned around and introduced to Luo Ning: "Roning, this is the archbishop of our Church of Our Lady of the Unsullied, Your Excellency Anthony, this is the director of the BPRD Miami branch, a senior professor of the Masters Association, Mrs. Merlin."

Luo Ning didn't say a word, his eyes swept over the two, and finally settled on the middle-aged woman.

Merlin is a very prominent surname in the extraordinary world, because this surname represents a legendary mage.

The Merlin family is the descendants of that legendary mage. They have inherited the blood and talents of their ancestors. Every member of the family is a born spellcaster. The world calls them Mage Merlin.

Every Merlin mage can step into the second level after adulthood, possessing extremely powerful spellcasting ability.

Right now, Mrs. Merlin is one of the best, stepping into the realm of the third-tier archmage.

With this strength, it is no wonder that she will become the director of the BPRD Miami branch, Frank's immediate boss, and a senior professor hired by the Masters Association with a lot of money.

A third-level clergyman and the regional archbishop of the Holy Church, a third-level archmage and the head of the federal agency branch, the two of them together are obviously not as simple as drinking tea and chatting.

The purpose of the federal agency and the Church of the Holy Church is already obvious, but they don't know how much they are willing to spend...

Merlin stood up, looked at Luo Ning softly, and said with a smile, "You look a lot like your father."


Anthony nodded and said with a smile: "He was so strong when he was young."

Ronin: "..."

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