Zhao Guoqing's thoughts did not linger too much on the military uniforms, but Director Liu Qing also focused on the purpose of Zhao Guoqing's trip.

He personally refilled Zhao Guoqing's teacup with water and said with a smile, "General Master Zhao, you are a rare visitor!"

Zhao Guoqing smiled and said: "Director Liu, just call me Guoqing. If the matter is urgent, I will come directly to report to you!"

"Why is it so urgent?"

Zhao Guoqing said with a serious face: "The Eagle Eye project has come to an end. The participating units are recalling their scientific researchers. Seventeen people from the chip software team have left!"

"Seventeen people left?"

After the project is completed, is it abnormal to return to the original unit? What's wrong?

Liu Qingzheng was questioning, and heard Zhao Guoqing continue: "Director Liu, there are 57 people in the team. They range from chip front-end design to back-end physical design, high-level language programming, and use assembly language to compile high-level language compilers. Although they are not yet proficient in it, But no matter what, the core chip and core software of the fire control radar have been made..."

Director Liu Qing took a sip of tea and his expression became more solemn.

Zhao Guoqing continued: "Director Liu, they should be the first group of people in China to successfully complete the process from the front end of the chip to the final software and hardware debugging. When they return to their original units, will they still have the opportunity to design chips and write programs? They were originally Does the unit have such a plan?"

"Besides, Director Liu, these people are scattered across various units. Those on the front end cannot touch physical design, and those on advanced programming do not have the corresponding hardware compilers. They cannot complete the project alone. Please ask the General Staff to do more on this." think about it."

When Zhao Guoqing said this, Director Liu Qing took a long breath. The truth is very clear. Four threes are bombs. If you separate the four threes, they are nothing. Zhao Guoqing really reminded him of this in time.

"National Day, what do you think?"

"These fifty-seven people cannot be separated. They must be in the same unit and cannot be idle. They must continue to be given projects and the team must be expanded to include science and engineering students from major universities until they have the ability to independently develop chips. Ability to develop software and hardware systems..."

"Can't they develop chips independently?"

Zhao Guoqing shook his head. Director Liu Qing thought too simply. How easy is it to develop a chip? Without him sitting in front of you, how would he develop it?

"The functional analysis, architecture design, and module design of the chip are still not very advanced, and the design tools also need to be upgraded..."

"I understand, I can't do it without you, right?"

"Director Liu, you can't say that. Being able to participate in the development of a chip from beginning to end is already amazing. If we do it for a few more years, there will definitely be many people who can stand alone. By then..."

Liu Qing looked at Zhao Guoqing closely and asked, "What will happen then?"

Zhao Guoqing said with great expectation: "When the time comes, there will be two in one life, three in two, and three in endless..."

"You even told me the Tao Te Ching, tell me directly!"

Zhao Guoqing also smiled along with Liu Qing and said, "Director Liu, you know that the academic department has contacted me about compiling teaching materials!"

"You think I'm an old fool. I was the one who brought Director Pan Quanjin to you!"


Zhao Guoqing nodded and continued: "Major universities are now opening majors in semiconductor software and hardware. In four or five years, there will probably be graduates. By then, we will have many people in our team who can work on one of our own. Split the teams and assign them to cities where universities such as USTC, Tsinghua University, National University of Defense Technology, Xidian University, XIT, and Harbin Institute of Technology are located. In this way, we will have learning and research!"

The more Liu Qing listened, the more interested he became. He took out his cigarette case and lit one with a serious expression.

"This is what you call a one-stop service for industry, academia, and research. If you have studies, you will have research, but what about production?"

"In terms of production, it all depends on the General Staff!"

Liu Qing asked doubtfully: "Looking at the General Staff?"

Zhao Guoqing nodded and said: "What I mean is that first the military must place orders for them, and the state needs to give them certain support until they can support themselves. On the premise of ensuring military orders, they can take the initiative to develop the civilian market..."

"Civil market?"

"Director Liu, the civilian market is the key. If you look at the foreign civilian semiconductor industry, as long as the civilian market develops, it can also support military manufacturing even more!"

"We also need to produce and introduce photolithography machines, and rely on major universities and research institutes to build chip processing plants. It doesn't matter if the manufacturing process is lower. Chips with lower manufacturing processes also have their uses. As long as they can survive, we can slowly Improve the manufacturing process and cultivate industrial talents for chip manufacturing..."

"I heard that Japan helped us build wafer factories. We need to build more such wafer factories as needed, plus the refining of rare earth semiconductor materials..."

Zhao Guoqing drew a grand blueprint from basic materials to semiconductor chips, from hardware to software. Director Liu Qing, as well as Meng Fanxing and Ji Hongbo who were standing at the door and couldn't bear to interrupt Zhao Guoqing's speech, were stunned...

Who can see so far, see so carefully, and see so logically.

"National Day, can you refine your thoughts and form a report for everyone to study and study? Also, for the 17 people who left the chip team, the General Staff Council will coordinate with various units to bring them back. The rest do not need to return to their original units. …”

Zhao Guoqing said: "There is nothing wrong with the report, Director Liu. These fifty-seven people cannot be at the base. They have not been back for half a year. Many of them have families with them. The General Staff also needs to solve their practical difficulties!"

"Here, what do you think?"

"Beijing household registration, allocate houses, provide office space, solve education problems for children, family members... family members arrange work, so that people can live in peace of mind..."


"It's National Day. Do you know how difficult it is to get a house in the capital? It's also difficult to get job opportunities. They may not be willing..."

Zhao Guoqing shook his head. Some people are short-sighted and waste great opportunities.

What do these fifty-seven people mean? They are the pioneers of national chip software. After they develop and grow, they will drive the entire industry. A trillion-dollar industry, just a few dozen houses is nothing.

"Then let's go to Mianzhou. We Chengfei 14 have taken care of these fifty-seven people. As long as they are willing to come, we will provide them with houses and settlement expenses, and we will also take care of their children's education..."

Meng Fanxing just came in and said with a smile: "Look, General Master Zhao, why are you in such a hurry? Director Liu is telling the truth. The house in Beijing is relatively tense. Not to mention your team, there are others in the Science and Technology Commission Those who have been in class for five or six years have not even lived in Tongzilou yet! Comrades from other units who were assigned a house when they first came here have a hard time doing their jobs!"

When Zhao Guoqing saw Meng Fanxing and Ji Hongbo coming, he nodded and said hello, "Hello, Director Meng, let me explain, I'm not in a hurry, I'm serious!"

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