Max-Level Comprehension – Face The Wall For 80 Years

Chapter 104 Sister (Please subscribe)

Chapter One Hundred and Three Sisters (For Subscription)

Li Qingshan looked at the person who came and said in surprise: "Monk, aren't you different from me?"

"Donor Li Qingshan, there is such a big shock here, how could I not come?" said the monk without me.

"Monk, why do you say this is the ruins of Emperor Qinling?" Li Qingshan asked: "These people don't even know the life and death of Emperor Qinling."

The Wuwu monk looked at the torn starry sky and said, "I'm not sure if this is the relic of the Qinling Emperor, but I can be sure that the Qinling Emperor has fallen, so I said, it is most likely the relic of the Qinling Emperor."

Li Qingshan looked at the monk. He was young, with a clean face and a quiet demeanor, like a monk with a good appearance.

But Li Qingshan knew that this monk was not serious, he would kill people, eat meat, and drink alcohol.

"Monk, how did you know that Emperor Qinling had fallen?" Li Qingshan asked curiously.

"My master told me that Emperor Qinling was killed a long time ago." Monk Wuwu whispered.

"Is the news accurate?" Li Qingshan asked in a low voice.

"It's very accurate. My master doesn't talk big, and what he said is correct." Monk Wuwu firmly said.

Li Qingshan asked: "Then you say, how did Emperor Qinling die?"

The monk Wuwu touched his head and said, "Master told me that Emperor Qinling died of ideals."

"Death to ideals?" Li Qingshan didn't quite understand.

The monk without me shook his head, he didn't quite understand either.

"Your master didn't say anything else?" Li Qingshan asked.

"Master only said this sentence, nothing else." The Wuwu monk said helplessly.

"How do you know that, who knows what his ideals are?" Li Qingshan said angrily: "People have different ideas, poor people want to have enough to eat, and people who can have enough to eat want to marry someone Daughter-in-law, a person who can marry a daughter-in-law hopes to take a concubine, people's desires are endless."

"This is the desire of mortals. Above mortals, the desires of practitioners are even more bizarre." Li Qingshan said.

The Wuwu monk shook his head and said, "Li Qingshan's benefactor, you are talking about desire, and I am talking about ideals."

"Desire is what a person wants, what a person desires in his heart, put into action, if you can't get it, change your desire."

"Desires and ideals are not the same thing."

"The ideal is the state that a person wishes to achieve, and for this ideal, one would sacrifice one's life and die generously. The ideal is greater than the desire." Monk Wuwu refuted Li Qingshan.

"You're right, ideals are far greater than desires, but the problem is, one's ideals change over time."

"Children in their youth have unrealistic ideals."

"As an adult, the ideal gradually becomes reality, and even loses the ideal."

"We can't guess what the ideal of Emperor Qinling is?" Li Qingshan added.

Wuwu monk looked at the ruins and said: "Maybe this ruins are opened, we will know."

Li Qingshan also looked at the ruins and said, "If the ruins are to be opened, it is estimated that it will take a day or two. It is estimated that the geniuses of the Tianjiao battlefield will gather here."

"By the way, monk, how did your cultivation level improve after soaking in the Spring of the Great Dao?" Li Qingshan asked suddenly.

"I broke through Yuanxian." Said the Wuwu monk.

"Not bad, I also broke through Yuanxian." Li Qingshan and Wuwu monk sat together and chatted.

In the distance, more and more geniuses were attracted, and they rushed from afar, looking at the cracked sky, with surprise and joy.

Then, they joined in a heated discussion.

The matter discussed was naturally the Emperor Qinling.

The Immortal Emperor level powerhouse who had been dead for hundreds of thousands of years was mentioned again by everyone.

Some of his life stories were also revealed, whether true or false, they were all mentioned, even some lace was not spared.

Li Qingshan and Wuwu monk did not join the carnival of this discussion. The two of them sat together and watched people from all directions discussing.

The remains of the suspected Qinling Emperor were squeezed out little by little.

