Hearing **'s question, there was no sound in the live broadcast room, there was not a single barrage, everyone knew that they were going to officially enter the theme next, and at the same time, they were also shocked by the history of the earth's evolution that ** just said.

For a while, no one sent a barrage, all of them were trying to digest all kinds of information from the mouth, they knew very well that these information was the basic information to understand the origin of human beings, not to understand, but at least to know, otherwise it would really be a book from heaven later!

At this moment, ** throat moved slightly, and he spoke again.

"First, a few questions!"

"1. Fossils record that life appeared on the earth as early as about 3.5 billion years ago, but how did life come to be, and why did there be a great explosion of life in the Cambrian 540 million years ago?".

"2. What caused the Fifth Mass Extinction, that is, the Cretaceous period when the dinosaurs became extinct? If it was caused by a meteorite hitting the earth, was the meteorite impact on the earth an accidental event or a premeditated event?"

"3. Throughout the long history of the evolution of life on earth, from 3.5 billion years ago to the emergence of apes more than 2 million years ago, the long 3.5 billion years of evolutionary history, all creatures are doing one thing, reproduction and predation, why only human beings finally create and invent?!".

"Fourth, if biological evolution is random and adaptive, it should be universal, why do other organisms still do things like reproduction and predation in the same era as human beings?"

"Fifth, if ants move to the snake aisle, there will be heavy rain tomorrow! We also live in the advanced generation, why do other creatures have a very strong ability to sense some natural weather and natural disasters, and why don't human beings have to predict this information through scientific methods such as seismographs?"

"6. From ancient myths and legends to today's exploration of the universe, it can be said that human beings have always had an obsession with exploring the universe, why is this?"

"You can take a moment to think about the above six points, and then think about whether humans really evolved little by little like other primates, and will it be a little too special?!".

**Quickly write five questions on the blackboard, and there was a dead silence in the live broadcast room!

"This ......


Bai Li, who was at the live broadcast site, was stunned, her eyes widened, and her face was full of shocked and incredulous expressions.

Before that, in addition to the first two points, she had a little understanding, knowing that life on the earth evolved little by little from single-celled organisms, knowing that the extinction of the dinosaurs was likely due to meteorites hitting the earth, and she never thought about the next four questions.

Now she was suddenly raised by ** together, and she was immediately shocked.

In particular, these questions are all very scary, human beings seem to be really different from other creatures on the earth, they are completely alien, other creatures have always revolved around reproduction and predation, and human beings have been developing in terms of creation and invention since the Stone Age, until now!

At the same time, the other viewers in the live broadcast room were all shocked and their jaws almost fell to the ground.

"Humans really seem to be different from other creatures, why are they so different?!".

"Could it be that humans really came from alien immigrants?!".

"Maybe whether it is human beings, many creatures on the earth may be alien immigrants, and even the Cambrian explosion of life is very likely to be driven by extraterrestrial creatures!"

"Is it still necessary to ask whether the meteorite hit the earth by accident or premeditated? If so, it was premeditated...... Oh my God, what secrets are hidden behind the earth?!".

After a long time, the audience in the live broadcast room gradually sent barrages, and then there was an overwhelming barrage, like a dense blizzard, covering the screen of the entire live broadcast room.

Everyone was shocked, frightened, these questions are really scary, as long as you think deeply, your scalp will be numb, surrounded by a strong sense of panic, and oppressed!

At the same time, Professor Wang and the others were all asked by the six major questions, and they couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

There is a saying that the ignorant are fearless.

Those of them who have a lot of research on science, history, and the origin of biology, after listening to the major questions of **, the horror they feel is far more powerful than that of ordinary viewers in the live broadcast room!

Because these things that they know, they are right, and they are basically scientifically recognized, but many of the six major questions raised by ** are the first time they have heard.

The most important thing is that, according to their own knowledge, through the six major questions, they instantly associate more things, and the sense of panic is stronger.

This is to stand on the shoulders of giants, and only by standing on the shoulders of giants can we see higher and farther.

But the person who can take that step, it is difficult to have one in ten million, and ** is the person who takes that step!

"Wang, have you ever heard of the Martian Boy?".

A history professor's eyes widened, and his face was full of horror.

"The Martian boy?" is the Russian boy who can look up in five days and say that he has lived on Mars?".

Professor Wang pondered for a moment before speaking.

"Yes, the Martian Boy once said that there will be a protector in the ...... of **


The fear on the face of the history professor was even greater, and the last few words were almost squeezed out of his teeth!

"Protector, you mean **?!".

Professor Wang was taken aback and said subconsciously.

"Not only **, but also the Martian boy who said this prophecy!".

The professor of history was already firmly enveloped in boundless fear, and did not reply to Professor Wang's words.

A professor of mathematics on the side suddenly spoke at this time.

In an instant, a more terrifying question appeared in everyone's hearts, if ** is really the protector of the Martian boy's mouth, then has the Martian boy really lived on Mars?!

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