Movie Witcher

Chapter 137: Origin

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Ronin accepted Frank's commission after careful consideration. Although this task is dangerous, where is the world now that is not dangerous?

He needs experience, a lot of experience, and a large number of vampires is an excellent way to gain experience.

Even if Frank doesn't come to the door, Ronin will take the initiative to hunt vampires or other extraordinary creatures that endanger humans in the nearby area, so as to gain experience, upgrade levels, and enhance strength.

We have to hunt vampires anyway, so why not accept Frank's commission?

There is official endorsement, a famous teacher, high revenge, guaranteed income, and an additional reward of experience, prestige, and special buildings of the firm. Why not do it?

Of course, you can't just look at the benefits when doing things, you should also consider the risks. According to the information provided by Frank, Luo Ning quickly found the relevant movie information from his memory.


There are three vampire-themed movies adapted from comics, not to mention the comics, but Luo Ning has never seen them. Just talking about the movies, there are three in total, namely Blade 1 Rebirth of the Blood God, Blade 2 Mutant Resurrection, and Blade 3 Trinity.

These three movies are typical commercial movies, which are popcorn-style action movies, and their selling points are elements of vampires, vampire hunters, gunfights, and martial arts.

Although the plot of the story does not have much depth, it is easy to understand. Luo Ning has watched it a few times in his free time, so he still has a rough memory of the plots of the three movies.

The first part of Blade Warrior creates a world view where humans and vampires coexist. The protagonist Blade is a vampire hunter in this world.

His mother was transformed into a vampire during pregnancy, making him a half-human, half-blood-sucking existence at birth, with the physique and strength of a vampire, but without the weakness of a vampire.

For this reason, he hated his bloodline and the existence of vampires very much. After being adopted by the vampire hunter Abraham Whistler, he began his life of hunting vampires.

And the first major enemy in his career was the Dickon Firth that Frank had mentioned to Ronin before.

In the movie plot, Dickon Firth is a vampire who became a monk halfway, but he is extremely powerful. Not only has he been against the blade, but he also overthrew the vampire council, sacrificed more than a dozen purebred vampire elders, and summoned the blood of the vampires in the Bible. god.

But in the end, he was integrated with the blood god, but he still couldn't resist the aura of the protagonist, and hit the blade with a tube of anticoagulant, exploding and dying.

From the perspective of the movie alone, there is no problem with this storyline, because the movie does not need much rationality, but if it is put in reality, the problem with this storyline is very big.

First of all, as a non-pure vampire who became a monk, why did Dickon Firth rise in the highly hierarchical vampire society, and why did he join the vampire council?

Not to mention that after he joined the vampire council, his strength grew inexplicably, and in the end he directly overthrew the vampire council, sacrificed a dozen purebred vampire elders as sacrifices, and summoned the blood god in the vampire bible.

This is completely unreasonable!

Now Frank has given an explanation, that is the kingdom of vampires!

It was the kingdom of vampires who supported Dickon Firth behind his back, allowing his strength to grow and eventually overthrow the vampire council.

The kingdom of vampires is the main villain force of Blade 2, and they replaced the vampire council of Blade 1 as the new enemy of Blade.

In the plot of the movie, there is not too much description of the structure of the vampire council and the vampire kingdom, so Luo Ning does not know much about the relationship between these two forces.

But that's okay, he doesn't know, someone does!

In the middle of the night on the interstate highway, a black Chevrolet Saaban sped past. Inside the car, Serena, who was slightly pale, was flipping through an ancient book, and at the same time told Ronin, who was holding the steering wheel, the history of the vampire kingdom.

"There are many vampires in this world,

No one can tell which kind of vampire is the real vampire, and the origin and ancestors of vampires have long since disappeared into the long river of history. "

"Many types of vampires form many vampire forces, and the vampire kingdom is one of them."

"Although it is called the vampire kingdom, they were not vampires at first, but human beings, ordinary human beings."

"Their predecessor was a small country in Europe. In the dark Middle Ages, their king actively threw himself into the arms of vampires in pursuit of eternal life, and transformed himself and the entire country into vampires."

"After the Church of the Holy Church found out, it immediately sent the Knights Templar to conquer the country and killed most of the vampires, but the royal family and some soldiers loyal to them escaped."

"Since then, they have disappeared and evaded the pursuit of the Church of the Holy Church. It was not until the 1950s that they reappeared in the United States, and they have grown and grown to form a huge vampire kingdom."

"This vampire kingdom is based on the royal family of that small European country at the beginning, and has many soldiers loyal to them. After the appearance of the American Federation, they used the power of vampires to win over a group of real power figures in the Federation, so they obtained legal status and successfully entered the United States. The Federation took root."

"However, the high-level federal officials who were transformed into vampires, the capital group, did not want to be under the control of the royal family, so they united together and established a vampire council outside the vampire kingdom, each with a seat for the elders of the council."

"This is the origin of the vampire council. They originated from the vampire kingdom, but they are independent from the kingdom. They compete with the vampire kingdom, each occupying half of Atlanta."

Serena closed the book, looked at Ronin, and asked, "Any questions?"

While holding the steering wheel, Luo Ning said, "Their strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics!"

Serena glanced at him, then opened the ancient book in her hand, and continued: "The royal family is the core of the vampire kingdom, and they are also the most powerful. It is said that they possess extraordinary power before they transform into vampires. After transforming into vampires, They basically have the strength of a second-order extraordinary person."

After speaking, Serena paused, and then said: "But their bloodline strength is not high, even second-order vampires can be killed by silver weapons, sunlight ultraviolet rays, and anticoagulants. Death, even severe allergies to garlic, but not afraid of normal strength holy water."


Luo Ning groaned, and asked again: "Do you have any special abilities?"

Serena flipped through the ancient book again, and then replied: "Except for the physical power, recovery power and night vision ability possessed by vampires, they don't have any special abilities. Extraordinary power is manifested in physique, strength, and speed. "

"So they are vampires with a sci-fi style, so things are much easier to handle."

As he said that, Luo Ning glanced at Serena and asked, "Your blood seems to be much stronger than theirs. What else are you afraid of besides sunlight?"

Serena closed the book and said blankly: "We are partners now, not enemies!"

Luo Ning smiled and said, "Is it because we are partners now that I ask this question, or do you want to be accidentally injured?"


Serena was silent for a while, then said: "Daylight, I'm only afraid of the ultraviolet rays in the sun!"

"very good!"

Luo Ning nodded and said, "We can go buy a few bottles of sunscreen later."

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