Medical Martial God

Chapter 620: King Shura [Third]

"What are you doing here?"

Looking at the Shura King and the night Shura who broke into the auction hall, the red emperor's brow was not wrinkled, and his eyes flashed with cold light.

To be honest, she didn't expect that King Shura and Night Shura would suddenly break into the venue and kill them here.

Before that, they didn't get a little bit of news. Obviously, the King Shura was not only powerful, but also very capable of hiding camouflage. They were able to avoid so many eyeliners in Suhai.

"As the saying goes, there are friends who come from afar. It seems that you don't seem to welcome us!

Looking at the indifferent face of the Red Emperor, a slight smile appeared on the face of King Shura, and his face calmly spoke.

After a pause, King Shura continued to speak, "Master Xianhuang originally asked Alok and Danatus to come to take this magic dragon blade, but they were driven out by you, so the king had to come in person , Presumably the Red Emperor will not welcome us, kick us out? "

"Giggle ... but we have heard that the Confederate Alliance has always been magnanimous and would not have done such rude things."

Dark Moon with a seductive figure and fascinating charm also giggled at this moment, and laughed and opened her mouth.

"Since the immortal Emperor asked you to come, then King Shura, you can take your seat!"

Seeing this, the Red Emperor raised a brow and was about to speak, but the figure of Yin Lao appeared strangely on the second floor, and the words of vicissitudes came from his mouth.

"Thank you so much Silver King!"

Hearing the words of the Silver Emperor, King Shura's face was full of smiles, and he slightly folded his fists at him, then even stepped into the seat with Dark Moon Shura.

"Senior Silver Emperor just became him King Shura?"

"King Shura? The king of Shura in the western world of Shura, one of the eight devil kings of the previous generation?"

"It shouldn't be wrong, after all, the senior Silver Emperor just mentioned the immortal Emperor! As for the two beautiful women, it should be Dark Moon Shura, alas, it is really a national beauty!"

"Immortal Emperor, that is the highest-level figure in the Western Shura world, standing at the top of the world pyramid!"

"Unexpectedly, this magical dragon blade surprised the immortal emperor who moved the western Shura world and sent some people!"

"What does it mean to send someone? The Sun Temple and the Temple of Death are both owned by the Immortal Emperor!"

"No wonder the Sun Temple and the Temple of Death can be based on the three great families in Suhai. It is unexpected that the people behind them are immortal emperors!"

Looking at the Shura King and others who took the seat with the dark moon Shura, they heard the words of Yin Lao just now. The people on the scene were shocked, and there was a lot of talk in their mouths.

After all, whether it's Dark Moon Shura or King Shura or the Immortal Emperor, their fame is too great.

Especially the immortal Emperor, his name can be described as fascinating. Even the peak Ye Xuan didn't dare to offend easily. Now the five emperors of the Shura world had to give him a bit of noodles.

"I never imagined that the immortal Emperor would send King Shura ..."

The dignified voice came from the mouth of the crazy monster Lin Feng.

Now that his strength has not recovered to its peak, if he fights with this Shura king, he will not have the chance and grasp at all.

"Oh, little madman, are you here too? Unexpectedly you can still live?"

It seemed that Lin Feng, the mad monster, felt the gaze, and King Shura turned his head and dropped his gaze on his body.

Before waiting for the crazy monster Lin Feng to speak, he continued to say, "Presumably the disciple around you is the disciple before the death of the monarch? You must protect him and don't let him die!"

"In my opinion, you should care about your life first, old thing!"

Hearing the words of King Shura, the crazy light in the eyes of the crazy monster Lin Feng flashed, and his mouth was filled with words of intense killing.

"My king's life is from the Emperor Xianhuang. No one can take it except him! As for your life, sooner or later it is my king, so you have to keep it for your king!"

King Shura yawned and stretched lazily, saying unhurriedly.

"Agra, haven't you brushed your teeth or **** for breakfast this morning? The words are so stinky!"

Seeing this, Ye Xuan didn't frown with traces, her eyes flashed with cold light.

"Who is Agra?"

"I don't know! Who does Ye Xuan really talk to?"

