Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Chapter 6, Abdication


On September 12, 1931, Ferdinand officially announced his abdication.

The next day, little Ferdinand was crowned emperor—Ferdinand II came out in shock.

Although everyone has known it for a long time, it is still shocking. At the peak of the empire, it is also the peak of individual rights-abdication, Ferdinand is a historical precedent.

Now, Ferdinand is giving an abdication speech in Congress. It seems that the fans do not agree to the star's retirement.

At this time, the Bulgarian people did not want Ferdinand to abdicate. Although Ferdinand looked good, he was still not as reassuring as the great emperor.

"It is a great pleasure to meet you here today. I have been in this position for 44 years since I succeeded to the throne in 1887!

Time is not forgiving, the young and vigorous me at the time no longer exists, and now what is left is an old man in his dying years.

Frankly speaking, sitting in this position, I fight every day, fearing that something will go wrong, I will make a wrong decision, and bring this country into the abyss.

It is not easy for Bulgaria to get to where it is today. This is the common credit of all Bulgarian people and the blessing of God.

Now that I am getting older, it is not suitable for an old man to live like walking on eggshells.

So, I have made a decision to pass the throne to my eldest son, Ferdinand the Younger, who is still young and strong enough to take on the responsibility.

This world is destined to belong to young people, and I believe that the next generation of Bulgaria can shoulder this burden and develop this country..."

In the Capitol, Ferdinand gave a speech for more than two hours without any signs of aging.

It confuses many people, didn't it mean that Ferdinand the Great was forced to abdicate because of his health? Why is this man in front of him full of energy and doesn't look sick at all?

No matter what, as the biggest boss in the world, everyone is still very supportive, without the slightest impatience.

Not only in the Capitol, but also outside the broadcasting station, the whole of Bulgaria stopped at this moment, and the people spontaneously turned on the radio to listen to the emperor's farewell speech.

After the pretense was over, Ferdinand ignored the crowd and left the stage directly. Now he doesn't need to care about these details anymore,

This is the privilege of being immortal.

No one would feel rude, even if it was really rude for him to do so.

Konstantin and Chekhov in the audience looked at each other and made a decision in their hearts. Obviously, this speech also has political implications.

Konstantin, the prime minister, has been in office for nearly forty years, and Chekhov has been in the cabinet for even longer. After such a long time, they have naturally accumulated a supreme reputation.

It didn't matter when Ferdinand was the emperor, no matter how high their prestige was, they could hold it down, but now it's no longer the case with Ferdinand Jr.

In the face of these heroes, Ferdinand Jr. has no confidence, so the cabinet must also be replaced.

However, all of them have made outstanding achievements, and it is not easy to get rid of them, at least it is difficult for little Ferdinand.

Just like when William II ousted the iron-blooded Prime Minister Bismarck, he paid a painful price for it. After so many years, some people still criticize him on this issue.

As a good father, Ferdinand naturally wanted to help. It would be too unreasonable to let them go home directly, and Ferdinand didn't want to be too mean.

Then letting them leave voluntarily is the best choice, so as not to hurt the feelings of the monarch and ministers, hello, hello, hello, everyone.

Excuses are readily available. Ferdinand said he was old, and they were older than Ferdinand, so naturally they could also say that they were old.

Even going out after retirement, Ferdinand has arranged for them in advance.

The Senate of Bulgaria was born a long time ago, and several retired marshals joined it before, and now it is no big deal to add a few of their cabinet ministers.

Soon after Ferdinand took the throne, Prime Minister Constantine submitted his resignation to him, and then several other cabinet members also submitted their resignations one after another.

They have all retired, and they have reached this point. Unless there is a breakthrough in human genetic technology and a substantial increase in human life expectancy, there is no cabinet that can compare with them.

Time alone is not enough. If it is not a special period, the cabinet wants to be re-elected for 40 years, so go ahead!

Now the Bulgarian cabinet has no hope of entering before the age of 50. It is impossible to reach the age of 90, so what should the latecomers do?

Political achievements also need time to pile up. If they are elected every five years, no matter how capable they are, there is no way for them to achieve earth-shattering feats in such a short period of time!

It can only be said that they caught up with the good times. At that time, Bulgaria was short of talents and there was no better choice. They rushed ducks to the shelves when they were in their thirties.

Then, Bulgaria broke, and so did their exploits.

Because, the credit is too great, naturally no one will drive them out, after all, they were young before.

They can't be forty or fifty years old, let them abdicate, right? This can't be justified!

The golden age of a politician is fifty to seventy years old. There are presidents who are in their nineties in later generations. Most politicians in this era will retire from politics after they are in their seventies or eighties.

At this time, they choose to leave, and everyone can accept it. Everyone is in their seventies and teens, and they have limited energy and cannot do the work of the cabinet. Everyone can also accept it.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, with your physical condition, you can do another term. There is no need to leave in such a hurry!" Little Ferdinand said

Although Constantine thought so in his heart, he still decided to leave. Once he was the emperor and the courtiers, he would not be welcomed by others if he continued to stay.

He has already achieved fame, there is no need to cause trouble for himself at the last moment, it may be a political stain.

"Your Majesty, I'm already old, and I'll be eighty soon, you can't let me die of exhaustion in office, can you?" Constantine said with a smile

"Then you can't leave right away, at least you can leave after I get familiar with the affairs and find someone to replace you!" Little Ferdinand said very cooperatively

Even if he wants these old guys to leave so that he can take power more easily, he has to do a good job in terms of face, so that people can't think that he is ungrateful.

"That's good, please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will still stand on the last post, old man!" Constantine said with a smile

He is about to leave soon, but he still feels a little bit reluctant in his heart. This is the place he has fought for most of his life, and he has too deep affection for this country.

But there is no way. Politics is so cruel. If he insists on staying, it will be a resentment between the monarch and his ministers. Maybe he will really be caught off guard.

Leaving now, Little Ferdinand must give him the greatest respect, even if it is to rely on the old to sell the old.

Even in order to show his broad-mindedness, little Ferdinand would happily hold him up, a creature like the emperor cannot be understood with common sense.

The next cabinet minister who submitted his resignation, Ferdinand Jr., comforted him, and good words came out of his mouth without money.

The most lofty historical position given to this cabinet is unprecedented. Whether there will be newcomers in the future is unknown.

Anyway, they all left in a good light, and the domestic media also praised them to the sky, and even the international media joined the touting team.

Their achievements have been widely recognized around the world.

Ferdinand, who had already abdicated, did nothing but quietly watched his son deal with the matter. Judging from the result, he was still satisfied.

How did you get your reputation?

The answer is: business blows each other!

Ferdinand Jr. is now giving this cabinet the greatest respect and touting their achievements. In turn, these people will reciprocate and say good things about him.

Ordinary people may not have much effect if they say it, but it will be different after they say it.

For example, Constantine's evaluation of Ferdinand Jr. was: He is like a father!

This is a very high praise. In Bulgaria, Ferdinand has been deified. Now that little Ferdinand can inherit his demeanor, that would be great.

It may be useless if it is said from someone else's mouth, but it is the most powerful prime minister in Bulgaria's history who said this, so it is different.

After a wave of business blows, Ferdinand Jr.'s throne has also been consolidated. Everyone has accepted him as Ferdinand II, and it will depend on his performance later.

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