When he found that there were other people here, Lin yanmeng thought of the cruel words that Shabo said before he left: "let Xiaoya stink here with that bastard!" It seems that the man was also obtained by Saab in private.

Thinking of his own experience, Lin Yan naturally felt sympathy for this man. Hearing his painful hum, he asked, "what's wrong with you?"

The man's voice was as dry and hoarse as if he hadn't drunk water for ten days. He sounded older than Lin Yan and said with difficulty: "he They took me Arms Legs It's all dislocated... "

Lin Yan trembled with anger and said in a low voice: "these animals are too vicious! Don't be afraid, elder brother. I'm a doctor. Let me help you see. "

The man's voice was a little more surprised: "doctor That's really Excellent! Don't hurry Go to the top of the head on the left side of the gate and block the camera. "

Fortunately, when they were thrown in, the three guys took off Lin Yan's handcuffs. According to the position that the man said, he touched a camera, took off his coat, covered it and came back.

Lin Yan reached out and touched both shoulders and two thighs of the man. Sure enough, he found that all the joints of his limbs and body were dislocated, and his arms and legs were drooping, showing edema.

Lin Yan couldn't believe that there would be such a vicious thing in today's society. Chu Li was angry: "these bastards, what's your deep hatred and torture you so much? How many days has this been removed for you? Fortunately, if you meet me tonight, if you delay another night, even if you install it later, your arms and legs will not be able to use your strength, and you will be half disabled. "

The voice in the man's throat was like crying and laughing: "five days, it looks like I'm lucky, right? You just happened to be here tonight. "

Lin Yandao admired this man very much. He was tortured like this, and he could make fun of it. It was enough to show that his nerves were as tough as steel, which made him firm in his idea of saving people, because people with such perseverance would never be bad people.

After careful examination, Lin Yan was a little worried and said: "brother, your pulse is weak now, and you are in extreme weakness. When I press the joint on you, there will be transient severe pain. If you can't bear it, there is a great possibility of accidents. However, if you delay, it will lead to articular cartilage necrosis, which will affect your activities in the future. See What shall we do? "

The man didn't hesitate: "Ann! I I can stand it

Lin Yan carefully sat down with his knees crossed, ran a circle of Qi, and felt that there was no obstacle. Then he turned around and grasped the man's right arm, lifted and pressed it cleanly to return to his normal position.

The man's body was shaking violently, but he didn't cry miserably. After adapting to the darkness, Lin Yan could clearly see the sweat on the man's forehead rolling down under the moonlight of the window lattice, blood oozing from his lips, and his eyes closed.

Lin Yan quickly set up his pulse. Fortunately, he still had a pulse. He suddenly thought of something. He quickly took out a small bag from his underwear pocket. It was the wild ginseng tablets that grandfather gave him. He poured out three pieces and rubbed them into pieces. He broke the man's mouth and put them under his tongue to let him fill his vitality for a while.

There was a tap in the room. The man just couldn't move and couldn't get water. Lin Yan quickly picked up a paper cup and poured it in a little bit. After a long time, the man just woke up from the severe pain.

The smell of smacking it into his mouth, the man was a wise man. His throat moistened and he spoke a little easier. He was very weak and said, "little brother, you are willing to meet by chance. It's just to save me. Even the precious old ginseng is willing to eat for me?"

Lin Yan said: "no matter how precious the medicine is, it has only one effect, that is to save people. Since you and I have met each other, and I am a doctor, I must cure you."

The man did not speak any more. He moved his right arm gently. He was short of breath and sweating. The pain was severe.

Lin Yan couldn't bear to say: "the joint has been removed for too long, the soft tissue will be congested and edematous, just recovered is very painful."

"Hoo..." The man took a long breath to relieve the pain, and then said, "go on?"

Lin Yan is afraid that he can't bear it, so he suggests to rest for an hour. The man seems to be very afraid of leaving a disability, and insists on continuing. He says that with the ginseng foundation, let Lin Yan work hard to fix his remaining arm and legs at one time, regardless of whether he faints or not. He laughs and says that the pain is more refreshing once than three times.

This man is really a tough man. Lin Yan will feel his pulse again. Just for a while, he has become much stronger. After weighing it, he will faint first, and then he will move quickly to fix all the remaining dislocated parts.

The man was immediately awakened by the pain, sweating, convulsing violently, his pulse weak and frenzied.

Lin Yan took a few ginseng slices again, crushed them and poured them down to the man. He pointed several acupoints on his body that could relieve pain. After a long time, he could barely control them.

Lin Yan was still slowly dredging his blocked meridians with genuine Qi, so as to prevent his limbs from being disabled. It was very physical. In a short time, Lin Yan's breathing became heavy.

The man endured the sharp pain in his recovered joints. Looking at Lin Yan, who was tired and sweating, he said with difficulty: "I didn't expect that Li Guanlin's life should not be cut off. I met you tonight. Brother, I don't want to thank you for your kindness, but I remember this friendship and I will repay it in the future. "Lin Yan gasped and said: "I just have the ability to save you. When we meet again, we don't have to repay you. I don't know if we can get out

Li Guanlin's eyes were cold: "If heaven wants to destroy them, they must be crazy first. This is their last madness. Don't worry, we will be able to go out."

