As the two pushed their troops under the tower, their own Zelas also clicked a few "enemy is gone" signals in the middle lane, and then a few retreat signals in the bottom lane.

After Han Tian saw Zelas's signal, he opened the record board and glanced at the level of the male sword.

After opening the record board, Han Tian saw that the level of the male sword had not yet reached level 6, and at this time, the male knife was only level 5!

So, Han Tian said calmly

"It's okay, don't panic, this male knife is only level five, even the fourth-level Qinggang shadow on the opposite side has rushed over, and I and Draven have also fought. "

After all, Han Tian still glanced at the location of his wine barrel by the way.

Soon, Han Tian found the barrel at the location of the minimap.

His family's jungler barrel is brushing stone people in the jungle area at this time!

Before Han Tian was allowed to think about it, Han Tian saw the figures of the male knife and the Qinggang shadow appear from the river together.

The Green Steel Shadow E skill pulls up to the wall, and then walks towards Draven E.

The male knife flipped over from the wall near the red tower, intending to block Han Tian and Vincent's retreat.

On the other side, the rat also threw a W skill at Han Tian and the others, slowing down to Han Tian's hammerstone and Vincent's Delevingne.

The nurse followed behind the three of them, casually losing a Q skill and an E skill.

Han Tian saw that the nurse casually threw out the E skill, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked.

Afterwards, Han Tian didn't bother with the Qinggang Shadow who came over by E, because he believed that Vincent would definitely use the E skill to interrupt the Qinggang Shadow!

Sure enough, just after the two of them walked out of the silent range of the nurse's E skill, Draven's E skill interrupted the green steel shadow that was about to E on his face!

So, Han Tian manipulated the hammer stone and threw a hook towards the position where the Qinggang Shadow had been interrupted.

Qinggang Shadow was hit by Han Tian's hammer stone!

After Han Tianq hit Qinggang Shadow, he also decisively handed over the ignition in his hand to Qinggang Shadow.

Delevingne also pressed another Q skill after A's first knife, and then turned on the state of "three axes flying together" Ping A started the green steel shadow!

Because Draven's equipment is just so good!

Delevingne's three knife A was on the ignited Qinggang Shadow, and directly "killed" the Qinggang Shadow!

The male knife finally rushed from behind at this time, and then threw a W skill at Draven, and both W's hit Draven!

Although it didn't hurt much for the nurse to fight Delevingne with an unequipped mouse who had already come out with a small vampire knife, Delevingne still lost a full quarter of his health!

And the nurse on the opposite side also hung a light on Draven's body!

As long as the Q skill of the male knife hits Draven's body, adding a thunderbolt and then igniting it, Draven will almost be seconds!

However, Hammerstone's E skill is still in your hand!

Just when the male knife Q was facing Delevingne, Han Tian finally used the E skill!

Of course, Han Tian interrupted the male knife from the air.

After the male knife was interrupted by Han Tian's hammer stone, although he immediately flashed and leveled Delevingne, and hung it on fire.

However, the male knife outbreak without the passive is actually not that terrifying.

At this point, Draven still has a full quarter of his HP!

Seeing the male knife flashing over, Draven also handed over the flash that he had just turned the CD, and then opened the distance between him and the male knife.

Han Tian also manipulated the hammer stone and kept holding the male knife.

So, in the case of Draven's "kite flying", only four knives, the male knife also fell!


The Glory Executioner has completed a double kill!

After killing the male knife, Draven took another bite of healing, raising his HP a little.

Then the remnant of the blood Draven turned on the W and ran directly towards the full blood of the mouse.

The rat also blew up the stacked E skill, and then went on to fight Draven against A.

Although the rat is full of health at this time, the question is what kind of equipment the rat is now!

Finally, when the rat thought it was about to kill Draven, Han Tian threw a lantern at Draven.

Just this one lantern added a thin shield to the dying Draven!

Because of this shield, the rat did not succeed in killing Draven with the last flat A!

Instead, the rat was killed by Draven's last flat A with a Q skill!

Even though the nurse tried very hard to milk the mouse, the mouse still only held up Delevingne's four knives!


Glory Executioner completes a triple kill!

Then, Draven, who didn't even have a hundred blood, once again turned on the W skill and rushed to the nurse on the side!

Although Draven's blood volume is extremely small, the nurse doesn't have the slightest idea of fighting back!

So, the nurse turned around and ran.

At this time, Han Tian Hammer Stone's Q skill also improved again.

So, Han Tian handed over a flash towards the position where the nurse had escaped, and then threw a Q skill towards the position where the nurse flashed in a straight line.

The nurse saw that the hammer stone flashed, and there was also an animation effect when the hook appeared, and she also subconsciously pressed her own flash.

And just like that, the nurse "just happened" to flash on the hook of the hammerstone!

Vincent saw that Hammer Stone actually hit the flashing nurse, and subconsciously shouted:


Then he continued to chase after the nurse.

At this time, Han Tian's hammer stone also activated the second stage Q skill, and then turned the nurse back to E.

Delevingne, who was a few positions behind, also caught up at this time, and then cut off the head of the nurse with three knives!


Glory Executioner completes a quadruple kill!


The Glory Executioner is already super-god!

After Han Tian helped Vincent win four kills, Han Tian joked with a smile in the live broadcast room:

"Do you really think you four surrounded us?".

"Actually, it's just your delusion. "

"The truth is that the four of you are surrounded by the two of us!".

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