Military Genius Came To Another World with Zizhi Tongjian

Vol 2 Chapter 65: Battle of Irun Ferry (10)

   "Deng Jiaer! Take the coach away!"

   the cute little girl with brown hair and blue eyes shouted loudly.

   As soon as her voice fell, Allen saw a little girl with black hair and golden eyes, rushing out from the side with dozens of cavalry, and went straight to Nicholas who was about to fall from the saddle.

   "I won't let you save Nicholas!"

   Alan yelled and knocked off his horse, trying to drive the horse under his crotch to stop the girl with black hair and golden eyes.

   However, the horse under the crotch only took one step forward, and then Allen saw a black light flashing towards his head!

   Allen subconsciously lifted his right hand and raised the axe and gun in his right hand in front of him.


   The axe blade of the black axe gun of the brown-haired girl slashed heavily on the metal shaft of the axe gun that Allen raised.


   A huge force came from his right arm, causing Allen to let out a cry of pain.

   The horse under Alan’s crotch was also shaken a few steps back by the powerful slash of the brown-haired girl.

   This little girl, so powerful!

   Allen thought to himself while moving his sore five fingers on his right hand.

In this short period of time when the brown-haired girl stopped Alan, the black-haired girl with golden eyes and dozens of cavalry behind her successfully came to Nicholas's side, and will be crumbling in the saddle. Nicholas took away from here.

   Looking at Nicholas who was rescued, Alan's expression sank.

   "It seems that you can't take the head of the coach." The brown-haired girl said to Alan in a playful tone.

"Huh!" Allen said unhappily, "Don't be too happy too early! Nicholas has been seriously injured, and his intestines are almost flowing out. Maybe he will die after a while. As long as Nicholas is dead, then I will win. Up!"

   Allen raised the axe spear in his hand and pointed at the brown-haired girl riding a horse in front of him.

   "Girl, report your name!"

   An unexpected color appeared on the brown-haired girl's face, and she raised her right index finger and pointed at herself.

   "My name? I'm Alan, the younger sister of the new knight knight Su Cheng, and a servant of the knight."

   "Alan? Well, I remember it!"

   In this long passage of the brown-haired girl just now, Allen only remembered the word "Alan", and the series of "titles" before this word were selectively ignored by Allen.

   "What? Uncle, looking at your posture, do you want to fight me?" Alan said calmly.

   Alan didn't use words to answer Alan, but slammed down his horse's stomach, drove the horse forward, and then raised the axe spear in his hand high and slashed towards Alan, and answered Alan with the axe blade enveloping the mighty power!


   "Alyssa, did your 10th Army come to the rescue?"

   Enli said weakly.

   Because of the large hole in the left abdomen, a lot of blood has flowed out, making Enli's face extremely ugly now, and even his voice has become much weaker than usual.

   Alyssa, who is holding a spear, nodded.

   "Well, stop talking. Retreat quickly to stop the bleeding and treat it. If you delay it, you will die from excessive blood loss."

  Enli knew that he was in a bad state now, and staying here was just a hindrance to Alisha, so he nodded hard, and then turned the horse's head and left here.

   After Alisa appeared, Er began to frown and stared at her face.

   Because he felt as if he had seen this little blonde girl somewhere.

   After a while, E'er's eyebrows stretched out, showing a suddenly realized expression.

"Oh! I remember who you are, you are the daughter of the unified knight Ithel-Alisha Hill, right? Oh, Miss Alisha, you are as beautiful as the rumors. Your Excellency Iser, a rough man, can have such a beautiful and charming daughter."

   "Oh?" Alisha raised her eyebrows, "You actually recognize me."

"It's weird if you don't recognize it." Er snorted, "General Allen and I always fight against the Gabriel Knights. We all recognize the important generals and important figures of the Gabriel Knights. You are Gabriel. The daughter of the commander of the Knights, how could she not recognize her."

   "Oh, that's really unpleasant." Alisha said displeasedly, "You recognize me because of the name of the unified knight Ithel."

   After that, Alisa couldn't help but squeeze the barrel of the gun tightly, her brows frowned slightly, and a touch of anger appeared on her face.

   "But, I'm sorry, although you recognize me, I don't recognize you."

Er graciously waved his hand, "I'm not interested in these floating names, as long as I can help General Allen's hand to do things for him. But if you want to know my name, Miss Alisha, I am not wrong. I can tell you."

   "No, I don't need to know the name of the dead person."

   After that, Alyssa raised her spear and pierced her.


   Er slapped a shot, perfectly blocking Alyssa's stabbing.

  Although Alisha's stabbing was perfectly blocked, Er could not help but groan secretly with the tremendous strength.

   "Oh, even the name of bravery is the same as the rumors."


