Military Technology

Chapter 3007: Adapt measures to local conditions and develop advantageous industries

Chapter 3007 Adapt measures to local conditions and develop advantageous industries

"So I was thinking about how to adapt to local conditions. The total area of ​​the five northwest provinces is almost three million square kilometers. If we include the central and western regions of Mongolia, it is nearly four million square kilometers, which is almost the same. one third of the land area.

But the population of the northwest region is just over 100 million, which is only about one-third of our total population. Only about one-third of the population lives in more than one-third of the land area. This can be said to be a truly vast land and sparsely populated area. "

“It is basically impossible to use the population to develop manufacturing industries and win factories relocated from the central and eastern regions like many central provinces do, because the population is too small, and the northwest region has never been a major exporter of population.

And although attracting manufacturing industries will help improve the development of the local economy, it will also bring new problems. For example, the most common thing is that the population flows to cities and the rural population decreases significantly. This leads to the hollowing out of the entire countryside and a large amount of land will be left idle.

Of course, the mistakes made in the central and eastern regions cannot be made again in the northwest region. How to develop balanced development has also become a question that I have been thinking about for a long time. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao glanced at Zhang Jun and Shen Ning, and then continued: "So I thought about it again and again, and decided to focus on the agricultural field. Relying on the advantage of the vast land and sparse population here, we will develop commercial planting and animal husbandry. , and strive to build the entire northwest region into a high-quality commercial grain production base, high-quality livestock area, and high-quality beef and mutton production area in the country and even the world.

In this way, the rural population can grow commercial grains or raise cattle and sheep. Or encourage the establishment of enterprises in rural areas, with villagers taking shares and starting joint ventures.

In this way, rural areas can integrate resources to become bigger and stronger, and farmers can not only participate in year-end dividends as shares, but also participate in the entire enterprise's production process as the main labor force, acting as employees responsible for production.

In this way, these rural people not only have stable jobs, which can bring considerable income, but also receive dividends at the end of the year, which is another considerable amount of income. Together, they can achieve a moderately prosperous life. "

As for cities and towns, they serve as distribution centers for the material resources of farms and pastures in the surrounding villages, such as providing chemical fertilizers, pesticides, grain seeds, cattle and sheep calves, veterinary medicines, expert consulting services on agricultural issues, veterinarians and other service industries, providing services to the surrounding villages. Providing services to rural agricultural and animal husbandry industries.

In addition, grain, cattle and sheep produced in surrounding villages can be concentrated in cities and towns for further processing. For example, grain drying, shelling and grinding are used to produce commercial grain.

Another example is the centralized slaughtering and deep processing and stratification of these cattle and sheep, and the rough processing of wool.

Use the surrounding agricultural and animal husbandry industries to promote the development of urban industry and economy, so that we can drive the overall development of the entire town and countryside.

After hearing Wu Hao's thoughts, Zhang Jun nodded in affirmation, and then said worriedly: "Of course the idea is a good idea. In fact, this is also the best development cooperation model for urban and rural areas at present. In many areas They all tried, but without exception they all failed, or the results achieved were not so ideal.

The reason is that there is no good industry as a foundation. How to make the agriculture and animal husbandry you mentioned grow stronger and have market competitiveness is an issue we must think about and pay attention to.

If this problem is not solved, everything you imagine will be a castle in the air. "

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