Medical Sovereign

One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety: Greedy Wolf's Investigation


Xiang Tiange was stunned for a moment, thinking of all the magical things about Ding Ning, which seemed quite mysterious. He nodded slightly and agreed with this statement.

"In fact, before the third uncle decided to appoint the junior brother as the director of the Seventeenth Bureau of Ninghai, I was ordered to investigate the junior brother's life experience."

Greedy Wolf said solemnly.

Xiang Tiange frowned slightly: "What? Is there something wrong?"

After all, the director of the Seventeenth Bureau is a national law enforcement agency. It is an essential procedure to investigate the family before appointment. He has not paid attention to it. This is the first time he has heard Greed talk about it.

"There is nothing wrong, everything is normal, and what is normal makes people feel abnormal."

Greedy Wolf said a bit awkwardly.

Xiang Tiange understood it, and immediately became interested. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "What do you think is abnormal?"

"He has no mother. His father's name on the household registration is Ding Wuyan. He is a pig butcher born and raised in Luochuan Town, southern Yunnan."

Greedy Wolf's expression was a little bit dumbfounded: "At that time, except for medical skills, my junior brother didn't show any other unusual things, so I didn't think much about it. In addition, the third junior uncle urged me in a hurry, so I didn't check it carefully, so I just We went through the procedures first. Seeing that there were no problems, the third uncle immediately made the decision to appoint him as the director of the 17th Bureau of Ninghai. However, later on, Qisha had more dealings with his junior brother, and he mentioned it to me and Po Jun many times. Junior brother, I am full of praise for him.”

"Tell the important point."

Xiang Tiange shouted angrily.

"The point is, once Qisha accidentally talked about all the extraordinary things about my junior brother, he also said with emotion that he didn't know who could teach such a monster like his junior brother. The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. I was also surprised at that time. Out of curiosity, I pulled out my junior brother’s file and looked at it again.”

The expression on Tanlang's face became extremely strange: "Maybe it was because I wanted to find out who his master was, so when I looked at my junior brother's file, I found a lot of unusual things."

"What's so unusual about it?"

Xiang Tiange was intrigued by this Moji disciple and couldn't wait to ask.

“There are many places that are unusual;

According to the household registration information, his father, Ding Wuyan, was born and raised in Luochuan Town, southern Yunnan. On the surface, there seemed to be no problem, but upon closer inspection, the problem arose, because I couldn't find Ding Wuyan. Who are his parents? There is no information about his ancestors in the household registration. "

Tanlang took a deep breath and said with a wry smile: "It's as if this person jumped out of the cracks in the rocks. He has no origin at all."

Xiang Tiange frowned, hesitated for a moment and then said uncertainly: "Maybe he is an orphan, so there is no information about his ancestors."

"Yes, that's what I thought at first, but later I discovered that things are not as simple as I thought. According to the information your people visited the Luochuan Town Slaughterhouse and the feedback from local residents, this Ding Wuyan is not A native of Luochuan, he settled down in Luochuan Town twenty years ago, probably not long after his junior brother was born."

Tan Lang said with a strange expression: "Including his household registration, it suddenly appeared in the local household registration files twenty years ago. Even the local household registration police don't know when he applied for household registration."

Xiang Tiange's eyes flashed and he said thoughtfully: "You mean hackers? His father Ding Wuyan's identity information was all processed by hackers who invaded the household registration system."

Tanlang nodded: "I suspect that's the case. Of course, this is just one of the doubts. Also, the household registration only says that Ding Wuyan is single and that he and his junior brother are in a father-son relationship, but there is no information about his mother. , Logically speaking, no matter whether his mother divorced his father or passed away, there should be a name or identity information. However, the information about the junior brother’s mother was blank and could not be checked at all. "

"It's interesting. I wouldn't have thought of it unless you told me. This kid Ding Ning's life experience is quite extraordinary. Could it be that his father is a disciple of some ancient martial arts sect, and he made enemies to avoid being chased by his enemies, so he came to find him?" The hacker forged household registration information and raised Ding Ning incognito in Luochuan Town. "

Xiang Tiange's mind was wide open and he said thoughtfully.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out, but I think it is unlikely, because in addition to these two points, there is another point that is also very suspicious."

Tan Lang continued: "Junior brother has never been to school since he was a child, and has never even taken the college entrance examination. But five years ago, he suddenly received the admission notice from Ning University. When he came to Ning University to attend college, Ding Wuyan He also resigned from his job and told the public that he was going to work elsewhere, but there was no news of him. No one knew where he went or what he was doing. "

Xiang Tiange's interest was completely aroused, and he pondered: "You can get the admission notice without taking the college entrance examination? Then this Ding Wuyan seems to have a lot of energy in the secular world, who can he be? "

"I was also confused by the news I received, so I had people secretly hunt for the source of the admission notice. But after searching over and over again, I found one person. Master, guess who it is? I promise You would never guess who this person is."

The expression on Tanlang's face became extremely strange, and he acted habitually.

"Stop talking nonsense and speak quickly."

Xiang Tiange didn't follow his routine at all. He glared and shouted fiercely.

Greedy Wolf immediately wilted, smacked his lips angrily, and muttered in a dull tone: "If you don't want to guess, then I won't guess. Why is it so bad?"

