Monster Synthesis Master

Chapter 37: : You guys are finally back

     "Oops, Ah Fu is still outside!"

   Link took out his weapon and dashed out.

   Ah Fu was touching the body happily outside.

   Although these people don’t have much money, they can’t hold on to a large amount, and they add up to a considerable sum.

Ah Fu also found a lot of interesting gadgets from these people, especially small square packaging bags. Ah Fu also found this thing on the mechanical **** fanatics. At that time, the boss gave him popular science. Protect firearms.

   "The thugs of these gangs are really exquisite. The sand is not as big as the sand of the Gobi Desert. They insist on wearing protective covers for their love guns, and they are worthy of the city."

   Ah Fu said, stuffing these unopened ‘holsters’ into his backpack, and whispered: “The boss has more guns, and it’s not wrong to have more holsters.”

   Afu just finished loading things, and suddenly heard a rush of footsteps in the dark alley outside.

  Afu is stupid, but not stupid at all.

   immediately realized that the people outside were unkind, so he ran into the house with his bag, and wanted to inform the boss.

   It happened that Link also ran out of the room, and when he saw Ah Fu, he pulled in.

   "Boss, many people are here!"

   Link pushed Ah Fu into the house: "Go inside and hide, you are not allowed to come out without my order."

   Seeing Ah Fu hiding in the house, Link's hanging heart was let go, and he couldn't help sighing: Fortunately, this guy is clever!

   Then Link chose to upgrade without saying a word, adjusting his state to the best.

  [Lv7→lv8 needs 4500 experience points, do you want to upgrade? whether]


   Before playing against John, he was kicked for a third of his blood.

   Now maybe another big battle is about to be faced, Link naturally wants to fill the state without missing any details.

   "Boss, there seems to be a lot of people coming outside, will we die?"

"be quiet!"

   "Uuuuu~ Boss, I don't want to die, I haven't visited Shadu very much yet..."

   "So afraid of death, do you want me to send some army ants to protect you?"

   "No need! Boss, you are busy! Leave me alone!"


   The treasure hunter stretched out his little finger, one hand stretched out three little fingers, and the other hand made a small fist.

   Link frowned slightly: "Man 30, so many!"

   came straight to the base camp, aggressively.

   "Could it be the Pacino family, the rival of the Jack Gang?"

   First of all, the Pacino family's site is not far from Jack's gang, and it's only a block away.

   I had a big kill in Jack's Gang just now, especially when the last two shotguns burst in the fight with Jack was quite clear. It is very likely that the Pacino family heard the movement and inquired about Jack's gang, bringing people over to make a fortune.

   In addition to the Pacino family, there are also small forces in the surrounding area, such as the "Seven People" and the Lumeng Society, all of them covet Jack to help this feng shui treasure.

   "No matter which force it is, I just hope that there will be no more elite...I will continue to fight so unlimited, I am afraid it will hit until dawn."

   "Sand sculpture, can you still play?"

   The sand sculpture lay weakly on the table, rolled up his wings and made a gesture of'I'm drunk alone'.

   "Okay, two red wine steaks!"

   Two high-class set meals, the sand sculptures suddenly came, full of vitality.


   "Fuck, we worked so hard to get to the small hotel and ran out of it, why did the car show up at the entrance of the base camp?"

   The man in a red suit with sunglasses stretched out his hand to touch the bullet hole in the hood, and then looked at the front windshield that was smashed, his mouth twitched.

   "Perhaps the kid abandoned the car and fled. Then someone saw that it was our Jack's car, maybe it was sent back."

   Jack’s gang still has influence nearby, which all depends on their strong boss.

   "Huh, it must be so! It's a pity that the kid ran away!"

  Sao The man in the red suit hit the car cover with a fist, and the car cover made a muffled noise, and he grinned with pain.

   "Haha second, don't do it. Do you think you are born to practice martial arts like the boss? You are also suitable for practicing swords on the bed."

   "Fuck, do you think I don't want to be accepted by Mr. Crane as a disciple? That status is not much better than now! It's a pity that Mr. Crane doesn't teach the trick, otherwise I will definitely overwhelm the crowd with my qualifications."

   "Shhh! Don't talk nonsense. If these words reach Old Crane, I am afraid that even the boss will not be able to save you."

   "Don't worry, here are my own brothers, there are no outsiders." The man in the red suit disagreed.

Then he stared at the four-eyed fat man and patted his thick belly: "It's your third child, now you are getting more and more famous! That kid is an outsider, and when he called, he thought you Mr. Cong was our Jack's help. The boss!"

   The four-eyed fat man smiled naively, and hurriedly waved his hand: "Don't make fun of me. 80% of it is because I have the worst reputation, so I recognize me as the boss. Okay, let's go back and return."

   mentioned this, the second child in the red suit couldn't help taking a bite again, gritted his teeth and said: "Don't let me catch this kid, otherwise he must be skinned!"

   Two days in a row, Jack helped kill the number 17 person, which is definitely a painful one.

   If other gangs learn about this news, they must take this opportunity to attack.

   And all this is because of a fat man!

   Now the most hateful thing is that this guy ran after the fight, and didn't even drive away.

   Looking for someone in the Shadu slum, the difficulty is simply finding a needle in a haystack.