The sudden sound of Ye Xuan made the people at the scene frown without traces, and their eyes were full of doubts.

"Little miscellaneous, are you looking for death?"

However, their doubtful voice was soon interrupted by the angry voice of King Shura. His eyes were cold and angrily staring at Ye Xuan, and his eyes were killing.

Agra was his name, but few people knew it, and he did not expect Ye Xuan to surrender his name directly.

"Old thing, I didn't talk to you. Why are you anxious here? I'm talking about that old yellow dog. Its name is Agra!"

Looking at King Shura's angry look, Ye Xuan smiled, pointed at the old yellow dog in the far corner and said, "What? Is your name like this old yellow dog, called Agra?"

"Agra, come here, give you a bone, get it!"

While talking, Ye Xuan changed his magic to take out a bone from the dragon ring and threw it at the old yellow dog next to him.


The old yellow dog was also very cooperative, and flew up suddenly, pinching the bone in his mouth.

"Agra, you are so good. The bones are so accurate. Feed the **** for you at night!"

Seeing this, Ye Xuan said with a smile, and did not look at King Shura's blushed face at all.

"Little miscellaneous, you're looking for death!"

The King Shura next couldn't help it anymore, and there was an angry voice in his mouth.


The moment his words fell, his eyes flashed away, and his right hand was clenched into a fist, and he smashed into Ye Xuan in the air.

With Shura Wang's fist smashed, the magnificent golden sorrow gathered into a golden dragon, carrying Ling Ling's murderous intentions, spreading his teeth and dancing towards Ye Xuan.


Seeing Majestic's fierce attack is about to fall on Ye Xuan's body, the silvery old eyes flashed cold, a snort in his nose, a wave of his robe, and the violent energy spread into a silver dragon. The king's attack was blocked abruptly, making his attack obliterated in mid-air.

At the same time, the icy voice of Yinhuang sounded at this moment: "King Shura, this is the place of my mad soldier league. If you dare to arrogantly here again, then don't blame the old man!"


With the words of the Silver Emperor falling, the terrible dragon murmur spread out of his body, and the nine-headed illusive silver dragon emerged from behind him, imposing, making people feel like being in an ice cellar. King Shura turned blue.

"Little beasts, wait for the king to clean up after the auction!"

King Shura uttered a cold hum in his nose, waved his sleeve robe, and spoke coldly.

"Clear me? Hey, are you wrong, did I offend you? The dog was originally called Agra. If you do n’t believe me, ask the senior Red Emperor!"

Hearing King Shura's words, Ye Xuan said with a depressed face.

Immediately, he turned to the Red Emperor on the auction floor and asked, "Senior Red Emperor, the dog was raised by your mad soldiers. Is it called Agra?"

"Yes, its name is indeed called Agra!"

After hearing the words, the Red Emperor could not help but smile, nodded gently, and answered quite seriously.

She loves and hates Ye Xuan, an ancient spirit with a lot of ideas.

"Then Agra, does he like eating shit?"

Ye Xuan asked again.

"Agra is a dog. Since it is a dog, how can you not like eating shit? Of course it likes eating shit!"

Hong Huang said impatiently.

I have to say that she is still very cooperative with Ye Xuan.

As for King Shura, this guy is now so angry that he has white hair, purple lips, and almost lost his back.

When was he insulted like this?

People have reasons, so he can't do anything about it.

"Is King Shura right? I don't think you're wrong. This old yellow dog is really called Agra. Agra really likes eating shit. This is a fact that everyone knows! You tell me, what is Where did you offend and you still want to mess with me? "

"Oh, I know. Your name is Agra, and you also like to eat shit, right?"

Afterwards, Ye Xuan turned his head and said angrily to King Shura.

This guy's best is like Gatling's crackling, non-stop, extreme.

"You ... hmm ..."

Hearing Ye Xuan's words, looking at his crackling mouth, Shura Wang was very angry, his chest was sore, he was so angry with smoke, and his mouth spit out old blood.

