Medical Sovereign

one hundred and forty seventh Du Yuewen

Du Yuewen's expression was gloomy for a while, and he bit his lower lip and said courageously: "Such a big incident happened in the family. Those who used to hang around our house don't talk about giving charcoal in the snow. It's fine if they don't fall into trouble. Now our house is Only Wenwen and I are left to depend on each other. We two weak girls are powerless to resist the coveting of some people with ulterior motives. If Zhao Gang can be with Wenwen, we can be regarded as having a backer, and some people who want to play against us will also Be restrained, so, Dr. Ding, can you help us, please?"

"You don't hate me?"

Ding Ning suddenly realized that the world is cold and people's hearts are warm and cold. He can imagine the scene of the big tree in Du's family falling down and the wall falling and everyone pushing.

Du Yuewen and Li Wenwen are both very good-looking beauties, which will inevitably cause others to covet them, but those who made mistakes have already been punished as they should, and the other consequences caused by this should not be paid by the two women.

Zhao Gang is regarded as a model by the city leaders. As long as he can wake up, his future will be bright. The rising star in the police circle will become their backbone, and it will also restrain some people with malicious intentions.

This Du Yuewen is worthy of being from a family of officials and eunuchs. She has seen through the joints so quickly, and she is also a woman of great wisdom.

"I hated it, but it wasn't the hatred that brought down Li Wensheng, but the hatred that implicated my father."

There was bitterness on Du Yuewen's face: "Actually, I knew for a long time that Li Wensheng was out drinking and fooling around with women. It's just that I felt sorry for him, so I always indulged him and let him do anything wrong."

Ding Ning's eyes flashed, revealing a sudden look: "You can't have children?"

"You... how do you know?" Du Yuewen stared at him with wide eyes as if he had seen a ghost, his surprised look was a little cute.

Ding Ning smiled profoundly: "This is easy to analyze. First of all, you have been married for so many years but have never had children. In fact, I am a doctor. You are so beautiful, and Li Wensheng still has to go out to steal. If I guess correctly, you Not only can she not have children, but she may also have a cold personality."

Du Yuewen's pretty face blushed instantly,

Unexpectedly, Ding Ning could see through her biggest secret at a glance, which made her feel ashamed to stand naked in front of him without any secret at all.

Pink lips pursed, Si Siai waited for a long time before blushing and said: "You are right, I am indeed frigid, my marriage with Li Wensheng exists in name only, I was forced by my father to go on a blind date when I was twenty-four Married to him, married for nine years, we shared the same bed only once, I was born to hate that kind of thing, I feel disgusted whenever he touches me, because of this we have a big fight, after all, he is the only one in their Li family I'm the only seedling, so I feel that I owe him, so I pamper him in every possible way, and finally lead to today's bitter fruit."

Ding Ning frowned, and suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch her wrist, which startled Du Yuewen. Just as he was about to shake off his hand, he saw his clear eyes with a thoughtful look on his face. He knew that he was treating her, so he stopped struggling immediately. , but his eyes flickered and his face was filled with embarrassment.

Ding Ning let go of his hand, and his expression became extremely strange. He never thought that Du Yuewen was still a virgin.

"When you do that, don't you feel very dry and painful, and you can't penetrate? It makes you hate that kind of thing."

With a realistic attitude, Ding Ning still asked.


Du Yuewen's face was flushed, she lowered her head in a flustered expression, and responded with a low voice like a mosquito's snort.

Ding Ning looked at her with piercing eyes: "If I'm not mistaken, every time you have menstruation, your lower abdomen will be very painful, and the blood volume will be very small, but the pain will get worse as time goes by, right?" ..

Du Yuewen looked up at him in surprise: "How do you know?"

Ding Ning didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Didn't you go to the hospital for an examination?"

"" Du Yuewen was so ashamed, talking about such a private matter with a man made her heart feel like a deer, and her face was like a glow.

Ding Ning patted his forehead speechlessly: "Then you know so well that you are infertile."

"When he touches me, I feel sick. I had intercourse just once, and he couldn't even get... penetrated. How could he have children."

Du Yuewen lowered her head, because she was ashamed to speak, even her neck was flushed red.

Ding Ning was almost laughed at by this woman, "You are not frigid, nor are you sterile, you should be regarded as a kind of stone girl, belonging to the congenital Yin/Dao/diaphragm."

Du Yuewen raised her head in astonishment, "Stone Girl? Isn't Stone Girl born without... no reproductive organs? Don't tell me I don't have one either."

"There are also many types of stone girls. The one you mentioned is an inner stone, and your case should be an outer stone. There is a diaphragm in the lower part of your vagina, and there is a small hole in the diaphragm, which is caused by menstrual blood. Unsmooth flow leads to your monthly abdominal pain that is getting worse, and what can be solved by surgery, you actually think you can’t have children.”

Ding Ning was also drunk, he had never seen such a stupid woman.

"I... I don't know, I just don't like to have physical contact with people, so I never like to come to the hospital."

The expression on Du Yuewen's face was complicated, like surprise, inferiority, and disgust...

Ding Ning was thoughtful. Her condition was not serious, but she avoided medical treatment. Perhaps the biggest problem was on the spiritual level. She couldn't help asking, "Do you have a cleanliness?"

"No?" Du Yuewen repeatedly shook his head in denial.