A day has passed, and most of the ruins have been squeezed out of the sky.

"Monk, is this ruin a city?" Li Qingshan asked curiously.

"Yes, Master told me that Emperor Qinling built a city in his final years." Monk Wuwu nodded.

"Then this is the remains of Emperor Qinling." Li Qingshan said.

The Wuwu monk nodded, and also believed that this relic belonged to the Qinling Emperor.

"At least a few thousand people came during this day." Li Qingshan said solemnly.

"Wait for a fight for the ruins, many people will die." Monk Wuwu sighed.

"Monk, at present, the most powerful is the Ancestral Immortal Realm." Li Qingshan said.

"Yes, the Tianjiao battlefield also has a time limit. If you are over 300 years old, you are not allowed to enter. The highest known cultivation level at the age of 300 is Ancestral Immortal." Monk Wuwu nodded.

"Monk, have you disclosed any news about Emperor Qinling?" Li Qingshan asked in a low voice.

"Emperor Qinling was extremely strong all his life. In the era he was in, my master said that no one was his opponent, and he was the number one in the world!" Monk Wuwu whispered.

"So powerful?" Li Qingshan asked in surprise.

"Then why did I hear that Emperor Qinling only defeated Emperor Zhenwu by one move?" Li Qingshan asked.

"That was Emperor Qinling's face to Emperor Zhenwu. My master said that in the age of Emperor Qinling, even he had to retreat." Monk Wuwu said solemnly.

The corners of Li Qingshan's eyes twitched, and the master who was a monk without me, when he was touting the Qinling Emperor, he took a punt on himself.

In the age of Emperor Qinling, even he had to retreat?

This retirement, I am afraid it will be a lifetime, right?

Li Qingshan muttered in his heart, but didn't say it. He knew that the Wuwu monk very trusted and respected what the master said, so he muttered in his heart, and did not want to offend the other party.

"According to what you said, Emperor Qinling is so powerful and invincible in the world, so why did he fall?" Li Qingshan asked inexplicably.

The monk Wuwu scratched his head and said, "I don't know either. The master didn't say anything. I asked, but the master said that my cultivation was too low, so he didn't tell me."

Li Qingshan was lying on the big bluestone, looking at the cracked sky, and said, "Go ahead, what else is there for Emperor Qinling?"

Monk Wuwu thought about it seriously, and said, "My master said that Emperor Qinling is very devoted and loves only one person in his life."

"A powerhouse at the level of an Immortal Emperor, who loves only one person in his life, is indeed very devoted." Li Qingshan nodded.

"Monk, have you ever had a relationship?" Li Qingshan asked with a joking look at the monk without me.

Wuwu monk shook his head honestly: "No."

"Is it not possible for monks to talk about love?" Li Qingshan asked.

"I've done killing, eating meat, and drinking. Do you think I would care when we talk about love?" said the monk Wuwu.

Li Qingshan also thought about it. This is a fake monk who does not avoid meat and vegetables. He asked curiously, "Then why don't you talk about love?"

The monk Wuwu said bluntly: "I haven't encountered anything that makes my heart move, so I won't talk about it."

"You just keep your hair up, you are a fake monk." Li Qingshan complained.

"This is called joining the WTO, and I can only be born when I roll in the world and train my mind. This is what my master told me." Monk Wuwu explained to Li Qingshan seriously.

Li Qingshan was noncommittal and said, "I will call you Monk Hua in the future."

"Donor Li Qingshan, you can call whatever you want." Monk Wuwu has a good mentality and is unmoved.

Li Qingshan and the monk chatted without a word, joking and passing the time, they were waiting for the ruins to completely tear apart the starry sky and appear in front of everyone.

Time, another two days passed.

In the past two days, a huge hole has been completely torn in the sky.

There is no top on the top, no shadow on the bottom.

A group of geniuses silently looked at an ancient city, tore apart the galaxy, and appeared in the sky. With a thud, the terrifying ability was directly suppressed.