"Oh, what am I? How did you vomit blood? You are a lot of years old, so do n’t be so easy to breathe. In fact, it ’s not shameful to call Agra like this dog, even if you like to eat **** and do n’t shame it. What ’s so shameful about this? Is n’t it just dogs who like to eat shit? ”

"Agra likes eating shit, and you also like eating shit. You smell the same, otherwise I will give you the old red emperor and give you this old yellow dog. Maybe he is your twin brother who has been separated for many years. I Let your family reunite! "

Ye Xuan didn't mean to stop at all, but continued to crackle.

"Well ..."

"My King is going to kill you!"

King Shura's mouth once again spit a jet of black blood, and he could no longer suppress the killing in his heart. The sofa burst into a mouthful and his powerful energy spread out.

He flew out like an angry dragon, carrying Ling Yue's killing intention and headed for Ye Xuan.

"Agra, are you hungry alone to bite someone? Come, I have a bone here, and you'll pick it up for me!"

Seeing this, Ye Xuan didn't panic, quickly took out a bone from the dragon ring and threw it at King Shura.


At the moment Ye Xuan threw the bone out, the old yellow dog's eyes were hot, and his tail was quickly shaken. His four legs kicked abruptly, leaping out, and opened his mouth to bite at the bone.

It's a pity that its movement was a little slower. It didn't bite the bone, but bit it on the **** of King Shura.


The next moment, King Shura's screaming sound of horror sounded quietly at this moment.


He turned his head to look at the old yellow dog biting his butt, and his eyes were killing, his horrible energy spread, and the old yellow dog was Zhenfei out on the spot.

"Dora ..."

The sound of the shattered shirt sounded, and the sharp teeth of the old yellow dog tore the cloth on King Shura's **** to pieces.


If Shura Wang was not aware of it, the fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he reached out to Ye Xuan with his palm full of words of killing.

"Women, King Shura, you are shameless, your pants are torn, your **** is exposed ..."

Seeing this, Ye Xuan scolded angrily.


Scolded by Ye Xuan, Shura Wang felt chilly at once, and quickly stretched out his palm to wipe his ass!

"WQNM.LgB! Do him!"

However, at this moment, Ye Xuan cursed.


At the moment Ye Xuan's words fell, he jumped up, his right leg was whip with strong force and kicked him fiercely, and landed on his face.

At the same time, the crazy monsters Lin Feng and Li Chunyang also knew at this moment and shot suddenly.

Li Chunyang was full of suffocating gas, his fist screaming and flames whistling, carrying the majestic force and slamming it on King Shura's chest.

Mad Feng Lin Feng's shot was even more fierce. He blazed with black flames on his right leg, as if a roaring black dragon kicked between Shura's crotch.

"Well ..."

"Well ..."

The sound of screams of blood and blood spitting as if killing a pig sounded quietly at this moment.

King Shura was hit by Ye Xuan's attack, spraying a lot of blood in his mouth, and flew out like a cannonball.


"Master Shura!"

Seeing this, Ye Xuan, the crazy monster Lin Feng and Li Chunyang also wanted to take advantage of the chase to give Shura King a heavy hit, then Darkmoon and Shura rushed out at this moment, so they had to give up!

King Shura's body smashed against the wall like a cannonball, making a dull sound, setting off a large amount of dust.

The breeze blew and the dust dispersed, revealing his wolflike figure.

At this moment, King Shura was covered with dust and scars, his clothes were torn and worn, and he was completely without the extraordinary looks just now. It looked terrible, and the corners of his mouth were constantly flowing with dark blood.


Looking at the tragic appearance of King Shura, the people at the scene could not help but take a breath.

Who could have imagined that King Shura had fallen into such a terrible end in the blink of an eye?

Even the Red Emperor and Ruo Yanran were stunned, shocked by Ye Xuan's methods.

"Master Shura, how are you?"

"Master Shura ..."

Both Darkmoon and Shura hurried to King Shura's body and helped him up. Words of concern came out of his mouth.

King Shura's eyes were surging, and his eyes were staring at Ye Xuan. Numerous skulls and ghosts surrounded him, making him imposing, and endless words came out of his mouth.

"Little beast, King will kill you today!"

PS: Today is the third one. I will work harder and more this month. I also urge the brothers to vote for Wushen to accompany Xiao Ming once!

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