Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 9 Full of overflowing joy

Qin Lang saw the woman running towards him with a bright smile on his face, he was stunned for a moment, nodded and said "um", a little puzzled, where did her overflowing joy come from?

Didn't he just chop a stake and come back? Why did she show the joy and smile of a general returning from a hundred battles?

However, Su Jin took the reassurance pill, and his heart that was floating in the air suddenly fell to the ground, and said with a smile: "We will eat yam and lily porridge tonight, and I have washed the wolfberry vegetables, and I will add two handfuls of them to cook later. You can eat it!"

Qin Lang looked at her, "Okay!"

The two quickly finished their dinner, and ate the hot yam and lily porridge with the original fragrance of the food, and the body suddenly warmed up, as if the fatigue of the day had been relieved.

Not long after dinner, Qin Lang rushed Su Jin into the house and went to bed.

The night is cold and heavy, and the cold wind is whistling. Even if the fire is burning, it will still feel very cold in this open yard.

Su Jin also understands that her current physical condition can't tolerate stubbornness, and she is really tired after walking a long way today and working hard for a day. All the joints in the body were sore and painful, and the calf was in pain, so he obediently went into the room and lay down.

Lying on the bed, I still felt cold, but I was mentally prepared, so I could barely stand it.

She huddled into a ball, silently thinking about tomorrow, the day after, and beyond.

For some reason, I suddenly thought of what I had unconsciously leaned on the people around me last night. My face became hot, and I couldn't help but ask myself: What should I do tonight?

To rely on, or not to rely on?

Think about it, let it be natural.

So, when Qin Lang fell asleep, after a while, the titular daughter-in-law automatically and naturally came over and hugged him. The originally locked brows relaxed obviously, and it looked a little quiet and peaceful.

Qin Lang lost his temper, sighed secretly, moved his body, but still didn't drive her away.

The next day, when there was just a trace of light, Qin Lang got up.

As soon as he got up, Su Jin gently opened his eyes and breathed a long sigh of relief.

In fact, she also woke up, but realized that she was holding Qin Lang, she was too embarrassed to move, only pretended to be asleep.

This is also a matter of two people's hearts.

Su Jin also got up later. Their time was limited, but there was a lot of work to be done, so she had to help.

"Why do you get up so early?" Qin Lang said when he saw her just after lighting the fire.

Su Jin smiled and said, "I can't leave all the work to you alone!"

At this time, the eastern sky was white with fish belly, and the star with a strong presence was hanging brightly in front of it.

Su Jin shivered, let out a sigh of relief, and went to the stove to bake a fire to warm up his body. Then he quickly filled a clay pot with water and put it on the stove to burn.

"What are we going to do in the morning?" Su Jin asked with a smile.

Forgive her because she really doesn't know much about rural life and can't give any constructive advice.

Qin Lang glanced at her and said, "Let's enclose the yard first. First build a fence around it. When I come back this afternoon, I will go to the bamboo forest of Lizheng's house to get some bamboo branches, put them in and tie them up."

"Okay, listen to you," Su Jin nodded, and couldn't help but say, "We always trouble Lizheng's family. Will their family have any opinions?"

It's better for the magistrate to manage now. If it really makes Li Zheng's family disagree, it will be somewhat troublesome in the future.

Especially, don't let Li Zheng's wife have any opinions, in case the woman's family is provoked

Qin Lang didn't expect her to think so carefully, so he said, "Don't worry, I've agreed with Li Zhengbo and Auntie to help their family work during spring ploughing, and don't have to worry about meals."

Qin Lang is a real person. He said that helping people work in Chungong must be real work, and he will never cheat or cheat. It is true that he did not take advantage of his family. On the contrary, it was Lizheng's family who took advantage.

"Oh!" Only then did Su Jin feel relieved, and said again, "I will help you along with me then."

Qin Lang glanced at her: "Let's talk about it!"

With her small body, does it make any difference whether or not to help? Qin Lang said heartily.

The two were busy driving piles to surround the yard.

No hammer, only with the help of stones.

Su Jin held the stake, Qin Lang lifted the stone and slammed it down, driving one end of the stake firmly into the ground.

The area they have to enclose is not very wide, and there is no need to make it too good if they don't live here next year.

After the twenty or so wooden stakes were driven down, the sky gradually became brighter.

The horizontal strips are firmly tied to the wooden stakes horizontally with mountain vines, and the simple fence is completed. When the bamboo branches are inserted and tied, it is a fence courtyard wall.

Seeing that every household in the village got up one after another, Qin Lang asked Su Jin to rest for a while, he went to fetch water for Lizheng's house, and by the way borrowed a bucket to pick up a load for his own use.

When Su Jin was cooking, Qin Lang said that he was going to Lizheng's home to bring some straw back and spread it on the ground to expose it to the sun. At night, he could put a thick layer on the bed to avoid the cold.

Su Jin's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but slap his forehead: "Yes, yes, straws can keep out the cold, or Xiang Gong is smart, hee hee!"

The corners of Qin Lang's lips curved, and he heard her husband's husband's call a few times. He was used to it, and he didn't seem to hate it.

The breakfast was corn lily porridge, and as usual, a large handful of washed wolfberry sprouts were added.

The two of them had breakfast and spread the straw in the yard. Su Jin put the collected herbs aside, and used rattan to wrap around the door of the thatched hut several times to form a dead knot. Qin Lang left.

Today is different from yesterday. There are yams and lilies in the house.

The mountain vines are thick and strong, and they are wrapped in layers and knotted in dead knots. Unless they are cut with a knife, they cannot be opened at all, which is equivalent to a strong lock.

It took more than two quarters of an hour longer than yesterday to reach the destination. The soreness of the body, especially the soreness of the legs, made Su Jin so tired that he could barely lift his feet after walking for a long time.

She understood that this was caused by overwork yesterday, and her body suddenly increased the amount of labor. There must be a natural running-in process.

Today, Qin Lang took Su Jin straight to the wild chestnut, and Su Jin was in high spirits.

This piece of wild chestnut looks like three or four acres.

The chestnut tree grows tall, not many big trees can grow on three or four acres.

The so-called wild is naturally impossible to be as neat and tidy as the planted chestnut forest. There are many messy trees and vines growing in it, and you have to be careful when walking in it.

Wild chestnuts are good for steaming, stewing, or cooking porridge. Even if they are thrown on the stove and baked in ashes, they are still delicious.

Su Jin seemed to have smelled the aroma of fried chestnuts with sugar, and said with a smile, "Let's go in!"

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