Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 101 [The Cursed Hair of the Weeping Witch]

Chapter 101 [The Cursed Hair of the Weeping Witch]

Upon hearing this, Su Lun said in a deep voice, "Yes."

Originally just asking, I didn't expect to find the right one the first time.

Then the cloaked man handed over a box.

Inside the box was a coil of silvery hair.

The man continued to introduce: "I don't know what kind of hair is on the body of the aberration, maybe Mr. Hei knows its origin. But it is the most magical silk thread I have ever seen, infused with dark spiritual power, you will know why I said it Amazing."

When encountering unfamiliar materials, the general procedure is to have Mr. Hei appraise them.

But Su Lun didn't need it. He glanced at the material with the Eye of Omniscience and immediately displayed the name.

【Cursed Hair of the Wailing Witch】

Detailed Explanation: Missing heartbroken, longing, and longer hair; this is a very special curse material, which has dual-state characteristics of elementalization and solidification at the same time; it has super energy conductivity, super toughness, super Strong controllability, super intermittent.

Seeing the introduction, a strange color flashed across Su Lun's expression.

Looks like a great look?

Since it was an inspection, he was not polite, and twisted the translucent silver hair with his fingers.

This twist is like pinching a very thin needle, it is not soft, and the fingertips can clearly feel the extraordinary toughness of the silk thread.

Then infused with dark spiritual power, a miraculous scene happened.

The hair, which was originally solid, gradually turned into an elemental state of nothingness, and the more energy was poured into it, it became almost transparent. It also gradually became longer!

The length of the hair, which was about one meter long, was so visible to the naked eye that it became two meters long before it stopped.

Su Lun felt as if he was pinching a faint "thread of light" in his hand, and felt that it disappeared from sight, but he actually pinched a small piece of it in his hand.

Moreover, the most amazing thing is that the transparent silk thread is not broken when you pass it with your palm?

As soon as the dark spiritual power stopped pouring in, it immediately returned to its original flexible and solid state.

Watching Su Lun try, the man in the cloak who took out the silk thread also added: "You can pull it with confidence. This thickness, it is the toughest silk thread I have ever seen. I have tested it before, and ordinary blades can't cut. If it is refined into reproductive equipment, it will be even stronger."

Su Lun pulled slightly, and the silk thread got into his hand, but there was no sign of breaking, so he didn't try any more.

He said lightly: "Well, not bad."

When Su Lun saw this material, even though he was in a good mood, he couldn't hold back his joy.

Just at this glance, he decided that this is definitely the most suitable silk thread for a puppeteer among the materials he knows so far!

Now he uses steel wires to control the puppets, not only the transmission of dark spiritual power is very weak, but also very limited.

Steel wires are used in battle, and the traces are too obvious. The enemy can easily judge the position of the steel wires when they see the puppets. Once the steel wire is cut, the puppet will stop immediately.

Moreover, when manipulating multiple puppets, encountering special environments, and complicated battles, it is very easy for the steel wire to become knotted and entangled

There is also a length limit

There are too many disadvantages of solid steel wire!

He was still wondering before. He saw Pestoia manipulating the puppet in Stormwind Manor. She obviously didn't use a physical line, so he thought it was some special secret method. But it never occurred to him that there really is such a magical curse material in this world.

This strand of hair can freely switch between entities and elemental bodies, and can also become longer, intermittent, and conduct energy.

Even if it's not the same model, it still meets all of Su Lun's needs for puppet lines!

Oh, praise to this wonderful and spooky world!

At this time, Mr. Hei looked at the characteristics of the silk thread, and said: "If I read correctly, it should be the hair of a deformed monster called 'Weeping Witch' recorded in ancient books. That kind of monster It is very special, it seems to be a ghost species with physical attack means on its body, and it can break into people's dreams."

When Su Lun heard this, he also secretly sighed in his heart that this "polymath" is indeed very knowledgeable and knows everything.

However, it doesn't matter what monster it's from, what he wants is this hair!

This thing seems to be useful only for puppeteers.

hope it's not too expensive

Su Lun thought in his heart, and felt a little guilty.

With such a miraculous material, he felt that the booty he got from the gang fire last time might not be enough to buy, at least not a lot.

But Su Lun prayed in his heart not to miss such a perfect silk thread because of the price.

The man in the cloak who took out the silk thread poured cold water on him before he asked the price.

He said: "However, it's a pity. There are only three pieces of this material."


Su Lun frowned slightly.

If there are only three, what is the use?

The man also seemed to feel that it was inappropriate to say this again after teasing people's appetites, and explained: "When I took a group to the underground, I pulled it out from a corpse near a ruin. There are monsters using it The hair kills, but I didn't actually see the aberration."

Su Lun understood what he meant, and asked directly: "If I need information on the specific location of this material, what price should I pay?"

The man in the cloak didn't seem to be afraid of being exposed, so he directly revealed his identity, "This news can be sent to you for free. I am Toze from the 'Red Knight Hunting Group'. If you have entrusted tasks in the future, you can also take care of them."

After all, in his opinion, those who can be here are high-level professionals, and there may be places to deal with in the future.

It is worthwhile to form a good relationship with a news.

He was also very straightforward, wrote down an address with the quill pen on the table, and then handed over the note.

"It's actually there"

Su Lun glanced at the note, and recognized that the address pointed to the underground ruins when he traveled here.

He frowned slightly, and said instead: "If you still have this kind of material, I think I'm still interested in buying it. Of course, if the price of employment is right, I want to hear what I need to pay to get this kind of material." What's the price."