The majestic ancient city is vast and vast, traversing Liuhe, pressing the eight wastes vertically, and it is boundless.

The ruins of the Qinling Emperor have completely appeared.

At this moment, everyone watched excitedly, staring at the ancient city without blinking.

The ancient city is very big, but there is only one city gate, which is tightly closed. The geniuses onlookers did not rush up because the city gate was not opened.

The starry sky was torn apart by more than half, attracting the attention of the entire Tianjiao battlefield. This ancient city was slow and slow. Under the starry sky, chaos was stirred up, and it stood there as if it was a floating island.


In the ancient city like a floating island, the city gate slowly opened.

When many top geniuses saw this scene, they were all excited and ready to go. As long as the city gate opened, they rushed in.

The group of ancestral geniuses headed by them, with serious expressions, are ready to go, and they are ready to go.

"Fox girl, there may be the inheritance of Emperor Qinling here. I hope you can help me get it. This will also be of great help to my demon clan." While taking it seriously, Tian Yao began to communicate with the fox girl in private.

They came from the same ethnic group, so they naturally knew that the Tian Yao was the most outstanding genius of the Yao tribe, and the fox girl was the rare eight-tailed fox tribe. Many experts from the Yao tribe hoped to match the two of them.

Tian Yao also thought so, in his heart, he already regarded the fox girl as his wife.

But the fox girl's attitude is unclear, and she has always been lukewarm.

At this moment, Tian Yao asked the fox girl to help him, and the fox girl stared blankly at the ancient city as if she hadn't heard it.

"Don't pretend that you don't understand, our ancestors agree with us. You don't help your future husband, but help outsiders?" Tian Yao sounded embarrassed.

The fox girl responded indifferently: "Whoever agrees to marry you, my husband, can't be more charming than me."

Tian Yao roared angrily: "I'm born, I don't want this?"

The fox girl was still indifferent: "I don't like women!"

Tian Yao scolded: "Grass!"


Not only the Tian Yao and the fox girl are communicating in secret, but everyone else is communicating in secret.

There are too many geniuses, even if they are not below the ancestors, there are more than 30 people present at the moment.

If this is fought in the ancient city, even if your strength is higher and you commit public anger, you will be beaten to death.

So allies are important.

They are actively connecting with allies, persuading others, and forming alliances with themselves, leaving no stone unturned.

Li Qingshan also paid attention to them occasionally, looked at them with a cold face and said nothing, and said with a light smile: "Monk, don't look at them with expressionless faces, very cold, as if they were single-handedly fighting alone, But in private, their connections are in circulation, and I don't know how popular they are."

The monk looked at it and wondered, "Really?"

"Of course, these dozens of ancestral immortals have at least thousands of hearts, and they are too good at calculating." Li Qingshan said softly.

"For the ruins of Emperor Qinling, this kind of calculation is understandable, right?" Monk Wuwo thought about it and said.

"You're wrong. What kind of big man is Emperor Qinling? If he really left his legacy in this ruin, he can't get it by playing tricks. This thing depends on fate." Li Qingshan said.

"It makes sense. The cultivation base has reached the realm of Emperor Qinling. If you leave an inheritance, it must be the choice of Emperor Qinling, not what you got yourself." Monk Wuwu nodded and agreed with Li Qingshan.

"It's going to be opened later, let's go in and see, are you going to hunt for treasure?" Li Qingshan asked.

"No, just take a look. Whether there are treasures in this ancient city is not sure. Why do these people think that there must be treasures?" Monk Wuwo didn't understand.

"Maybe it's a bit unreasonable that there is such a big commotion and there are no treasures." Li Qingshan guessed.

His voice fell, and the door of the ancient city finally opened.


In an instant, dozens of streamers rushed in.

It is the group of ancestral masters.

After the realm of ancestral immortals, there is Yuanxian, and then there are immortals.

Almost instantly, they all rushed in.