Xiang Tiange kicked him angrily and said impatiently: "Speak quickly, if you dare to betray me again, I will beat you to the ground."

"It's Xiao Baiyu from Dragon Soul!"

Greedy Wolf quickly reported a name.

Xiang Tiange opened his mouth in astonishment and murmured in disbelief: "That second son of Xiao Dingshan, Xiao Baiyu?"

Although he has been paralyzed in the Imperial Palace for decades and has never gone out, as a respected imperial scholar, when Xiao Dingshan was the top figure in the military, he also visited them and played several games of chess with him. It's a bit of a friendship.

Of course, Xiao Dingshan was a junior before him, not to mention Xiao Baiyu, a grandson. He had only heard of his name but never met him.

The reason why he has an impression of Xiao Baiyu is, firstly, because of Xiao Dingshan; secondly, because the Dragon Soul Special Forces, the best special forces of the Chinese military more than 20 years ago, was composed of Long Ya Ding Lie, Dragon Scale Xiao Baiyu, Longjiao and Shen Moru, the three most outstanding young people in the military, carried the Dragon Triangle as a framework. It can be said that the Dragon Triangle was a flag of the special front of the Chinese military and a miracle that cannot be copied.

They carry out the most difficult and dangerous tasks, but as long as they accept the task, they have never failed, and the task completion rate is 100%.

As the three most outstanding young men in the Chinese military, even though Xiang Tiange was disheartened and indifferent to worldly affairs, he had heard of their names.

"Yes, it is indeed Xiao Baiyu. Although he did it very secretly, and even made more than a dozen turns and went through many hands, our people followed the clues and finally found him."

Greedy Wolf nodded.

"Interesting, that means that Ding Wuyan and Xiao Dingshan should know each other. Who could it be, Ding Wuyan? His surname is Ding, and he has a close friendship with Xiao Dingshan. Could it be..."

Xiang Tiange muttered, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, and he thought of a possibility. His expression changed greatly, and he hurriedly closed his mouth and swallowed the name.

Tanlang saw that his expression was wrong and asked curiously: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I'm fine, I just remembered some old things."

Xiang Tiange's expression quickly returned to normal, he waved his hands and said casually, but there was an uproar in his heart and he fell into memories.

If Ding Wuyan was really the person he thought of, then things would be complicated. Back then, his third brother Xia Hou Weiyang was seriously injured by someone, but it was because of him.

Will Ding Ning be his son? If so, this is really God's will. The third brother was injured because of me, and twenty years later, his son came to help the third brother heal his injuries. It's interesting, really interesting.

"Master, Master..."

Greedy Wolf saw his master was in a daze and didn't say anything, so he called from the side.

"Uh, is there anything else?"

Xiang Tiange came back to his senses and asked impatiently.

"Aren't we talking about junior brother's life experience? Why are you distracted?"

Greedy Wolf asked cautiously.

What is this situation? Didn't we have a good time chatting with our junior brother? Why am I suddenly no longer interested? Can we still have a good chat?

"You said that for a person of your age, you don't do anything serious all day long, and you only know how to do boring things. Does his life experience have anything to do with you? You have handled the political review, and now it is you who raises questions. Do you want to What about me? Tell others that my idiot apprentice is unreliable and needs to get rid of Ding Ning’s director of the 17th Bureau?”

Xiang Tiange asked with eyes wide open.

Greedy Wolf's face was full of confusion, his mouth was muttering for a long time and he couldn't speak. It's just us, the master and the disciple. We have nothing to talk about. Why did we suddenly lose our temper?

"I'm telling you, keep your mind on business and don't do things out of tune all day long. Your junior brother is someone you can trust. If he knew that you were secretly checking up on him, what do you think he would think?"

Xiang Tiange suddenly became angry and scolded him sternly.

Greedy Wolf's throat quivered, his head drooped, and he felt extremely wronged. You are not my master. That's why I told you. I didn't expect that when it came to your mouth, it turned out that I was not doing my job properly. Am I wronged?

"That's the end of this matter. Keep your mouth shut and don't talk nonsense to others. If word spreads, you, the political review manager, will be the first to take responsibility. Will your face look good then? Doesn’t my face look good?”

Xiang Tiange scolded with lingering anger, making Greedy Wolf's head droop almost to his chest. I regretted it. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have told you. I didn't expect that it was a thankless effort and I even got scolded. .

Huh! No, aren't we discussing whether Uncle Ninth Master would have survived if he was with Qingyun Anbao? Why did you go off topic and come here?

Greedy Wolf suddenly remembered that the previous topic was not like this. He said so much, but he actually wanted to comfort his master. The younger junior brother is so mysterious, maybe Qingyun Security can protect the ninth uncle from the space storm, no I thought that I had strayed thousands of miles away from the topic, and even received a scolding.

Just when he raised his head and wanted to continue talking about the previous topic, he saw his master standing up suddenly, with an unprecedented serious expression on his face, staring in the direction of the Uulun Valley.

Greedy Wolf followed his gaze blankly, there was nothing there? Master, what's going on? Looking so nervous?

"Let our people stay here and stop running around. I'll go out."

Xiang Tiange gave a hurried order, and before Tanlang could answer, he jumped out with a whoosh and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

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