Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 179 The Opportunity for Advanced Study

After arriving at Naguli Village, the group of three chose to take a day off.

There are also some supplies that need to be purchased, such as carrying food and a lot of cold drinks.

Gordon also took the time to find the water beast girl and the village head of the Earth Dragon Tribe for a drink, but of course he didn't dare to drink too much. He was going to go deep into the volcano tomorrow, so he couldn't get a hangover.

The next day, Gordon and his party, who were fully armed and prepared for everything, boarded the small train for transporting ore, left Naguli Village and headed for the depths of the volcano.

On the small train, Anshir, who suffered from severe motion sickness, vomited without exception.

Julius was speechless and a little worried.

Although this is only a collection mission, the probability of a real battle is not small. Seeing Anshir's miserable appearance about to vomit out bile, it is hard not to doubt his future state.

"Don't worry, it's just that the young master's stomach can't stand the bumps." Gordon smiled, "Let him vomit, he will be fine within a few minutes after getting off the car."

Anshir tremblingly gave him a middle finger.

A few hours later, the minecart reached the camp at the farthest end of the track.

Gordon, Julius jumped out of the car bed, and Anshir, crawled out.

But as Gordon said, after just a few minutes, Anshir became alive and well again.

He even had the strength to run to compete with Gordon, but was ruthlessly suppressed by the latter who was more than a little stronger in physical fitness.

"You guy, you really have changed a lot." Looking at Anshir, who looked completely different from the cold and self-confident lone heavy crossbowman in his impression, Julius was half amused and half emotional.

Anshir, who had struggled a lot to break free from Gordon's joint immobilization, straightened his hair and strained his face, trying to restore the character.

It's a pity that it's too late.

Julius, who withdrew his smile, continued: "This is the end of the slapstick, and you will enter the monster-infested area if you walk forward, so pay attention.

I opened the way, Anshir was in the middle to guard, and Gordon's tail was broken, no problem. "

"No problem." Gordon immediately put on a serious expression.

Anhill: ".OK."

Suffocate to internal injury.

When you really step into the hunting ground.

Anshir immediately returned to the calm, cautious and unsmiling state that Julius remembered.

The heavy crossbow is slung at the most convenient position to deploy, ready to enter the attacking stance at any time.

Gordon also became silent, put down his helmet and visor, silently watching out for all movements in the direction behind the team.

The change in the attitude of the two satisfied Julius, who served as the interim captain.

Fortunately, he wasn't the kind of idiot who would laugh and fight after entering the monster's lair. If that was the case, he would rather act alone.

Because the gunpowder rock as the collection target is located relatively deep in the volcano.

After leaving the small mine cart, the three of them walked for nearly a whole day before finally arriving at the camp where the target was located.

After storing some of the ammunition in the storage box, Anshir checked the supply box again.

The supplies provided by the guild for free are not many, but they are all very useful consumables, such as recovery medicine, food items, and cold drinks.

The purpose is to prevent some careless hunters from quitting the mission for a few pieces of food even if they forget to bring their supplies, and make another trip.

Gordon also came over and took a look into the blue box, "I really didn't provide an iron pick. This is the first time I've heard that there are minerals that cannot be dug with an iron pick."

Julius took off the "sacred saber" he had been carrying for a day from his back and put it on the weapon rack in the camp, and then he explained unhurriedly:

"According to Master, the gunpowder rock may not be a naturally formed mineral, because the place where the gunpowder rock was first discovered was not a vein, but a monster's lair."

"So, instead of hammering with a pickaxe, you need to use a planer?"

"Well, the reason for not using an iron pick is partly because it is unnecessary, and partly because the gunpowder rock is extremely unstable, and it will cause a violent explosion when it is hit by a certain amount.

This characteristic is similar to that of gunpowder, which is how the name Gunpowder Rock came about. "Julius continued to explain.

"Moreover, the gunpowder rock is very hot, and holding it with bare hands can easily cause low-temperature burns, so..."

Gordon looked helplessly at the fire-resistant dragon suit on his body, "So, I'm the one responsible for moving the gunpowder rock, right?"

Julius nodded with a smile.

An Xier also gloated at the side and said: "I know from your body shape, you are the one responsible for the physical work, three gunpowder rocks, just run back and forth three times, hey."

Gordon pinched his chin, "How big and heavy is Gunpowder Rock?"

Julius thought for a while and replied: "An ellipse with a long axis of about 30 centimeters is smaller than a dragon egg and weighs about 20 kilograms."

"Then it shouldn't be a problem for me to hold two at a time, and the remaining one will be carried by Anshir, so that it can be solved in one trip, greatly reducing the risk of encountering monsters."

Hearing this, Anshir said dissatisfiedly: "Hey, I'm a shooter, and physical fitness is not my strong point."

After a moment of serious consideration, Julius said: "If that's the case, I can carry the remaining one, and Anshir can concentrate on guarding it.

However, I still prefer two people to be vigilant. The ecological level of the vicinity is not low. In addition to the Hammer Dragon, there are many giant bees and lava beasts. It is inevitable that one person will be negligent. "

Gordon, who himself said this half-jokingly, nodded after hearing this, "Then it's fine for me to carry it alone. If I move it twice, that's four pieces, so that the master can have more leeway when doing research."

A smile appeared in Julius's eyes, "That's naturally the best, the settlement price of Gunpowder Rock is 3000z a piece, I think Master will be happy to pay this money."

Gordon waved his hand, "No need, I made this special trip to repay your master's favor, and it's just a matter of convenience for me to move one more."

Julius chuckled, "Sure enough, as Master said, you are a very thoughtful person."

Gordon gave him a helpless look, "I think it's better to say 'understanding the world'."

"Don't worry, it's not a negative comment when Master says you're 'thoughtful'." Julius leaned against the edge of the tent.

"I originally planned to tell you about this after the task is over, but now, hehe, I want to let you know in advance, it will make you more motivated."

Gordon raised his eyebrows, "How?"

"The day before the departure, Master told me, 'It's not worth a few soft words to help a crying little girl'. Since you are willing to help, he will not be stingy with his time."

An Xier also came over, "What does the master mean by saying this, is he willing to spend time giving us advice?"

"It's pointing Gordon, you are a shooter, you have a completely different system, what is Master pointing you to do?" Julius said angrily.

Anshir didn't care either, he and Gordon were regular partners, and if Gordon could improve, it would only be good for him.

Hearing what Julius said, Gordon was a little embarrassed. It is not a common opportunity to get advice from a famous teacher.

"So the master craftsman also dabbled in big swords?"

"The master is proficient in melee weapons, and the new weapons of shield, ax and chopping ax are no exception, because he is one of the participants in the research and development."

"That" Gordon held his hands expectantly.

"Just like you think." Julius smiled brightly, "Master said that he will teach you to save by force and by true savings."

Ps. Even if you are a teacher, you can use a big sword. After all, you are a "master".

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