Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 79 Adorable Rabbit Ears

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After work was over, Jia Qingqing finally found an opportunity to show her hospitality, and what was even more perfect was that Ning Xi was not around, so she shyly approached Jiang Muye, "Brother Muye, where should we go to eat? How about going to Baichuan Hotel for seafood? My father is a member there, and when he goes there, he can directly enter the VIP box!"

Jiang Muye stretched out in disinterest, "Forget it, I'm too tired today!"

Jia Qingqing became anxious when she heard that, "Ah? But today is your first day on the set, so you should eat this meal!"

Jiang Muye's expression darkened when he heard this, "Who stipulated that you must eat on the first day? If you want to eat so much, go eat your own!"

In fact, everyone knew that Jiang Muye's temper was not very good in private.

When he is in a good mood, he will have a good temper. If he is in a bad mood, then...

But now, the little ancestor is obviously not in a good mood.

Jia Qingqing was rushed, and her eyes turned red on the spot, "I just think it's polite, brother Muye, why do you say that..."

What the hell, who is your brother Makino?

Jiang Muye was annoyed for a while, and was about to explode when Guo Qisheng, who was next to him, saw that the situation was not good, he made a timely rescue and said, "Let's try another day, Muye is really tired today. He should have had a rest on the first day to familiarize himself with the environment." , I didn’t expect to shoot several scenes directly. Everyone go back to rest early today, and there is no rush for dinner!”

"Okay then..." After getting down the stairs, Jia Qingqing nodded reluctantly, and at the same time hated Ning Xi again in her heart. She blamed Ning Xi for taking over Brother Muye all day and making him so tired. He didn't even want to eat!

Jia Qingqing lowered her head and flipped through a few photos in her phone's album secretly, with a malicious smile on her lips.

Ning Xi, just wait and see, I will definitely make you pay the price!


Lu house.

"Baby, I'm back!" As soon as she got home, Ning Xi's exhaustion from the day was immediately swept away.

As soon as Xiao Bao heard her voice, he ran over to greet her, holding a glass of cold juice in his hand.

"Baby, you are so caring! I love you!" Ning Xi took it over and gulped it down, then said happily, "Come on, come on, Auntie will take you to change into cute clothes, we're going out to eat later It's hot pot!"

Xiao Baozi, who used to go to the attic as soon as he heard that he was going out, let Ning Xi lead him up the stairs submissively and well-behaved.

In the bedroom, she let her try on clothes for him one by one.

"This one is too plain, this one is too dull, this one is too boring... My God! Who bought these clothes for you? What aesthetics! No need to ask, it must be your father! Did he forget Are you five instead of thirty-five?"

Ning Xi searched while complaining, and finally found a satisfactory one from the bottom of the cabinet, "Wow! This is cute!"

A white short-sleeved shirt with a hood, two long rabbit ears hanging from the hat, paired with overalls, and a big pocket on the overalls, like a Jingle cat.

"Look at the style, this must have been bought for you by your second uncle! Your second uncle is quite reliable in this regard, children should wear some cute and lively clothes!" Ning Xi thought to herself She nodded in satisfaction, and then asked, "Baby, how is it? Do you like this one? If you don't like it, Auntie will find it for you again!"

Ning Xi never forgot to seek Xiaobao's opinion, although Xiaobao always agreed with her every time.

Sure enough, Xiao Baozi still nodded without hesitation this time.

So Ning Xi cheerfully helped Xiao Baozi change into his clothes.

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