Before Li Qingshan and Wuwu monk got up, they found that everyone went in.

The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"At our speed, if there are treasures in it, it is destined to be no part of us." Li Qingshan laughed at himself.

"It's my luck to get it, and it's my life to lose it!" Monk Wuwu looked at it and said with a smile.

"Let's go, let's take a look at the city forged by Emperor Qinling." Li Qingshan soared into the sky.

The monk without me immediately followed, and the speed was very fast.

The two people came to the gate of the city, stopped, and did not enter the first time.

Li Qingshan was observing the city gate.

He found that this city gate was covered with all kinds of wounds and scars, as if it had experienced an unimaginably tragic battle.

"This city gate is really strong, it's not broken." Li Qingshan stretched out his hand to touch the traces on it, and said in surprise.

Wuwu monk also stared carefully, without blinking.

The two were not in a hurry to go in. Anyway, they were already one step behind. Those thousands of people went in and scrambled for treasures inside. Li Qingshan and Wuwu monk simply did not participate.

Looking at something carefully, Li Qingshan suddenly shuddered, and in a trance, he heard a sigh.

Li Qingshan was shocked and immediately looked at the Wuwu monk.

"What's wrong?" Monk Wuwo looked at Li Qingshan strangely.

"Did you hear the sigh?" Li Qingshan asked.

The monk without me frowned and shook his head.

"I heard it, a deep sigh, with complicated emotions, like regret." Li Qingshan described the voice he heard.

Monk Wuwu frowned and said, "This ancient city was made by the Emperor Qinling himself. The person who can sigh in the ancient city is most likely the Emperor Qinling. You mean he sighed and regretted it?"

Li Qingshan frowned, he wanted to tell the Wuwu monk that what he heard was a woman's sigh, not the Qinling Emperor.

"Can you still hear it?" asked the monk without me.

Li Qingshan shook his head, only to hear a sound.

"The city gate is open, there is nothing to study, let's go in." Monk Wuwo suggested.

Li Qingshan nodded and followed the Wuwu monk and walked into the ancient city.

Unlike other people who hurriedly entered the ancient city, Li Qingshan and the Wuwu monk took a leisurely stroll, as if taking a walk after a meal, entering the ancient city, and facing the streets, houses, and shops.

It is not much different from the normal ancient city.

The only difference is that this ancient city is empty and no one is there.

As for the thousands of people who rushed in just now, it is now estimated that they have entered the core area of ​​the ancient city.

Only Li Qingshan and Wuwu monk walked along the street, watching, not slow or slow, not caring about any treasures or inheritance at all.

"The layout in the ancient city is very ordinary." Li Qingshan said.

"This used to be a butcher's shop, this is a tea house, this is a tofu shop, this is an early morning, and moving forward, there is a tailor's shop or something, a complete layout of a human city." Li Qingshan carefully observed , points out the role of the store here.

These shops, in the human world, are more numerous.

When you come to Immortal World, most of the shops here will disappear.

They are already in the realm of immortals, and there is no need for some shops in the world to exist.

That's why Li Qingshan was surprised and found that it was different here.

Monk Wuwu was also observing, and followed Li Qingshan down the street.

"If it is not said that this is the ancient city refined by Emperor Qinling, I am afraid that it is an ordinary ancient city on earth, and some people will believe it." Li Qingshan added.

Wuwu monk said: "I seem to see a grave in front of me."

Li Qingshan walked over immediately and said, "Look, there are no people here, and the shops are deserted."

The two walked to the end of the street and saw two graves.

The tomb is very simple, neither tall nor gorgeous, the stone tablet in front of the tomb is empty, and it looks unremarkable. Not a single one of the thousands of people before has paid attention to the two small tombs.

Wuwu monk checked, shook his head and said: "I checked the tomb just now, one tomb was empty, and in one of the tombs, there was a corpse, which had already rotted and turned into bones, we should not disturb her."

The monk without me is leaving.