   Clang! clang! clang!

   Two lights, one black and one white, flickered continuously.

   Two axe guns, one black and one white, collided and staggered continuously.

   This little girl is so powerful! What a fast speed!

   Allen couldn't help but exclaimed secretly in his heart.

   In the duel between Alan and Alan, Alan’s burst of power and speed made Alan’s eyeballs almost fall out of his eye sockets.

  Basically, Alan can hit back with a single blow.

   Moreover, Alan's two blows are far more powerful than Alan's.

   Therefore, relying on the overwhelming strength and speed advantages, Alan has fallen into a disadvantage from the beginning of the match, and the disadvantages are getting bigger and bigger, and now he has been completely suppressed by Alan.

   can't do it! If you continue to fight, I will lose! Have to think of a way to get out!

   Alan, who was thinking about how to get away, heard a loud cry at this time.

   "General Allen! Retreat! The enemy's reinforcements are here, and we are almost unable to survive!"

   was fighting fiercely with Alan, and there was no time to see who came Ellen. In desperation, he had to borrow the light from the corner of his eye and follow the voice to look at the other party.

  Although he couldn't see clearly from the corner of his eye, Alan still clearly recognized the identity of the opponent from the style of the opponent's armor.

   is not the armor of the Britannia army... it is our armored Paladin!

   And the number is more than one, probably seven or eight armored Paladins.

   "What's the matter?!"

   Allen asked loudly.

   "The enemy's reinforcements are here! All crossbowmen! We are launching a fierce attack on our armored Paladins. Hundreds of cavalry have been killed!"



   At this time, on the other side.

   The 1,000 crossbowmen of the 10th Army formed three neatly arranged lines and fired at the armored Paladins who were rushing in the 7th Army’s phalanx.

   At the very end of the three archers lineup, Su Cheng was indifferently waving the flag and commanding the archers.

The crossbowmen in these three queues are not firing crossbows at the same time. These three queues are all fired in turns: one row prepares for launch, two rows prepare, three rows are set on the crossbow bolts, and one row passes through the gap between the two rows to the last row after firing. The second row moves forward and launches, and the third row fills up to the original second row position, and launches in such a progressive manner to ensure the continuous rain of arrows.

   This is also the most commonly used crossbowman tactics-three-stage strike, also called three-stage shooting.

A dense rain of arrows spilled out from the formation of the crossbowmen, passing by like a swarm in clear daylight. Although the armored paladins were all wearing light armor, the protective power of the light armor was in front of the crossbow. A slightly thicker piece of white paper is no different, so more and more armored paladins were shot down, and they wailed and fell to the ground with horses and men. Blood arrows shot up, and some blood arrows even shot like People are generally tall.

   However, while the arrows shot by the crossbowmen penetrated the bodies of the armored Paladins, they also shot through the bodies of many 7th Army soldiers.

   Many soldiers of the 7th Army fell to the ground wailing and tumbling in the place where they were shot by the crossbow.

   Many soldiers of the 7th Army were killed directly, and they couldn't even say a cry ~ Looking at the soldiers of the 7th Army who were shot to death, Su Cheng's eyes flashed with unbearableness.

   However, Su Cheng quickly erased the unbearable flash in his eyes.

   Now the 7th Army’s phalanx has been completely messed up, and 7th Army soldiers can be seen everywhere. There is absolutely no way to avoid the 7th Army soldiers while shooting the armored Paladins.

   But if we don’t stop the slaughter of the armored Paladins soon, more people will die, and the situation will get worse. Therefore, Su Cheng resolutely ordered the crossbowmen: Give me direct arrows! Regardless of whether there are our soldiers within the range, just shoot directly at the place where there are armored Paladins!

   More and more armored Paladins were shot down. Some of the armored Paladins finally reacted, and began to rush towards Su Cheng's crossbowmen queue.

   However, whether it is in the era of cold weapons or hot weapons, the best way to deal with cavalry is always to use long-range weapons.

   In the era of hot weapons, muskets were used, and in the era of cold weapons, they were bows and crossbows—especially crossbows.

  Before the intensive rain of arrows, unless the cavalry side has an overwhelming numerical advantage, it will not be able to rush through.

   There are only 4,000 iron-clad Paladins, while the crossbowmen that Su Cheng brought have 1,000, which is far from an overwhelming advantage in number.

   In addition, the armored paladins crossed from the east bank of the Fu River to the west bank, then rounded back to the side of the Britannia Imperial Army, and then began to charge again.

   Even if people are not tired, horses are tired.

   In the situation of exhaustion, the 4,000-man armored paladins could not rush to Su Cheng's crossbowmen at all, and could only be shot to the ground one by one.

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