Ding Ning took a deep look at her, "That's mental cleanliness. You think all men are dirty, and it makes you feel sick when you touch them."

"I... I didn't. I didn't feel sick when you touched me just now."

Du Yuewen blushed and denied it.

"What about the others? Except for Li Wensheng, do other men feel sick when they touch you?"

Ding Ning was really curious, he had never heard of this strange disease.

"All of them, you are the only exception."

Du Yuewen's eyes flickered and she didn't dare to look at him, her heart was beating violently like a drum.

"Is it like this since you were a child, or is it like this when you grow up?"

Ding Ning was a little embarrassed, but still asked seriously.

"Probably, it started from the year I graduated from college, that is, when I was twenty-three years old."

Du Yuewen plucked up the courage to answer.

"Then let me make a bold guess. Don't be angry. When you first had sexual fantasies about men, you had a very unpleasant masturbation experience. The pain filled your heart with desire for that kind of thing." Rejection, and before you married Li Wensheng, I think you may have accidentally bumped into Li Wensheng or other men doing that kind of thing with women, which made you feel dirty and disgusted, right?"

Ding Ning's eyes lit up, and he boldly speculated.

Du Yuewen's cheeks were rosy, she bit her lower lip and looked at Ding Ning in disbelief, hesitated for a moment before nodding her head: "That's right, I just graduated that year, and I went on a trip with some classmates, but I accidentally saw Ding Ning in a holiday resort. A man and a woman had sex on the grass. That woman... that woman still had menstruation on her body, and the grass was covered with blood. I vomited it out in disgust. Since then, I hate to have physical sex with all men. touch."

Ding Ning was taken aback by this answer, damn, who the hell has such a strong taste, it's okay to fight in the field, and even ran a red light, not afraid to scare the flowers and plants.

"I didn't see the man's face clearly at the time. I didn't know that man was Li Wensheng until I got married with Li Wensheng and saw a black birthmark on his back during the bridal chamber."

Du Yuewen seemed to let go, and said in a calm tone.

"Is it Li Wensheng?"

Ding Ning was stupefied by Lei's scorching outside and tender inside, but he didn't expect Li Wensheng's taste to be really strong, he dared to do things like running a red light, how hungry and thirsty he must be.

Du Yuewen sighed faintly, "Although I am very reluctant, since I am married to him, I want to fulfill my responsibilities as a wife, so no matter how much he played around in the past, as long as he can calm down after marriage." , so even if I recognized him, I didn't mention it."

Ding Ning's expression was a little unnatural. It's really inappropriate for him, an outsider, to know about his private affairs.

Du Yuewen went through the initial nervousness and shyness, and found that Ding Ning was a little shy, and a strange pleasure made her continue to talk without hesitation:

"But when he just entered, the pain made me unbearable, and the scene appeared in my mind... the previous scene, I couldn't restrain the nausea in my heart, grabbed his head, and kicked him off bed, that was the only time we had intercourse."

"Ahem, well, since you hate him so much, why don't you divorce him?"

Ding Ning coughed twice, and quickly changed the subject to ask.

"Divorce? My dad wants face, he's feudal and old-fashioned. If I get a divorce, he'll beat me to death."

Du Yuewen's face was full of bitterness: "I asked someone to make a fake medical record and told my father that I was infertile and wanted a divorce, but my father firmly disagreed and suggested that Li Wensheng could find a woman outside to have a child, but the child was born. Afterwards, the child must be taken back to raise, and if it is said to the outside world that I gave birth, we are absolutely not allowed to divorce, and there are hints from my father, so Li Wensheng is so unscrupulous, besides not bringing the woman home, he spends his time outside all day long."

"Your dad is really a weirdo."

Ding Ning didn't know how to complain about Du Yuewen's father, he was a cheating girl.

"You don't know, my dad is very patriarchal. He never gave me a good face since I was a child. I have tried my best to do my best, but he has never been satisfied. He treats me when he doesn't like it. Beating and scolding, treating Li Wensheng as a son-in-law is better than my own daughter, but fortunately, this time, my father's accident, even my brother was involved, and only I was safe and sound. This is probably a lost cause. Not lucky."

Du Yuewen's smile was very sad, which made Ding Ning feel pity for her. What kind of life this poor woman has lived in her life.

This also made him understand why Du Yuewen didn't want to go to the doctor when he was sick. If it was someone who grew up in such a family, wouldn't there be any psychological problems?

What's more, Du Yuewen is a stone girl herself, and she has lived under the violent pressure of her father for a long time, which made her live in fear.

She tried her best to show her best side, and dared not tell her father that she was sick, let alone go to the doctor, for fear that her father, who was already dissatisfied with her, would spurn her even more.

It can be said that Du Yuewen's illness has a lot to do with her father. She is a daughter who longs for her father's approval, and is also a kind woman who accepts everything. If it weren't for her father's accident this time, she might not have the courage to ask him for advice. .

Ding Ning wanted to help this poor woman from the bottom of his heart, and immediately said in a deep voice: "Your illness is not a major problem, just a small operation can solve the problem, and you will be able to live like an ordinary woman in the future."

"No, I can't accept other people touching me. Doctor Ding, can you help me? You are the only person I don't reject. Even if it's an operation, I hope you can do it."

Du Yuewen bit her pink lips tightly, begging pitifully.

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