Li Qingshan shook his head, he squatted down and looked at the two stone tablets seriously.

To tell the truth, the old problem is committed.

When I saw the stone tablet, I couldn't walk.

The monk Wuwu looked at Li Qingshan with an incomprehensible expression. There were two blank monuments without words. What else is there to see?

But Li Qingshan didn't think so. He seriously wiped the tombstone where a corpse was buried.

"Anyway, if you come here, it can be regarded as disturbing others. When you leave, let someone wipe the tombstone clean." Li Qingshan wiped clean with his hands and feet, looked at it with satisfaction, and said, "It's only comfortable to watch it now."

The monk Wuwu couldn't understand it, but he didn't speak and looked at Li Qingshan quietly.

After Li Qingshan wiped clean, he got up and left.

But in the next second, a line of words appeared in front of his eyes, causing him to stare blankly.

[You wipe it carefully, activate full-level comprehension, and comprehend the world in the monument! 】

Li Qingshan just wanted to get up, and after seeing this line of words, he immediately stopped, looking at the stone monument, thinking in surprise: "You actually have a world in the monument!"

The next second, Li Qingshan became excited, and he hadn't seen the world in the monument for a long time.

Once the world in the monument appears, it means that he can understand the life of the deceased.

Li Qingshan sat directly in front of the tombstone, intending to view some pictures of the tomb during his lifetime.

"What are you doing?" Monk Wuwo looked at Li Qingshan in surprise. After wiping it clean, he didn't leave. Instead, he sat down. Are you going to chat with the owner of the tomb?

Li Qingshan looked at the selfless monk beside him, pulled him to sit down together, and said, "Listen to my command quietly, I will show you a past and present life."

Li Qingshan took the selfless monk and activated the world in the monument together.

In the next moment, the eyes of the two people went dark, and the world was spinning. The two worlds seemed to overlap and overlap, and with a bang, they exploded in front of Li Qingshan and Monk Wuwu.

An ancient city appeared in front of them.

Monk Wuwu looked at Li Qingshan in surprise, Li Qingshan shook his head and motioned for him to continue watching.

In this world of monuments, Li Qingshan looked at the ancient city in front of him, and suddenly felt a little familiar.

Walking into the ancient city, Li Qingshan saw, pork shop, tea house, early shop, tailor shop...

These arrangements are exactly the same as the ancient city refined by Emperor Qinling.

The only difference is that the ancient city here is full of people and it is very lively. The people buy meat, drink tea, eat breakfast, make clothes, and they are full of life.

The ancient city refined by Emperor Qinling was dead silent.

"Why are the two ancient cities exactly the same?" Monk Wu I asked in surprise.

Li Qingshan's face was calm, and a thought churned in his heart, and he said, "Keep watching, time will give us the answer."

At this moment, a naughty child ran from the corner of the street, came to the pork shop, and shouted loudly: "Pork guy, my sister asked you to leave us a pound of lean meat, she will come later. Pay the bill."

The porker laughed: "Qin Ling, you are still called Ajie. The clan elders have let you marry. You should change your name to daughter-in-law, but you are only a few years old, and you can't have a wedding room. Holding a beautiful daughter-in-law is powerless."

As soon as these words came out, the people who bought meat around laughed laughed.

Xiao Qinling blushed and ran away without saying a word.

The laughter from the surrounding people grew louder.

They laughed, but Li Qingshan and Monk Wuwu couldn't.

The two looked at the child who had run away and looked at each other.

"This is the future Emperor Qinling?" Li Qingshan said in shock.

He didn't expect that the world in this monument actually showed the infancy of Emperor Qinling.

Monk Wuwu didn't expect it either. He blinked and said, "At this moment, these people would never have imagined that this kid they were teasing would become the absolute king of this world in the next hundreds of thousands of years."

The voice of the monk without me fell to the ground, and the scene changed suddenly.

They saw a hut, the Qinling Emperor in his childhood, and a slender, beautiful woman who was a few years older than the Qinling Emperor. She had a gentle voice and was quick to do housework.

