Zhao Guoqing has only been in Beijing for more than half a month, and his influence is far from over.

These scientific researchers have their own experience of how difficult groundbreaking research is. Some who know Zhao Guoqing's identity can't help but ask themselves a question.

"Have you worked hard enough over the years and have you achieved any results?"

A newly graduated college student can break through so many gaps by studying foreign language publications. What about you, do you feel ashamed...

As a result, all the existing foreign language publications were collected in a short time. The Ministry of Science and Technology immediately contacted the foreign affairs department and requested the collection of primary and secondary publications from various countries, the introduction of treatises on chemistry, physics, microelectronics, and even textbooks from well-known universities. Let it go.

The experts searched for their own professional articles, word for word, and they soon discovered that these cutting-edge breakthroughs had already been described in the text...

But according to these words, the results, especially the research on the material gallium nitride, are still a bit incredible from purely theoretical imagination.

"How about it?"

Liu Qing wanted to know what Ji Hongbo thought of Zhao Guoqing.

"Comrade Zhao Guoqing's computational mathematical model of the FET field effect transistor is correct after physical verification. This is a groundbreaking theory. In fact, we can develop a semiconductor structure with superior performance based on this mathematical model, but?"

Liu Qing raised his eyebrows, put down the teacup in his hand, and asked, "But what?"

"I have also collected the foreign language materials mentioned on National Day. There are introductions in this regard. Many of them are forward-looking ideas published decades ago." Ji Hongbo shook his head and continued: "There is too little preliminary information. , and there is not enough physical evidence to provide enough material to propose such a major theory?"

Well, some people are so good that it’s really hard to understand.

"That's not the point!" Liu Qing shook his head and said with a smile: "I remember reading an article that said that gravity is caused by an apple falling to the ground and hitting Newton. There are so many apples in the world that have been hit by apples!"

Ji Hongbo is also powerless. Director Liu Qing's words are just genius. Of course, at this time, there is no need to go online. After all, this young man on National Day is also very convinced!

"Gallium nitride transistors have superior performance and stable properties, and provide very good materials for our radar research. In the past, we were very clever and could not cook without rice, but now we finally have rice!"

"Furthermore, the three-level chip design theory proposed by Comrade Zhao Guoqing has also effectively solved our problems in chip design. The three-level setting of architecture, logic, and physics also facilitates us to cultivate corresponding talents. Director Liu, in this area, foreign countries have already done this I suggest that our universities also arrange corresponding majors, and by the way, there is also computer-aided design..."

"Is this what Zhao Guoqing told you?"

Ji Hongbo couldn't let go, nodded, and said: "Hey, Director Liu, to be honest, I always thought that I had been to Mao Xiong, Japan, and the United States, so I had seen the world.

But since I met Comrade Zhao Guoqing, I realized that I am just a frog in the well and cannot see how big the sky is. Although Comrade Zhao Guoqing is not old, his vision is not small. Director Liu Qing, I ask the General Staff to let Guoqing join Come to our Monster Snake 3 transformation project team! "

Liu Qing shook his head and said, "Let's talk about it! Qingda University is also looking for someone!"

He looked at Ji Hongbo, thinking that if you knew that gallium nitride light-emitting semiconductors and high-purity gallium nitride crystals were also made by Xiao Zhao, I wonder if you would still have the confidence to ask for someone...

Regarding the arrangements for Comrade Zhao Guoqing, the general staff ministries and commissions also had different opinions.

What Commissioner Xu means is that Tsinghua University, the Academy of Science and Technology, and China Electric Power have all put forward requests for secondments. The whole country is in a game of chess, and those who deserve support must still be supported!

And Liu Qing's opinion was also very firm.

"Comrade Xiao Zhao has made outstanding contributions to the scientific development of China, and his research on gallium nitride is a world-class achievement. These honors are still hanging on the Academy of Sciences. We must love our comrades and not harm us. Comrade, I think that for the subsequent work, we still need to integrate Xiao Zhao’s own ideas, as well as the ideas of the 14th Institute and Chengdu Aircraft Research Institute.”

Although the principle of dedicating yourself to the country makes sense everywhere, when you are dealing with people, you should be encouraged when you have achievements. Now that there is no honor and honor, people are still treated as tools and can be ordered around at will. This does not make sense anywhere.

"Besides, support is support, at what level? Xiao Zhao's contribution is enough to be a chief engineer, right? If you ask him to support as a university intern, who supports whom?"

Awareness is required, but it is not an unconditional compromise. Most of the chief engineers in the country may be better than Zhao Guoqing in terms of contribution, but academically, there are really not many. They can only break three gaps in a row.

One comrade said: "Comrade Zhao Guoqing has only been promoted to chief engineer in his twenties just three or four months after graduating from university. It is too incredible. This has never happened before. It is not appropriate!"

Upon hearing this, Director Liu Qing was unwilling. He put down his tea cup and said earnestly: "Comrades, the Academy of Sciences gave the honor to Comrade Shang Zijian. Do you know? Yale and Massachusetts in the United States, and Cambridge in England. A total of no less than twenty well-known universities have sent invitation letters to the Academy of Sciences, requesting to hire Comrade Shang Zijian as a visiting professor. For such a comrade, even foreigners can see his value. Our comrades are still working for him. Can we go to the chief division to argue, don't we know how to employ people? I still have the same opinion, and I respect Comrade Zhao Guoqing's own opinion first!"

"I agree with Director Liu's opinion, but how should we respond to requests for support from other units?"

Liu Qing took a sip of tea and said slowly: "Let them go directly to the 14th Institute and ask Comrade Zhao Guoqing to coordinate. Our General Staff is eighteen levels behind the 14th Institute. It is not appropriate for our General Staff to directly command the 14th Institute. National Day Comrade is a young comrade who has an overall view and lofty ideals. I think if he can support me, he will definitely support me.

Besides, at the level level, the country is also promoting the promotion of young comrades. I think as long as the 14 universities collectively agree, any result will be normal..."

Liu Qing's words unified the opinions. In fact, there are also more profound considerations. Chengdu Aircraft is a company that was established not long ago and shoulders heavy expectations from the country. With Comrade Xiao Zhao staying at No. 14, what kind of sparks will be created?

In fact, before attending the high-level meeting of the General Staff, Director Liu Qing called the 14th institute and talked to Zhao Guoqing on the phone.

A young comrade once said that only by laying a solid foundation can we look forward to the future...

It’s not easy to write. I was eaten several times. That’s it. I changed my attitude. I can then let go and have sex.

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