Chen Hao showed very strong laning strength in this match against edg.

His laning strength, operations and reactions, control of details, etc. are all far superior to Ray.

The strength of both sides is not on the same level at all.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see this.

Chen Hao's attention also skyrocketed.

Especially after Miller said that Chen Hao is the strongest top laner in this world championship, it caused a small sensation.

The topic became hot all of a sudden.

Most of them are still questioning it.

It sparked a lot of discussion on the Internet

"The strongest top laner?"

"I admit that he is a bit powerful, but to say he is the strongest is nonsense."

"I also think Wawa is right. It’s too early to say who is the strongest. The group stage has just started. We haven’t even played a few games. How can we tell who is the strongest?"

"Besides, I haven’t fought against rng yet."

"Laetmi: The last top laner in the world seemed to be beaten so hard by me that I could hear sheep braying at night."

"khan: Good guy, the only difference is that the name is not written directly."

Netizens also started making jokes

"But it seems that this person used to be a member of rng, and Letemi was his substitute at that time. Do you think Letemi can win?"

Some people raised questions.

After all, last year, Letemic was Chen Hao's substitute and was far inferior to him.

"You have said that that was before, the past was before, and now is now. People are making progress."

"He's just a person who went to the European and American competitions to retire, what does it matter?"

"That's right, he is no longer a player in our lpl division."

"Just a player from another region"

"Look at Laetmi, how much progress he has made this year"

"I dare say that Laetmi now will definitely beat this Chen Hao."

"That's right"

"Support Laetmi!"

But more people still think that Laetmi is stronger now!


At this moment, the rng team is here. rngEveryone is also watching the game

"Laetmi, if you faced Chen Hao, how sure would you be now?"Xiaohu asked in a low voice.

Laetmi also thought about it seriously and probably replied,"It's like four or six."

"Are you six?"Xiaohu talked too much.

"No, he is six and I am four." Letemi shook his head.

Although he performed very well this year, after watching the game just now, he felt that he was still not sure when facing Chen Hao. The other party had a much better grasp of details than him..

This is because he has grown a lot this year. He has gained confidence.

He defeated many of the top top laners in lck.

If it were him before, facing such a terrifying Chen Hao, I'm afraid it would be 19 times.

…… edg lounge.

Abu's eyes darkened, and his face turned completely ashen.

Seeing his team playing like this in the early stages of the game, he was in a bad mood

"On the road again."

He made it clear before the game, but in the end something went wrong. He just wasn't stable on the top lane, which affected other lanes.

"Obviously just letting him stabilize is enough, why can't he stabilize?"

But so what?

They currently only have one top laner, ray.

EDG also wants to find a strong top laner. It would be best to find a player who was as good as Kourou in the S5 period.

But they can't find one.

"It wasn't entirely Ray's problem. At that time, he probably wanted to stop the opponent from teleporting to the bottom lane."The factory director touched the bridge of his nose. He guessed that Ray's idea at that time was to prevent Chen Hao from teleporting to the bottom lane, so he was tricked. The other party used his plan and set up a trap for Ray.

This man was very thoughtful.

This is indeed a terrifying opponent.

The factory director's eyes showed a hint of fighting spirit, and his calm heart was ignited with war.

He also wanted to try to fight against such an opponent.

Of course, if he wanted to fight, he would definitely have to fight. once

"snort."Abu snorted coldly.

He also knew that what the factory director said made sense. Ray would go close to the grass at that time. He was worried that Chen Hao would teleport to the bottom lane, so he thought about going over and interrupting.

But because there was no vision in the grass, he I don’t know what Chen Hao was doing.

However, he was killed somewhat imprudently.

Abu didn’t say anything else and continued to watch the game.

After this wave of losses in the bottom lane, their situation became difficult to win. They got up.

But their heads were still taken away by the opponent's C position.

Jhin received a head, and Dao Mei received another head.

Adding the original first blood, in this way, Dao Mei's development will be Very good.

When the time comes... on the single-band side, no one will be able to deal with this sword girl in the later stage.

This top lane sword girl seems to have become a hidden danger for edg.

Chen Hao... has become the focus of everyone's attention at this moment

"Chen, thanks to your teleportation this time."

The duo in the bottom lane were also extremely happy at this moment.

If this teleportation hadn't changed the situation of the battle, they would have been the ones who suffered.

A teleportation caused a murder.

Edg was extremely depressed.

Ray also felt very guilty in his heart.

"'s all my fault."

Ray is apologizing to his teammates

"It doesn't matter, we still have a chance."Now is not the time to pursue anyone's problem, but also to think about how to win.

How to stabilize the disadvantage.

This is the most important issue at the moment.

"How about I come to the road later and help."Hahuang thought for a moment and saw if he wanted to go on the road to help later.

"It shouldn't be necessary. After my level rises, it won't be so easy for the other party to kill me. I just need to be more careful."Ray shook his head and still rejected his teammates' kindness.

"Then be careful yourself."

Hahuang saw that Ray said he didn't need to help, so he continued to focus on the middle and lower roads.

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