Li Qingshan knew that this was the elder sister of Emperor Qinling and his wife in the group just now.

"Sister, I will follow the elders of the clan to practice tomorrow. You are the only one left at home. You have to take care of yourself." The young Emperor Qinling said thoughtfully.

Sister A smiled gently: "You go to practice well, everything at home is up to me, I will wait for you to come back."

Emperor Qinling nodded excitedly, feeling that such days were the most beautiful in the world.

There is a practice that he likes, and a sister he likes.

Li Qingshan and Wuwu monk saw this scene and were not very embarrassed.

"From this moment on, he will slowly walk on the road of Emperor Qinling." Monk Wuwu said with emotion.

Li Qingshan watched from the side without speaking.

Then the screen keeps changing.

There are pictures of the Qinling Emperor practicing assiduously, and there are pictures of the elder sister constantly managing the housework at home.

These pictures flashed by without stopping too much, but Li Qingshan and Monk Wuwu still captured them.

The picture changes rapidly, and ten years have passed in an instant, and the Emperor Qinling has grown into a young man with a valiant appearance.

He wants to go out and see the world.

He wanted to take his sister with him.

But Ajie still refused. She was born unable to practice cultivation, and she was born beautiful. She knew that going out could only be a burden to the Emperor Qinling. It is better to stay in this ancient city and guard this home for the Emperor Qinling.

The Emperor Qinling finally decided to come back every once in a while, so that he and his sister would not forget each other.

After Emperor Qinling left, someone familiar asked A-jie if he was not worried that after he went out, seeing the vast world outside, would countless outstanding women change their minds?

Sister A just smiled softly: "Little brother, he is not such a person. One day, he will travel three thousand miles with one sword. He is destined to be an eagle roaming in the sky outside and cannot be bound in this small ancient city."

The voice fell, and before Li Qingshan and Wuwu monk sighed, the scene changed rapidly.

Picture after picture, battle after battle, Emperor Qinling grew rapidly. After each war, he would return to the ancient city to accompany his sister.

A-jie can't practice, and her lifespan cannot be extended. She will grow old with time, and eventually she will be gone after a hundred years.

Emperor Qinling couldn't accept it, so he took his sister everywhere to seek medical treatment.

He has been to Xianting, Protoss, Demon Race, Demon Sect, and even hell.

But without exception, the doctors from all walks of life were helpless about the symptoms of my sister.

As if she was born to be a mortal, unable to extend her lifespan.

Emperor Qinling was not reconciled. He practiced frantically to improve the quality of life for her sister, looking for all kinds of genius treasures, and wanted to prolong her life.

In the end it still failed.

When my sister was fifty years old, she chose to commit suicide and left a sentence.

"I can't accept that I am getting old by your side and become an old woman with dim eyes. I would rather keep the best years in your memory."

Li Qingshan and Wuwu monk also sighed when they saw this scene.

"What kind of physique is it that I can't extend my lifespan?" Li Qingshan was deeply puzzled. He witnessed the Qinling Emperor running around in order to prolong his sister's lifespan, but he didn't gain anything. He couldn't understand this matter.

"There are alien divine bodies in this world, and there are naturally mortal bodies corresponding to them. An ordinary life, just a hundred years, is the fate of my sister." The selfless monk sighed: "It happens that she meets the Qinling Emperor who amazed the times again. I don't know if it's good or bad."

After knowing that the elder sister committed suicide, Emperor Qinling fell into madness. He couldn't accept it. He froze the body of the elder sister. The emperor became the pinnacle of the world.

Looking up, he was invincible.

Xianting invited him out of the mountain, the Protoss invited him to be a guest, and the Yaozu invited him to be a demon teacher...

The Qinling Emperor all refused one by one.

His only goal is to resurrect the elder sister.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed since my sister committed suicide.

Emperor Qinling has been searching for answers for hundreds of thousands of years. He has tried the Avenue of Time, but the Avenue of Time cannot allow him to reverse the light of hundreds of thousands of years.

