Zhao Guoqing is very afraid that one day, forty years of accumulated knowledge will suddenly be lost.

With some sense of urgency, he copied down the knowledge. After recording the notice, he deepened his understanding and became more excited. He didn't know how long it took.

The next day, Director Wang came to Zhao Guoqing's room and admired him even more.

This kid didn't sleep all night!

"Xiao Liu, bring the food to the room!"

"Okay, Director!"

Director Wang came to Zhao Guoqing's side and his eyes fell on his notebook. It was a picture. Just like yesterday, he couldn't understand it.

"National Day...National Day..."


Zhao Guoqing woke up suddenly, turned his head and said, "Director Wang, why aren't you asleep yet?"


Director Wang looked at Zhao Guoqing with bloodshot eyes, but he was in good spirits. He didn't know whether he wanted to cry or laugh when asked.

"Still sleeping, it's already dawn, but you are about to sleep, go wash your face quickly, and then go to bed!"


Zhao Guoqing looked around and saw that the sun was shining into the room.

"Haha! Time flies so fast, I don't even feel it!"

Director Wang looked at Zhao Guoqing again. He was knowledgeable, willing to work hard, and good at being a good person. Who wouldn't love such a person.

"You guys who are engaged in research, it's like you don't do anything for your life. I asked Xiao Liu to get breakfast. You can eat some before going to bed!"

"It's okay, I'm not tired!"

Zhao Guoqing felt very excited. For a 22-year-old boy, he really felt nothing after staying up all night.

"No, this is an order!"


Xiao Liu knocked on the door and said, "Director Wang, it's National Day, breakfast is here, today it's porridge and pickles!"

Director Wang glared at Xiao Liu and pretended to be angry: "What's the difference between porridge and pickles?" He took out a two-yuan note from his pocket (out-of-print two-yuan notes, have you seen it?) and said to Xiao Liu Said: "Go to the street and buy six fried dough sticks. Look for tofu curd to supplement your brain. By the way, add two...three eggs..."

"National Day, do you eat spicy food?"

Tofu brain to supplement the brain? Zhao Guoqing was also speechless, and he could feel Director Wang's love and care. He smiled and said: "Put less spicy, it's not spicy and tasteless. I'm from the south, and I can't eat spicy food!"

"Haha!" Director Wang turned to Xiao Liu and said, "It's slightly spicy, it's slightly spicy, hurry up!"

"Yes, Director Wang!"

Not long after, the steaming tofu puffs, fried dough sticks, and fried eggs arrived, and the aroma was fragrant.

Zhao Guoqing cleared the table and just thought of moving a stool next door so the three of them could eat together.

Director Wang swallowed, stopped, and said, "You can handle such a small thing by yourself. Xiao Liu, let's go to the cafeteria!"

"This...Director Wang, I can't eat it alone!"

"This is a mission!"

Come on, Zhao Guoqing picked up the oil paper bag, took two fried dough sticks and two eggs, handed them to Xiao Liu, and said with a smile: "Director Wang didn't lie to you, I really have a small appetite, help me eliminate some!"

"You!" Director Wang pointed at Zhao Guoqing and said with a smile: "Slippery!"

The tofu is very smooth and is Zhao Guoqing's favorite salty taste. The topping should be meat sauce with mushroom particles in it, and it is paired with fried dough sticks. It is a perfect match. I swallowed the fried egg in one bite and had a bite of the tofu. Zhao Guoqing is not too greasy either.

After three strokes, five divisions and two divisions, all the food was eaten. After a burp, Zhao Guoqing felt a little sleepy. He went to the toilet and put some water in, briefly brushed his teeth and washed his face.

Returning to the room, he picked up the notebook on the table and read it from beginning to end. He wrote more than sixty pages in one night. He put the notebook under his pillow, closed the door, and lay on the bed, feeling sleepy...

Director Wang was in trouble today. The 14th institute forgot to consider an issue. There is no ice cream factory in P city where the 504 factory is located, but there is an ice cream factory in Mianzhou, where the 14th institute is located.

Moreover, ice cream is only sold in spring and summer. When autumn and winter are cold, not many people eat ice cream.

Besides, they still support hundreds of people, and the income goes to the local government. If you, a military industrial enterprise, want to take their cake, you are asking for trouble.

Director Wang came back disgraced and saw that Zhao Guoqing was still writing.

"National Day, didn't you sleep?"

"I just woke up, Director Wang, how are you? Did everything go smoothly?"

"Stop talking! National Day, get ready, we will go into the mountains tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow, didn't you say we would stay for three days?"

"Hey! It's not necessary!"

Director Wang let out a long sigh.

Zhao Guoqing didn't know what to say. He watched Director Wang turn around and approach the room, and Xiao Liu followed suit.

That’s a good thing! If he really wanted to open an ice cream factory, it would take a lot of trouble. In Zhao Guoqing's opinion, he would rather open a semiconductor radio factory than an ice cream factory.

A dignified military-industrial enterprise used to produce ice cream, but no matter how you thought about it, it felt too cheap. If you think about it, in two years' time, those who make chips will go out to make non-staple food, and those who play with photolithography machines will go out to produce clothes.

Zhao Guoqing felt an inexplicable sense of urgency.

Returning to the table, Zhao Guoqing did not continue writing. He was thinking about how to get Institute 14 to agree with his idea...


There are 14 conference rooms in the mountains.

"It's impossible, it's simply impossible. This is disorderly conduct and random playing of the piano."

The person who spoke had half white hair, a thin build, and was wearing an old military uniform that had turned white after washing. His mood was a little intense.

"Eight hundred kilograms, the detection range is 60 kilometers, and the detection range is 100 kilometers in the staring state. The existing technology cannot reach it at all!"

"General Engineer Jiang, please don't get excited. The military has a basis for raising this indicator. The ANTAN M-135A array control radar mounted on France's Rafale fighter jets weighs only 600 kilograms. According to published data, the detection range is about 100 kilograms. One hundred kilometers, and it can reach one hundred and eighty kilometers under gaze..."

"The military has already released the data. We don't have to reach the top level, we have to reach the second-rate level!"

General Engineer Jiang shook his head and said: "Director Gao, you are also a technician. Our technology was born out of Yu Mao Xiong. The current airborne radar of Mao Xiong cannot reach such a light weight or such a long detection range!"

"Also, I always feel that the data published by Western equipment may not be accurate. The detection distance is one hundred miles, and the required electromagnetic wave intensity is at least three kilowatts. How can this power problem be solved?"

The false standard data of military equipment is an international practice. The MC-1549B radar on the MiG-21 aircraft is said to be able to detect 50 kilometers, but in fact it is only 20 kilometers.

At that time, domestic experts thought that Mao Xiong's export-type radar was castrated, but they found out in the end that it was completely a boast.

"Anyway, the mission is coming, what should we do!"

"Money, we still need money, we need equipment, redesign the argument!"

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