Metropolis: King of Hackers!

Chapter 197 : Watch Toyo!

The so-called target aircraft is an aircraft that serves as a target. The remote reconnaissance aircraft in active service in the Rongcheng Military Region quickly withdrew from the installation stage after the steel number was quickly installed.

Two remote-controlled reconnaissance planes took off and flew towards the two steel.

The small airborne radar of the Iron and Steel immediately spotted two remote reconnaissance planes, and the radar sighting system locked the two reconnaissance planes.

"Eight Nine Zero" Li Yuan proudly used the radar sighting system to lock a remote-controlled reconnaissance aircraft and immediately launched the Flying Arrow B air-to-air missile!

The targeted remote-controlled reconnaissance plane was immediately blown into fragments by the Arrow B air-to-air missile.

Li Yuan was not satisfied, but continued to lock and aim at another remote-controlled reconnaissance aircraft, and once again launched a Flying Arrow B air-to-air missile.

Chu Hao smiled and watched Li Yuan attack the two remote reconnaissance planes. He didn't mean to do anything at all.

"Hahaha, I won! Chu Hao, I won!" Li Yuan looked at Chu Hao triumphantly.

Chu Hao shrugged and said, "If you win, you will win! Li Yuan, what do you think is the point of playing like this?"

Li Yuan smiled stiffly, "Chu Hao, what do you mean

On the other hand, in the online world, the situation has not calmed down because of the disappearance of Raphael, CPXJazz, and Mr. M. Instead, there is an increasingly dignified breath.

Ordinary netizens can't feel it, but the masters in the hacker circle basically know it!

Every year closes to the New Year's Day, as if celebrating the New Year, virus and Trojan horses are breaking out, hackers are rioting, and the online world will be in chaos for a period of time.

After escaping from the CNS, the Sakura group of Wasang country held a grudge against CNS, but the strength of CNS is almost the same as JFS. If the four major cyber security bureaus are added, it will be stronger than JFS.

The Sakura group naturally dare not provoke the CNS and the four major cyber security bureaus, but they are hackers and can attack the Xia Guo network!

Headed by Fan Sakura of the Sakura group, in the online world, a large number of hackers have gathered and are ready to take action against Xia Guo.

Xia Guo’s hacker organization is also about to move, headed by the hacker alliance, especially the black heart in the core layer of the hacker alliance. I don’t know what hatred he has with Vossan State, and he continues to express his intention to launch against Vossan State in the hacker alliance Cyber ​​sanctions.

Although Xia Guo’s third-generation hacker organization is not very powerful, they have a huge number. The third-generation hacker organization is currently in a group, and in the online world, a large number of broilers are captured.

They are ready to launch the most basic DDOS distributed denial of service flood attack. With a huge number, launch an unfavorable offense.

The abnormalities in the hacker circles of Xia Guo and Wo Sang Guo fell into the eyes of CNS and JFS.

Since CNS suspected that the cherry blossom virus was related to the pink cherry blossom last time, it did not interfere too much in the country's hacker community, and even faintly condoned it.

JFS also has the same idea. JFS suffered under Mr. M. Mr. M’s several deeds made JFS suspect that Mr. M is from Xia.

They hope this cyber war will shake Mr. M out. If you can catch Mr. M, 2.4 would be great!

Chu Hao first logs in remotely to access the No. 1 server. Fortunately, in the dormitory bedroom, Chu Hao prepared a high-definition camera, otherwise it would only have to be verified with a mobile phone, which is a little troublesome.

Passed the verification of the behavioral dynamic characteristics of the No. 1 server's endless defense. Chu Hao controls the No. 1 server, connects to the No. 2 server of Leyu Company, and logs on to the official website of NHK TV station to check the latest news from Wosanguo. .

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