What Emperor Qinling needed was a living sister, and in the end, through unremitting efforts, he found a way.

"I want to hit God, reverse the six realms, reshape the cycle of reincarnation, and bring my sister back." Emperor Qinling, who was at the peak of the world, looked up at the sky and said firmly.

Later, Emperor Qinling refined the ancient city according to his childhood memories.

Everything in the ancient city is based on his childhood memory. This is his memory, and it is also my sister's memory.


But when the ancient city was refined, Emperor Qinling realized that he could restore things and restore the ancient city exactly, but he couldn't restore the deceased person.

In the end, Emperor Qinling buried her sister in the ancient city, and next to her tomb, he erected a tomb for himself.

God and his party, Emperor Qinling knew that there was a lot of misfortune, but he had to give it a shot, even if he sacrificed his life.

He wants my sister back.

He left the ancient city in the fairyland, and walked into the sky alone.

Then, on a night when the world was bleak with lightning and thunder, the Qinling Emperor fell.

An invincible immortal emperor in the world fell, and blood and tears fell from the sky, regretting and mourning the Qinling Emperor.

In the ancient city, there was a faint sigh.

Li Qingshan and Wuwu monk saw this scene. He sighed in unison.

"Suddenly I understand, you said before that Emperor Qinling fought for his ideal." Li Qingshan said.

The ideal of the Qinling Emperor was to resurrect the elder sister.

Being invincible in this world means nothing to him. When he was young, he pursued a well-informed and a look at the prosperous world outside.

But after going through the vicissitudes of life, Emperor Qinling just wanted to hold his sister's hand for the rest of his life.

"It turns out that Emperor Qinling finally fell like this." Monk Wuwu sighed with emotion.

Li Qingshan saw that the picture was about to end, and the world in the monument was about to disappear. He looked around, and suddenly a shudder felt that something was wrong.

"What's wrong with you?" Monk Wuwo asked Li Qingshan, looking at him.

Li Qingshan frowned and asked the Wuwu monk: "We watched the whole process, and the perspective is to follow the Emperor Qinling, right?"

Monk Wuwu nodded and said, "Is there any problem with the record of Emperor Qinling's lifelong efforts?"

Li Qingshan shook his head: "The problem is big."

No-self monks do not understand.

Li Qingshan said softly: "If I told you that the world I discovered was not the Qinling Emperor's, what would you think?"

"What do you mean?" Monk Wuwo frowned and looked at Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan said calmly: "After entering the ancient city, there are two tombs, one of which is the elder sister, and the other is the Qinling emperor, but the tomb of the Qinling emperor is empty, only the elder sister is inside."

"I discovered this world, and the main point of view should be on my sister." Li Qingshan said word by word.

"My sister committed suicide when she was 50 years old. Logically speaking, she will not know the life of the Qinling Emperor for hundreds of thousands of years." Li Qingshan said a terrifying thing.

Monk Wuwu widened his eyes and couldn't calm down any longer. Looking at Li Qingshan, he whispered in shock: "You mean... Sister is not dead?"

Li Qingshan shook his head: "I don't think my sister's death needs to be questioned. Emperor Qinling is much stronger than us. He doesn't question it. Why should we question it?"

"Then what do you want to say?" Monk Wuwo looked at Li Qingshan suspiciously.

"What I want to say is that my sister may not have left completely after her death. She has been watching Qinling Emperor from a certain place, but Qinling Emperor didn't notice it." Li Qingshan said softly.

The monk without me shook his head: "You have no logic, the Qinling Emperor is a master at the level of the Immortal Emperor. If he really did what you said, he wouldn't be able to find out?"

"Don't think of the powerhouses at the level of the Immortal Emperor as omnipotent. They only surpass everything in terms of cultivation and realm, but there are thousands of things in the world, can an Immortal Emperor understand them all?" Li Qingshan retorted.

