Glancing at the live broadcast room without a barrage, ** paused slightly, leaving some time for the audience in the live broadcast room to digest it, and then continued after a while.

"In the myth of Nuwa's creation of man, the god Nuwa mixed yellow mud with water, kneaded the dough, kneaded the dough, and kneaded the dough into the first doll-like little thing, as soon as this little thing landed, it came to life, and opened his mouth to call Mom!"

"I think a large part of this part is still the subjective conjecture of later generations, especially the point of calling mother, which cannot be true, but later generations have added a lot of romanticism!"

"So, there are parts of myths that can be referred to, and there are parts that need to be excluded!".

"Based on this story, we continue to make reasonable conjectures in the manner of a high civilization. "

"We have already said that there are two possibilities for the emergence of human beings, one is that they existed on the earth and were later discovered by advanced civilizations, and the other is that advanced civilizations brought primitive humans to the earth from other places. "

Based on these two possibilities, we combine the myths and legends of Nuwa to make reasonable conjectures. "

"I have said that there are legends of gods creating people all over the world, especially many legends that there are relevant information about gods breathing on things in human form and then people coming back to life, I believe this is not a simple coincidence, it is likely that similar things were happening all over the world at that time, and there were many humanoid things that were breathed out and people came back to life!"

"Since we all have this breath, we need to figure out what this breath is!"

"Viewers who have watched science fiction movies should often see such a scene, when humans need to fly long distances, they will first put humans into a state of dormancy, and after arriving at the destination, some kind of gas will appear in the dormant chamber, which will make people return to a state of consciousness, as if people have come back to life!"

"Can we boldly guess that the breath of the gods in myths and stories is the kind of gas in the dormant chamber that awakens dormant humans?!


"With the degree of civilization of primitive society, feudal society, it is obviously impossible to understand this gas, and finally this gas is called blowing out of the mouth of God!".

"So can we think that the so-called Nuwa created man, in fact, the advanced civilization woke up the human beings they brought from other places from their dormant state, and the awakened primitive people would naturally run around, shouting, and later generations thought that they were calling Nuwa the great god Mother?"

This can explain why the plans of the world to create human beings are so similar. "

"Because at that time, the awakening of primitive man was carried out in multiple places on the earth at the same time, and the method of awakening primitive man was to use that gas to awaken him!"

**Analyze the myth and legend of Nuwa's creation again, the audience in the live broadcast room was stunned again, and after a long time, the live broadcast room exploded again, and the barrage like a blizzard came overwhelming!

"Can you still analyze Nuwa's creation of man in this way? Could it be that all those myths and legends are like this?!".

"My worldview has been completely turned upside down, and according to the streamer, it is very likely that human beings were brought to Earth by the existence of advanced civilizations in spaceships from other places?!".

"Humans are always looking for aliens, in fact, we ourselves are aliens?!".

"The theory of evolution has been overturned, and now the anchor has you told me that humans are likely to be aliens?

"Who, didn't you summon the professor from your university? Hurry up and let the professor come out and give us an analysis, I feel that my head is a little insufficient, a little dizzy, I want to take a break!"

"Is there any doctor, the professor is in the live broadcast room, come out and help us analyze and see if the anchor is fooling us!".


The audience was all crazy, and they couldn't accept the conjecture that humans were advanced civilizations that brought the earth from other places, and that humans were aliens.

This...... It's terrifying, it's ridiculous, it's incredible, it's inhuman!


Professor Wang of the Department of Physics of Qingdao University had just returned to the office from the classroom after class, and before he could sit down, he suddenly received a text message on his mobile phone, which was sent by a student who had taught in the past and now graduated.

"Overturning Darwin's Theory of Evolution and Revealing the Secret of Human Origins?!".

After clicking on the text message casually, and seeing the content inside, Professor Wang was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect this former student to send him such a message.

Thinking that it was a good thing to still like learning Xi new things after leaving campus, Professor Wang clicked on the link in the message, and then he couldn't stop!

"It's rare, this anchor is so young, it looks like he should be a college student, I didn't expect to have such a deep understanding of evolution, the origin of human beings, and ancient myths and legends

After a quick replay of the live broadcast, Professor Wang kept nodding his head while watching.

At this moment, many people in the live broadcast room were crazy @ some knowledgeable people, doctors, and professors came to analyze what they were talking about, and they already felt that their heads were not enough, and they needed a great god to lead the team!

Looking at the barrage full of doctors and professors coming out to lead the team, Professor Wang thought for a moment and sent a barrage.

"Hello everyone, I'm a professor in the Department of Physics of Qingdao University, and I usually study the origin of human beings, cosmic civilization and the like, first of all, Darwin's theory of evolution has indeed been overturned, but as the anchor said, it is not fully disclosed, but it is an indisputable fact in the field of science!

As for the anchor's analysis of mythological stories, well, it's very interesting, the conjecture that God is a high-level civilization is a bit fanciful and bold, but it is reasonable, within the scope of science, there is no problem with certain conjectures.

However, these two myths alone still cannot be used as strong evidence to prove that such an advanced civilization appeared in the primitive era, and it is even more difficult to prove that human beings appeared on the earth through this method, after all, many myths and stories are false.

A reasonable conjecture made with something false, even if the conclusion is reasonable, is still false and can only be used as a reference, but it cannot be used as strong evidence!

I don't know if the anchor has any other evidence that can prove your conjecture!".

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