Han Tian's Pike and Kaisha's state at this time was okay, and they didn't have to worry about the card big move flying down at all, plus Han Tian judged that the jungler spider on the opposite side should be in the Ueno area, so he and Kai'Sa pushed the line into the blue defense tower together.

Just when Han Tian was leveling the defense tower, Chu Junyuan, who was next to Han Tian, said loudly

"Your barrage is all asking why your Pike's ultimate damage is so high, you can answer. "

After Han Tian heard what Chu Junyuan said, he glanced at the barrage, and then apologized

"I'm sorry, brothers, I was just thinking about how to turn the tables. "

"Actually, it's not the reason for the high damage, and it's not the reason for the runes. "

"It's just that Pike's ultimate can ignore shields. "

"Big Eyes chose to open the shield at the last minute, if I wasn't playing Pike, there's nothing wrong with that, the only problem is that I'm playing Pike!".

"Obviously, this Big Eye doesn't know much about the mechanics of Pike's hero, and it's a bit of a coincidence that this wave can actually kill Big Eye. "

At the time when Han Tian was speaking, the weapon on the opposite side also caught the barbarian with the cooperation of the spider, and the two of them successfully pushed off a tower on the road.

After the two of them knocked down a tower, they went to fight the Canyon Vanguard.

The Bomberman and the Juggernaut in the middle lane kept wandering around the big dragon pit, trying to try to grab it.

Han Tian and Kai Sha worked together to knock out two-thirds of the blood of the defense tower on the lower side of the blue side, and then returned to the city.

Han Tian, who was returning to the city, moved his vision to Bomberman and Juggernaut.

Han Tian suddenly discovered that the Sword Master and the Bomberman wanted to take the lead, so he sent several consecutive retreat signals to the Bomberman and the Sword Master.

The Bomberman and the Sword Master didn't dare to grab this pioneer in the first place, so under Han Tian's signal, the two of them evacuated from the Great Dragon Pit and went back to the city to supply equipment.

Han Tian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that Bomberman and Sword Master had finally given up the idea of grabbing the vanguard

"It's good that these two people are back in town. "

"This wave of cards still has a big move, and the spider is two full levels ahead of the Sword Master, as long as the spider is not stupid in this wave, it is impossible for these two people to grab this vanguard!"

"It's even possible to give away two heads for nothing. "

"So this pioneer has to be released if he doesn't let go!".

After Han Tian finished speaking, he typed on the public screen of the game:

"Development, resources can be put away, as long as they don't die. "

Bomberman: "1".

Juggernaut: "1".

Barbarian: "1".

In this way, the two of them, Spider and Weapon, easily took down the Canyon Pioneer, and then returned to the city.

Han Tian took advantage of the time when the weapon and the spider were fighting the vanguard, ran to the upper road and ate a wave of soldiers, and went home to have a ghostly dream!

At the same time, after getting the Vanguard, the five people on the opposite side also gathered in the middle lane, and it seemed that they were ready to rely on the map resource of the Canyon Pioneer to knock down the middle lane tower.

At this time, under the first defense tower in the middle lane, only Kaisha Sword Master and Bomberman were guarded, and the defense tower's blood volume at this time was only half of blood!

So, Han Tian typed on the public screen:

"The first tower is released, wait for me and the barbarians to come, we will guard the second tower!"

"Whoever didn't flash and who did, report it!".

Barbarian: "The spider doesn't flash, the weapon does!"

Bomberman: "Cards have foil!".

Because of Han Tian's side, only Han Tian's record is the best, so the three people on Han Tian's side are very obedient to Han Tian's words at this time, and they will do whatever Han Tian commands.

So, the three of them retreated to the bottom of the second tower.

The Spider unleashes the Canyon Vanguard in front of a tower in the midlane.

With the collision of the canyon pioneer, the Zhongyi Tower on Han Tian's side exploded instantly!

Soon, the five people on the blue side cleared the wave of troops that had just come out of Han Tian's side.

After a while, under the leadership of the canyon pioneer, the five spiders arrived in front of the middle two towers on Han Tian's side.

At this time, the Canyon Pioneer is already accumulating strength, and it may crash into the second tower in the middle lane at any time.

At this moment, Han Tian's Pike and the Barbarian had just arrived in front of the second defense tower in the middle lane!

Han Tian looked at the canyon pioneer who was "about to move" and the five people on the blue side, and thought very calmly

"This wave could be a rhythm point, I must not make a mistake!".

"Ice and big eyes are the same, spiders are not foiled, weapons and cards are foiled, okay!".

After Han Tian had just sorted out the situation of the double moves on the opposite side, the Canyon Pioneer also crashed towards the second tower in the middle lane at this time!

The Canyon Vanguard knocked out a little more than half of the health of the second tower in the middle lane!

Suddenly, the card opens its ultimate.

When Han Tian saw that the card had turned on the ultimate, he quickly glanced at the card's equipment.

When Han Tian saw that there was a stopwatch in the card's equipment slot, he showed an expected look.

Han Tian instantly understood that the card wanted to use his ultimate move to start a group!

Sure enough, the cards are already starting to cut cards at the same time as they open their ultimate.

When the card successfully cut to the yellow card, Han Tian saw that the effect of the card's ultimate teleportation was lit up near Kaisha's floor!

So at this time, Han Tian's Parker also began to accumulate Q skills!

After 1.5 seconds, the card teleports to the same place where the ultimate effect was displayed.

Although Kai'Sa activated the E skill as soon as the teleportation effect of the card's ultimate light up in front of her and wanted to escape, she was still one step slower.

Although the teleported card was ticked by Han Tian's Parker hook, he still threw his yellow card on Kaisha's body!

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