   The second child and the third child agree that Jack will have to suffer this dark loss this time.

"Fortunately, the boss was accepted as a disciple by Old Crane. When this matter is officially announced next month, the status of our Jack Gang can be raised again." The four-eyed third man helped with the black-framed glasses, and Jack died. A bunch of people's news must be concealed, so he has recently consciously or unintentionally spread the news of the'He Lao Xin Accepting Disciple' to give other gangs a bit of warning.

   "Let's go in quickly, maybe the guy who sent the car back sees the guy who is doing the trouble and knows a bit of whereabouts?" the third child said.

   The two came home with the thugs and threw themselves into a hollow.

   Seeing the returned car at the entrance of the base camp, I was a little relieved and hoped that the person who returned the car could provide some useful information.

   Although the Jack Gang is not a big gang of Shadu, it is still very upset because of being **** by a fat guy who didn't know where it came from.

   I have always been the only one who fought people, so where is someone’s turn to fiddle with me, can this be tolerated?

   Especially at the moment when the boss is about to be accepted as a disciple by Old Crane, the status of the Jack Gang has risen, and it is very likely that it will take over more business and territory. It is not purely disgusting that this is happening now!

   Everyone walked into the alley, and after the turn, you could see the base camp through the fence.

   "Fuck, the power went out again? Don't these shit-eating guys know to turn on the generator!" The second child was grumpy and immediately cursed.

   The old third frowned slightly, and he looked at it as he walked, and he always had a bad premonition: "This situation is not right? Why is it quiet inside? I always feel that the atmosphere is very strange. Is there any conspiracy?"

"The youngest, you really have seen too much conspiracy theories. What can happen if the boss is sitting in town? Did the smuggling ship arrive and everyone went down to help." The man in the red suit smiled and said the youngest was indeed making suggestions. Have one hand. But there is also a big problem. It's just a conspiracy, a courage, etc.

   "Then who knows? The boss's force is strong, but it is not invincible, right? The situation is really weird now..."

   The man in the red suit was a little annoyed, and asked as he walked: "Which one of you has a flashlight, hand one over."

   After searching for a while, everyone found a flashlight and handed it to the old hand.

   At this moment everyone walked to the gate, the second child took a flashlight, glanced at the third child and said, "I'll see what conspiracy is."

   was about to turn on the flashlight. Suddenly, a cloud of sand swept through the people, and the wind and sand on the flat ground roared and surrounded most of them.

   "Bah, what is this?"

   "Fuck, why is there a sandstorm suddenly?"

   "It might be a big sandstorm! Hurry, get together first! Hold hands with each other, don't be blown away!" The youngest think tank reacted the fastest and yelled quickly, so he took a mouthful of sand.

   Faced with the sudden evil wind of sandstorm, everyone hurriedly gathered together, shrank into a group and hugged each other, for fear of being blown away by the wind.

   Ten seconds later, the wind of the sandstorm weakened and gradually receded.

   The thirty people holding each other slowly opened their eyes and found that they were still where they were. They were extremely grateful in their hearts. They all felt like they were left behind.

   "Fuck, I'm scared to death, what kind of sandstorm will come at night!" The second child trembled with fright. Among these people, he has the lightest weight, he is simply a stick figure, if he is not grasped tightly, he will be blown away.

The youngest spit out the sand in his mouth and helped his black-rimmed glasses. He was quite contented: "This kind of thing happened 20 years ago. At that time, the sandstorm swept through most of the sandy city and caused a lot of casualties. It’s not that I’m quick to respond, we’re afraid we’ve all explained.”

   "Okay, good, your third son is awesome! This time I really take it!"

   The second child turned on the flashlight and took a shot in the open air hall.

   Suddenly, there was no sound!

   The second child suddenly turned off the flashlight, his pupils dilated infinitely, and the whole body was stiff, as if he had been fixed by a ghost.

   twisted the ‘rusty’ neck with and asked, "You guys, all, see, have you?"

   The third child was also very scared at this moment. The impact of the scene just now was too great for him, and his legs trembled suddenly.

   And among the thugs who followed them, one of them counted as one, and their faces paled with fright.

   The impact of the picture after turning on the flashlight just now was too great, and their brains couldn't process the information for a while.

   The third child tremblingly stretched out his hand, pointing to the terrace next to it, which was still under construction, and said: "I was just now, as if I was there, I saw the boss, the corpse..."

   "Fuck, you **** stop talking!" The second child roared, his voice hoarse.

   He saw it too, but he did not dare to speak about this fact.

   The boss is the banner and pillar of the Jack Gang. If the boss hangs, the Jack Gang will be destroyed in an instant and be divided by the surrounding forces.

   What's more terrible is that the boss is dead, these thugs are just a mess.

   Everyone’s mind is blank, and there is only one thought now--

   After they left,

  Jack Gang,

In the end what happened!

   The second child was the most courageous and took a step towards the hall.

   Just then, a voice came from the darkness: "You are finally back."

   This sound directly tore off everyone's tight heartstrings.


   Almost at the same time, all the Jack's Gang pulled out their pistols pinned to their waists.

   At the same time, everyone's faces changed wildly again!

   Above panic, still panic!

   P.S: Everyone has to vote for recommendation votes on time every day. The editor said that there are so few recommendation votes for this book, which may affect the next recommendation...

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