Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 1148: Escape

He flew out of the forest with his implements, and when he saw the familiar figure that he had never found in the air, he suddenly burst into tears: "Feng Jiu!"

Since this time, they have habitually trusted him and relied on him. No matter what kind of situation he is in, as long as he is there, they all believe that they will finally be able to make a living.

It was the same before he was caught by the eagle, and it is the same now. Just, why did the eagle follow Feng Jiu?

His heart was amazed, excited, worried, and confused.

At the moment he flew up, Feng Jiuxin was loose, this fat man, the brain finally turned. However, in the next moment, her face turned out to be exclaimed.

"Be careful!"

From the woods, a giant tiger suddenly rushed into the sky. Unlike the injured one she had seen before, this front foot was not injured. The unfolding wings patted the wind blade and flew straight up. The fat man in the middle of it.


Ning Yu exclaimed, immediately took out the long sword and sent the spirit of breath to the rushing tiger. The fierce sword smashed out a spiritual airflow, but only hurt the flying tiger. At the end of the wing, however, it is not its stop attack, but the more fierce bloodthirsty it kills.


The roar of the roaring sound came out with the pressure of the holy beast. It shocked the eardrum and hurt the body. The blood in the body also rolled up, and the faint rushed out of the breakthrough.

Under the pressure of the sacred beast, his face was white and he tried to stabilize his body, but he still shook his body because he had to avoid the flying squid. The whole person was planted from the flying instrument. Go on.


The panicked voice crossed the sky, and at that moment, a red figure swept to catch him before he planted the ground, and the flying tiger in midair fled back in panic under the pressure of the eagle's beast. In the middle of the forest, I dare not stop.

"Feng Jiu, I thought I was dead." He was going to hug him with his open hands, but he couldn't get close to the half step by his shoulders. Seeing this, he could only look at him with tears.

"How is it so hurt?" Feng Jiu frowned and looked at the blood oozing from his calf. She held him to the tree and sat: "You can't do this, it's too messy, this wound is still Seeping blood!"

"That is the two tigers who scratched me. They both bullied me when they were both holy beasts. I kept running all the time. If I didn't run fast, I won't wait for you to save me. I will be given them. Eat it." When he said this, he was wronged.

Feng Jiu untied the cloth that had been stained with blood on his calf, and he couldn't help but frown. The flesh and blood is blurred, and the meat inside is turned out, which shows that the wound is not light.

"If the wound is not cleaned, it is easy to get infected with the medicine. You endure it. I will clean it up and re-apply." She said, taking out the space and cleaning the wound.

"Feng Jiu, how did the eagle stay with you?" Looking at the eagle who had hovered in a circle and then flew down, he couldn’t help but tighten his body and instinctively protect the egg in his arms. .

"I was chasing me for the egg, but then it was caught by people. I saved it. It followed me and said that I am coming to find you to return the egg." When she said this, she blinked and stopped. The eagle on the side. ?

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