Others don't know what's going on with the ruins, but Su Lun does. He didn't know enough about this world before, and he didn't know what the ruins meant. But now I know that the ruins mean "extremely dangerous"!

For professional matters, entrusting them to a professional hunting group is the most correct choice.

Unfortunately, upon hearing this, the man in the cloak shook his head: "Sorry, I'm afraid my regiment won't be going to that ruin in a short time. The team I brought out this time has lost 80% and will take a long rest."


When Su Lun heard this, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

This "Red Knight Hunting Group" is a large-scale hunting group with a reputation in the outer city, and there are many second-tier professionals in the group.

But 80% of this was lost in battle, how dangerous is the ruin?

Now Su Lun was in a difficult situation. The professional hunting team was unwilling to go again. What should he do with the materials he wanted?

But at this time, everyone around the stone table became interested because they heard that this person had revealed his identity and mentioned the ruins.

Someone asked, "Captain Tuze, have you just returned from hunting in Liming City? I just need information about Liming City, the more detailed the better. Make a price."

"Yes, I just came back from Dawn City."

Tuze sighed slightly, as if recalling some bad experiences.

After a pause, he continued, "About the ruins. I can give you some information for free. After all, news will come out soon."

Hearing this, everyone turned their faces, as if listening attentively.

After all, the most powerful rumor in their ears recently is the legendary ancient ruins.

Tuze said: "Our group was the first group of people to get the news. Everyone also knows that opening up wasteland ruins means a huge opportunity. We went there excitedly, and then the nightmare began to lead to the ground near the ruins There are a large number of ferocious and deformed monsters in the cave, and they will attack the hunting group all the time. We lost a group of brothers in battle, and finally touched the edge of the city, only to find that there are a lot of high-level horror monsters and cursed spaces in the city. A grade, S grade, even T grade."

"As far as I know, our Red Knights are relatively less damaged in battle. The death rate of other regiments entering the ruins has exceeded 90%, and even the entire army has been wiped out. This is just the periphery of the ruins, and now no one can go deep into the city. internal."


Tuze spoke very carefully, and the crisis between the lines made one's scalp tingle, as if he had personally experienced that nightmarish journey of hunting lies.

After listening, everyone around the stone table fell into deep thought.

Su Lun didn't care about any relics, wealth beyond his own control was just a matter of worry.

He just felt more ashamed.

Obviously found a very strong silk thread, enough to make his puppet control a qualitative leap.

But now you tell me that that thing is in a ruin with a survival rate of less than 10%? Don't know how strong the monster is?

Su Lun felt a little troubled.

Tuze continued: "The ones that are still in the ruins are mostly the hunters who came back alive from the slave land reclamation group of the big chaebols in the inner city. Probably no one wants to go again. I even guess that it was some people in the inner city at first. The guys discovered the ruins, but they found that their people could not eat the ruins, so they deliberately revealed the news. Now a large hunting camp is being built next to the ruins. It seems that it won’t be long before the chaebols will organize a large Large-scale hunting operation, to clean up the ruins."

Some people risk their lives to open up wasteland, and the plutocrats hold money in the city wall and wait for the acquisition. This is also a normal routine.

At this time someone asked again.

"Captain Tuze, I would like to ask, what was the harvest of your group's wilderness hunting?"

"I can only say that those brothers who are worthy of sacrifice."

This is obviously modest.

Anyone can imagine that the harvest of land reclamation is absolutely amazing.

Everyone knew enough about the danger of the ruins from the mouth of the senior hunting team leader.

But after all, those present are not ordinary people, but high-level professionals.

After a moment of silence, someone spoke up again: "Captain Tuze, I need the detailed route and all the information of your group's last wilderness hunt. Please make a price. If possible, I would like to hire some of your group to walk through it." The members of this road act as 'guides'."

Tuze asked in surprise, "Your Excellency, are you still planning to go?"

The man nodded: "I've been trapped in the second-order peak for a long time, and I can't find the advanced materials I need in the city. This time I found the 'Dawn City', which is probably my only chance. I must try my luck. of"

Su Lun felt very strange, as if this guy came to reveal the news on purpose, the more he couldn't persuade him to go, the more everyone wanted to go.

With that said, the other cloaked people were not idle and spoke one after another.

"Sell me a copy of the information too. It happens that I have a few slave groups under my command, so send them to try my luck."

"Hey, only when there is danger means there is gain, so sell me a share."

"I plan to form a hunting group of high-level professionals, and it will be posted on the recruitment notice of the hunting union in a while. If you are interested, you can come and meet."


There is a cursed space, which means that there are a lot of high-level cursed objects, even forbidden objects!

This is no ordinary allure.

Even if it is a real narrow escape, it always stimulates people's gambling nerves.

If it comes out alive, it will be a huge profit.

As Tuze said, more than a dozen people around the round table all asked to buy a copy of the information.

Su Lun listened silently, not intending to participate at all.

I prayed in my heart.

I hope that when these bigwigs come back, they can bring back some strands of hair.

Su Lun was also very fortunate that Mr. Hei recommended him to this small circle, which gave him access to high-level alchemy materials and knowledge.

Not long after, the small party ended. Su Lun rode back to Green Street from the black market, only to find a sneaky guy waiting anxiously at the door of his basement.

He felt very surprised that someone actually found his place?

"Are you waiting for me?"

Thanks to 'I hate people with very long names' 500, 'CF Zen Heart', 'The sun and the moon go out to sea for nine days', 'sammilee', 'Bo RDD', 'Flame Red Snow', 'Gan Liliang', '20180615171001404 ', 'Oupai Jiajudu'. Thank you for your support, thank you.

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