Metropolis: King of Hackers!

Chapter 242 : The mysterious man appears!

On the fixed broiler server, Chu Hao started to build a sandbox environment. In the Wan-So plan, if there are any major problems, the fixed broilers can also be assumed.

After establishing the sandbox environment, Chu Hao decompressed the S0 plan package. The So plan package is not password protected, which Chu Hao expected.

When the So plan file package was being unzipped, Chu Hao immediately discovered that the CPU usage rate of the broiler server increased sharply through endless defense unloading.

Those files that were unzipped from the SO planning file package all started to run automatically, consuming the CPU resources of the broiler server, and at the same time they kept sending out information.

Not only that, these automatically running files are self-replicating in large quantities, flooding the sandbox environment in an attempt to collapse the sandbox environment.

Endless defense blocked the damage to the sandbox environment by these automatically running files.

Chu Hao analyzed these files and found that most of the files are malicious computer viruses, and a few files are system backdoors. There are also some log files, which scan the computer for things like account numbers and passwords, and then send them back to JFS.

In front of Server One, Chu Hao snorted coldly.

‘International Intelligence Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, you are really insidious!’ Chu Hao glanced at JFS in his heart, and then completely deleted the S0 plan in the fixed broiler, and cleared the sandbox environment and endless defenses.

The SO plan obtained from the International Intelligence Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was obviously an empty trap, and Chu Hao was a little depressed. at the same time. He was even more curious about what the SO project was.

Chu Hao, who is unhappy, once again came to the online world of Wasang Country, ready to play a game of police chasing a thief with JFS. Of course, Chu Hao plays the role of cyber thief, and JFS plays the role of cyber police.

After coming to the network of Wasang Country. Chu Hao first explored the JFS internal network. The backdoor of the system implanted by oneself. Chu Hao found the system back door. It still exists, which makes him very suspicious.

The security expert of JFS, did not find the system backdoor for the first time, Chu Hao would not doubt it. But the SO plan has such an insidious setting, Chu Hao is sure that the fixed broiler who accepts the SO plan. It must have been known by the International Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since even the broiler server knows it, Chu Hao really doesn't believe it if he doesn't know the backdoor of this system.

Since the International Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has known the system backdoor implanted by Chu Hao and they have not cleared it, it is obvious that they want to lure hackers in again, and then come to a urn to catch it!

The guy from the International Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is really insidious!

After guessing the insidious intentions of JFS, it is naturally impossible for Chu Hao to be fooled. As usual, Chu Hao logs on to the official website of NNNN TV station to check if there is any latest news.

On the official website of NNNN TV station, a big red headline is used to highlight a huge news headline.

"The International Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, easily extinguished Mr. M's offensive and successfully rescued the Dongdu Metropolitan Police Department"

Looking at this title, Chu Hao was a little bit dumbfounded. NNNN TV station likes to pull sideways as always. It is clear that Chu Hao did not fight against J2.4FS, only a small botnet was left behind, delaying the prevention of the International Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

But in the mouth of NNNN TV station, it became JFS that hit Mr. M severely and defeated Mr. M steadily. How shameless it must be to write a press release?

Chu Hao read through the whole text and suppressed a laugh. Suddenly, he found something strange at the end of the article. .

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