Metropolis: King of Hackers!

Chapter 162 : Hacker hunter one by one Kevin!

The first part is to allow Kevin to cooperate closely with the anti-triad operations of the Federal Detective Agency, the Federal Spy Service and the Ministry of National Security recently. Recently, some hacker organizations are going to "strike hard".

The second part is to ask Kevin to serve as a "hacker hunter" coach to train excellent anti-triad personnel for the M Empire government. In the future, a special department will be established, and their ANSG team will also be merged into that department.

"The Hacker Hunter" Kevin gave a bitter smile in his heart, wondering if he has played such a role over the years? It's really enough image!

The things ordered above must be done. This is an order and no discount is allowed. Although Kevin is extremely reluctant to do this job, he is also very helpless.

The only thing that can comfort him is that he can meet various hacker masters at work and experience various offensive and defensive methods.

The government often only pays attention to the result and not the specific process in the middle, so it is often unscrupulous.

Just like when they arrested Kevin, they used the inside to trap him. Kevin believes that the anti-triad campaign this time is similar, and he is really unaccustomed to working with them.

Thinking of it, Kevin is very envious of Chu Hao, who is obviously more mature than himself. So far, he can still do what he wants to do as he wants, and he can continue to charge MIT once before.

Kevin is also complacent and smug for his fame as "the world's number one hacker", but now, he has long understood that these fictitious names have not brought him any benefits, only the tangible benefits are the most real. It's really tiring to carry such a name!

When Chu Hao is reading books recently, he always has a series of strange ideas. These ideas are so weird that he sometimes finds it absurd, but he can't help but think about it.

Are things that others think simple are really that simple? Are things that people generally accept for granted are correct?

Einstein said: "What is time? Many people figure it out at a very young age, and I haven't figured it out after decades of thinking."

Naturally, Chu Hao is not sure that these ideas of his own are correct, but there is always no harm in thinking about it this way. The existing methods cannot make a breakthrough in this area. Why not take a different approach? Thinking of the problem from another angle may have unexpected gains. .

Of course, Chu Hao's "differentiated path" is not just to imagine it out of thin air. He has read a lot of literature and found that many experts and scholars have put forward similar views as his own.


For example: Is the world discrete or continuous? Before the development of discrete computer mathematics, people believed that the world was continuous because all physical phenomena showed continuous characteristics.

Therefore, on this basis, a series of perfect mathematical systems such as calculus and differential equations have been established. These mathematical theories have been widely used so far, and practice has proved that these theories are correct.

However, after the development of discrete mathematics, everyone began to realize that the natural world is also discrete, and computers are just one of the examples of the successful application of discrete mathematics. At,

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