Lin Yan himself felt bad enough. He was much luckier than this man, so he asked curiously, "I'm here because Shabo wanted to bully my sister. In a fit of anger, he slapped Xiaoya with a brick.

How did you offend him by dislocating all your limbs? Is it worse than me driving him? "

Li Guanlin showed an arrogant smile: "yes, brother, dare to open the ladle of minister Sha's second ancestor? It's a man! The more I look at you, the more right you are. Why don't we change posts? I'm 36 years old, probably older than you. "

If it's normal for Lin Yan to meet a stranger who is locked up, he will not agree to such a ridiculous request. What's the age of this? If he's a robber, a murderer or something, it's not good.

But today, shocked by Sabo's arrogance, he witnessed Li Guanlin's iron willpower, who was tortured like this. His brain became hot and he said, "OK, I'm 28 years old. I have only one sister. After that, I'll have another big brother."

Li Guanlin moved his body with difficulty. Lin Yan asked, "what do you want, brother?"

"Bow Help me to my knees. "

Lin Yan quickly said: "elder brother, you and I know it in my heart. You can't move easily. Kneel down to save it."

Li Guanlin glared: "nonsense! How sacred is brotherhood? How can it be saved? Hurry up


Lin Yan was ashamed and quickly helped Li Guanlin to kneel down.

With a solemn face, Li Guanlin said slowly, "all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of Shifang III are on top. I, Li Guanlin, willingly became a brother of different surnames with Lin Yan. Since then, I have been with my second younger brother Tian Qiushuang. Our three brothers are brothers, and we have no regrets in this life."

Li Guanlin didn't say that it's better to be happy than to be happy. On the contrary, he was more sincere. Lin Yan's blood was boiling. He quickly repeated it word by word, and they kowtowed three times solemnly.

At the end of the ceremony, Lin Yan suddenly felt that he was not right: "Hey, big brother, who is Tian Qiushuang you mentioned just now? Why do we bow him in? "

Li Guanlin said arbitrarily, "that's your second brother. I've made obeisances with him. Today I'll make obeisances with you. Of course, I'll count him in. You'll know when you see him later."

Lin Yan was stunned. He had never thought that there was such a ridiculous bow. He recognized a big brother who met by chance and brought a second brother he had never met.

After becoming a brother, Li Guanlin's mental head relaxed. He looked at Lin Yan's face and laughed, as if trying to explain something, but suddenly his head tilted and he closed his eyes.

Lin Yan was startled and quickly felt his pulse, but found that the new elder brother was asleep. He could not laugh or cry, and he admired the elder brother's true feelings. He was also relieved of the inexplicable second brother. The one who could be taken in by the elder brother must be the one in his nature.

There was a pile of straw in the corner with two straw mats on it. It seemed that it was the place to sleep. Lin Yan carefully picked up Li Guanlin and got him there.

Li Guanlin is not a pretty girl. He is a man of more than one meter and eight meters. He is easy to settle down. Tired Lin Yan falls on another straw mat and soon falls asleep.

This sleep actually quite solid, even did not do a dream, daybreak.

Lin Yan opened his eyes and saw that Li Guanlin was not around. When he got up, he saw that he was leaning against the wall he was leaning against last night. His limbs were drooping, just like before.


Before the word "brother" came out, he saw Li Guanlin winking at him. Lin Yan quickly closed his mouth and looked out of the fence. Sure enough, he saw a corner of the police uniform in the corner of the wall. It was obvious that someone was hiding there trying to eavesdrop.

Lin Yan subconsciously went to see the camera that he had covered with his clothes last night, but he saw that it had already been exposed and his coat was over his leg. It was obvious that Li Guanlin went to take it down. Thinking of his limbs that would hurt when he moved, Lin Yan felt more and more deeply for his brother.

After a while, the man appeared outside the fence, threw a few steamed buns across the fence, and yelled at Lin Yan: "boy, since you can move, you are responsible for feeding him in the future. Don't let him starve to death!" Then he left.

Lin Yan picked up the steamed bread, walked slowly to Li Guanlin, turned his back to the door and faced Li Guanlin. He tore off the dirty skin of the steamed bread, broke it into small pieces and put it in Li Guanlin's mouth.

Li Guanlin chewing, voice very low to say a phone number, then said: "you remember this number, if you can go out earlier than me, call, tell each other, CCB lockers 386, huanghuali location, Luhe county forestry police station custody."

Although Lin Yan felt that the content of Li Guanlin's dictation was extremely mysterious and strange, he instinctively felt that it was absolutely not illegal. He recited it silently in his heart, and only when he remembered it did he make a look at Li Guanlin.Who knows this whole day is very calm, two people pretend not familiar appearance, Sha Bo also did not appear torment them.

Li Guanlin didn't know what he was doing. He was extremely cautious. At night, he didn't allow Lin Yan to block the camera again and say intimate words. Another day came, and the turnaround also came.

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