Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

Six hundred and sixty-seven, everyone is the first time

The female vampire glanced at Jin Si, and took out two machine guns: "It's us, to be precise."

A reaper leaps at the female vampire from the wall.

The female vampire fired both machine guns at once.

Da da da--

The Reaper fell to the ground, but immediately got up unscathed.

And he grinned at the female vampire.

That petal mouth is pretty disgusting.

Another reaper pounced on the back of the female vampire, and his mouthparts were about to cover the female vampire's neck.

Reapers are very contagious, even if a vampire is bitten, it will be infected and transformed into a reaper.

The female vampire immediately aimed her gun at the mouth of the reaper behind her.

Da da da--

The Reaper's mouth was almost festered.

But when he got up again, his mouth had begun to heal.

This is the Reaper, and they have no obvious weaknesses other than sunshine and IQ.

At this time, a reaper rushed towards Jin Si.

The female vampire has been watching Jin Si's situation.

She hoped that Jinsi would attract the attention of all the Reapers.

That way she can run out of the alley.

She wears sunscreen all over her body and wears a cape with UV protection.

It is specially used as equipment for daytime operations.

After all, if it is night, the risk is too great.

Only during the day can she barely come out to move around and find food.

But the reaper who rushed towards Jinsi had his head and body cut open without warning.

Jin Si covered his head with both hands,

That tone was still trying to attack Jinsi.

With a powerful volley, Jin Si lifted the Reaper's head out of the alley and exposed it to the sun.

In an instant, the head of the reaper turned into ashes in mid-air.

The female vampire's pupils suddenly contracted.

What happened?

How did this fat man do it?

She didn't see Jin Si doing anything either.

The female vampire rushed towards Jinsi fiercely.

The Reapers behind him were in hot pursuit.

Jin Si stretched out his arms and hugged the female vampire horizontally, raised one foot, and imprinted it on the face of the harvester who was rushing forward.

The female vampire held Jin Si's neck with one hand, and shot with a pistol.

"Behind." The female vampire reminded.

Jin Si lowered his head, dodging the harvester's attack.

The Reaper flew into the air and landed in front of Jin Si.

Jin Si kicked again, and the reaper flew out of the alley, and was cooked to perfection again.

"Get out of here." The female vampire growled, putting on her hood at the same time.

Although the two of them cooperated to eliminate several harvesters.

However, these harvesters continued to increase, and the number not only did not decrease, but increased.

Jin Si rushed out of the alley with the female vampire in his arms.

The Reapers behind him were in hot pursuit.

So they had no brains, rushed out of the alley, and were exposed to the sun in an instant.

These reapers are only suitable for use as hunting dogs, and their IQ is much worse than that of ordinary vampires.

"Where do you live, I'll take you back." Jin Si asked with concern.

"Can you let me down? I can go by myself."

"No, the sun is so strong now, I want to use my body to shield you from the wind and rain."

"Then can you move your palm away first?"

"Ah, the situation was urgent just now, I didn't notice."

Jin Si swears that he put one hand on the female vampire's chest and the other on her hip, it was absolutely not intentional, this is the correct posture for a princess to hug.

"what about now?"

"do not mind the details."

Jin Si carried the female vampire back to her residence, an abandoned apartment building.

"Your living conditions here are a bit poor."

Jin Si felt that it was very distressing for such a beautiful woman to live in such a poor environment.

"I have everything here." The woman said disapprovingly.

"No, one man is missing."

Jin Si lowered his head and wanted to kiss the female vampire.

The female vampire suddenly hugged Jin Si's face: "You want to come now?"

"Don't you vampires sleep during the day?"

"(°_°)" the female vampire was speechless: "What's your name?"

"Meeting by chance, the name is not important, just treat it as repaying my life-saving grace, and you promise it with your body."

"I want to know who I handed over to for the first time."

The female vampire blushed and murmured suicide.

"It's my first time too."

This female vampire is a bit innocent, she seems to believe it.

"My name is Jin, how about you?"


What a first time, all female vampires can't believe it when they say it's their first time.

Jin Si was considered battle-tested and almost lost in the first round.

And all female vampires like to bite, and Nissa is no exception.

If it weren't for Jin Si's rough skin and thick flesh, he might have been bitten by her.

The second round of Jin Si can only be described in one word, the flood rushed to the Dragon King Temple.

Afterwards, Nisha got up and went to the refrigerator to take out a blood bag.

He threw away the blood bag after taking two sips, and vomited on the toilet for a long time.

When he came out, his face became paler.

Jin Si dug inside, took out a blood bag and threw it to Nisha: "See if this fits."

Nisha froze for a moment, looking at Jin Si who was only wearing boxers.

And this pair of boxers was just put on.

Nisha was sure that Jin Si didn't hide any blood bags.

Nissa sucked a mouthful of the blood bag, isn't it human blood?

But the taste is better than ever.

There seemed to be something in the blood.

Nisha felt better all over.

"What kind of blood is this?"

Jin Si stretched out his hand to embrace Nisha: "It's fine as long as it tastes good, you don't care what you got it from."

Nisha didn't care about Jin Si's actions, she would fill her stomach first before talking.

However, she found that even a living person could be sucked clean by her after starving for a few days.

But he actually drank half of the blood in the blood bag, so he was full.

At this moment, there was movement outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Nisha rolled over quickly and put on her clothes.

Jin Si's face darkened, and he was about to come to the second round, why did some ignorant people come out and act as light bulbs.

At this moment, several dark shadows appeared outside the floor-to-ceiling windows on the outer wall.

Reaper again! They climbed on the outer walls.

At the same time, there were sounds from outside the bedroom.

Several Reapers rushed in.

But they didn't attack immediately.

Instead, it surrounded Jinsi and Nisha.

At this time, another taller reaper came in outside.

The Reaper was not as demented as an ordinary Reaper, and his behavior was more like a person.

The reaper stared at Nissa, and then at the golden bed on the bed.

"My dear Nisha, you actually fell in love with this kind of fat pig and lost your father's protection. Have you fallen so far?"


Jinsi's glass heart was broken.

"How did you find this place?" Nissa looked at her elder brother angrily.

Jin Si hugged Nisha and asked, "Nisa, what is your relationship with him, why did he call you dear?"

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