Military Technology

Chapter 2894 A journey of 0 miles begins with a single step

"Dear leaders, colleagues, and friends from the press, according to the data verification from the Xinyuehu Command and Control Center and confirmed by the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center. The Lunar Cargo 2 spacecraft lander system in this mission was launched at 20:03 Sixteen minutes and fifty-one seconds later, we landed safely and smoothly on the lunar surface. The landing site was in the northwest of the Lunar Sea, in the east of the Liffey Mountains, and at the center of the main landing site southeast of the main site of the Haoyu Aerospace Lunar Surface Research Base. Two meters away. The lander is in good condition, the first signal data is normal, and the system has begun subsequent operations according to the preset procedures. I declare that the lunar cargo transportation system has successfully landed on the moon!"

As the commander-in-chief of this mission and the general manager of Haoyu Aerospace, Yu Chengwu took the stage and announced the exciting news to everyone.

Immediately, the entire big screen began to turn red, and a huge red-themed poster was displayed on the big screen. At the bottom of the poster is a CG picture of the entire Lunar Zhihai Lunar Surface Scientific Research Station, as well as a vast lunar surface background, and behind it is the deep universe. And a little above the moon in the middle distance, the lander is slowly descending.

Above the CG screen, there is a paragraph of regular script, which reads "Warm congratulations to the Lunar 2 cargo spacecraft lander for its successful moon landing." It is simple, direct, clear and atmospheric.

If the first time was a bit poetic, this time it became much more direct. This also demonstrates a kind of confidence to the outside world, that is, there will be so many moon landing missions in the future that they have become commonplace and no longer do those chores.

Even so, the scene was very spontaneous. Especially those scientific research staff who have not been suppressed for a long time, at this moment we are releasing our suppressed emotions for a long time.

After witnessing the successful landing, the leaders once again met with Wu Hao and the scientific researchers responsible for the mission, shook hands, expressed condolences, and took a group photo before leaving with satisfaction surrounded by everyone.

Originally, the leaders wanted to take the opportunity to visit and listen to Cheng Mei's report on our development results in the field of aerospace technology, but they were canceled because it was too late.

We were relieved to see our leader Wu Hao off. Although Wu Hao and we are not familiar with the leaders yet, the little family still feels too restricted without us present.

It’s just us, everyone at the scene is the same, even the current atmosphere is the same.

Yu Chengwu said with a smile: "What follows is some finishing work, and the little head is not over yet."

Having said that, Wu Hao paused for a moment, and then said: "Of course, for you, it was just a special moon landing mission, and you will have fewer missions like that in the future.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Xiangming responded with a smile: "As long as we succeed, my family will feel hard work. Look at your family, don't you look like you are working hard now?"

Mr. Wu, that mission was finally a complete success. How do you feel now? Do you have nothing to say?

Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand, then said hello to several other persons in charge, and then left the scene. The reporters who passed the scene obviously had no difficulty in letting me go. We were blocked by a group of reporters before we could get out.

Hearing that question, Wu Hao smiled bitterly, it was still that kind of question. But since the other party asked, I still have to answer. So I put my mind aside, smiled and nodded at the reporters and cameras.

First of all, I would like to ask, what threat does your exploration of the moon that is 840,000 kilometers away pose to the self-reliance of meters? Could it be said that the moon belongs to Mi?

yes! The seven people responded immediately after hearing the words.

I would like to ask you, during the entire lunar exploration opportunity, did you have any actions or plans that threatened the whole world? Definitely not, please point it out.

Wu Hao had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree to be interviewed for a few minutes.

Wu Hao nodded and said: "The two of them have come to finish this hard work. Xiaojia has been working hard during that period. Please arrange for Xiaojia to rest as soon as possible and have a good sleep.

Since the moon belongs to the whole world, no one, company or country in the world has the right to explore and use the moon for peaceful purposes, and is subject to restrictions and threats from anyone.

Of course I was depressed, and I was very happy that the mission was a complete success. These achievements are due to the hard work and hard work of all your staff. You are proud of us, and you are proud of your always excellent team and collective. Xiaojia is really great.

Wu Hao looked at the small screen, and then said to Zhou Xiangming and Yu Chengwu who had not rushed back from the South China Sea: "I'll leave the next work to them, thank you for your hard work."

Of course, it will also affect the withdrawal of the project, and they will control the specific scale themselves. "

Don't you have anything to say about this? "

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and you will steadily develop backwards step by step to build the Bad Moon Zhihai lunar surface scientific research station. And use it as a platform to attract scientists from all over the world to do research here, so that you humans can better understand the moon, and lay the foundation for you humans to use the moon peacefully. "


Then, according to the tasks and work arrangements, the Xiaojia will be reasonably arranged to retire and take turns. "

Thank you Mr. Wu.

Hearing that question, Wu Hao squinted his eyes uncontrollably, glanced at the reporter, and then replied with an expression: "First of all, you believe and protest the accusations made by the Mi side. Those so-called accusations are completely baseless." It makes sense, but it is also very arrogant and rude.

Regarding your exploration activities under the moon, they are completely legal and compliant, and there are no problems. The detection data you obtained under the moon are also legal and compliant, and are protected by law. They are your private property and you have the right to claim them.

Secondly, it is even more difficult for you to imagine that a very independent commercial lunar exploration plan was instantly turned into an evil plan that endangers the whole world.

... Your company belongs to Mi, and Mi has the right to supervise you, and it also has the right to point fingers at you. "

Speaking of that, Wu Hao said softly to Zhou Xiangming and Yu Chengwu: "Everyone must be sure to ensure that Xiaojia's right and opportunity to take a vacation cannot be deprived because of work.

Wu Hao turned to look at Yu Chengwu and said, "You are still waiting to agree to his celebration banquet. You can have someone meet them, and they can choose a suitable time."

"Mr. Wu, just a few hours later, the Mi Space Administration said that their series of actions on the moon have seriously harmed Mi's legitimate rights and interests, and have posed a huge threat to Mi's danger and the world's danger. .We require you to disclose its moon landing plan and related lunar exploration projects in detail, and claim that the moon belongs to the whole world. We require you to disclose the lunar exploration data obtained after the project for research by scientists around the world. .

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