"On the contrary, it is because Emperor Qinling's strength is consistent with the past and the present, so he will not find the state I mentioned." Li Qingshan said firmly.

Because he holds 2,999 of the three thousand great avenues.

Although his realm is not as good as the Qinling Emperor.

But his vision, as well as his extensive avenues, far surpassed that of the Qinling Emperor.

In addition, Li Qingshan has full-level comprehension.

"Even as you said, it's all over."

"Emperor Qinling buried my sister in the ancient city, and he himself died in the battle, and everything no longer exists." said the Wuwu monk.

Li Qingshan shook his head, he didn't believe that everything didn't exist anymore.

It's just that he hasn't found the answer yet.


This moment of two overlapping worlds separates.

The consciousness of Li Qingshan and Monk Wuwu was directly bounced off and entered the body.

The next second, Li Qingshan opened his eyes and saw the wordless monument in front of him.

This is my sister's tomb.

The elder sister buried inside.

Next to it is the tomb that Emperor Qinling built for himself, but it was not used.

Even if he died in battle, the corpse capital of Emperor Qinling did not return to the world.

Up to now, no one knows about this past, and it has been sealed in the dust of history, and people can clean it at will.

After the Wuwu monk woke up, he didn't ask Li Qingshan anything.

Whether it is the world in the monument or other aspects, the monk without self knows that everyone has their own secrets.

Since Li Qingshan shared this secret with him, he had to keep it a secret, and he would pretend that he had never seen or heard of the world in the monument.

Wuwu monk watched Li Qingshan thinking, did not disturb him, but quietly guarded him.

Li Qingshan kept thinking.

What the hell is going on in all this?

Obviously, what he wiped was Sister's tombstone, and the world in the tombstone that he realized was Sister's world.

Sister A's world should come to an abrupt end when she turned fifty.

But Li Qingshan and Wuwu monk watched it for hundreds of thousands of years.

Behind them are all the Qinling Emperors.

But the perspective has not been on Emperor Qinling's body. Instead, he was like a bystander, holding a recorder to record all this.

Li Qingshan was skeptical at the time, but now he is more certain.

"In a certain time and space, my sister is still alive, and she has been caring about the Qinling Emperor."

"Where is this world?"

"Unlike the immortal world on earth, this world should be very secretive and rarely discovered, otherwise the Emperor Qinling would not be able to discover it."

Li Qingshan thought silently, he was not interested in other treasures in the ancient city.

He is now interested in the elder sister, and wants to know what the place that can exist after death is called?

Li Qingshan kept thinking about it. He ran the grand deduction technique and evolved the deduction avenues of all the world. He could spy on a corner of the future, and he could also recover the bits and pieces of the past.

very powerful.

Li Qingshan ran the grand deduction technique, just wanted to see where the primordial spirit went after the death of my sister?

Through constant deduction, Li Qingshan saw countless changing endings. These endings are good and bad, and every inadvertent choice will determine the final result.

Li Qingshan suddenly had an epiphany.

After a person dies, the soul should enter the six realms of reincarnation, which is hell.

So do fairies.

Unless you arrange the backhand in advance, you can save yourself.

But Emperor Qinling went to the Six Paths of Samsara to investigate, so my sister should not go to the Six Paths of Samsara.

For a while, Li Qingshan couldn't grasp the clue, and the thoughts in his mind were messy.

He was already immersed in it, and he had to find the trace of the elder sister.

Just when Li Qingshan had no clue, another line of words appeared in front of his eyes.

[You think carefully, stimulate your full-level comprehension, and discover the spiritual world]

After Li Qingshan saw this line of words, his pupils dilated, and he stared straight at the word "spiritual world".

"Sister's soul should be here, beyond the dimensions of the human world and immortal court, the spiritual world of self-development." Li Qingshan said excitedly.

The monk Wuwu on the side looked at Li Qingshan in surprise, did he really find him?

Li Qingshan immediately inquired about the news of the spiritual world.

The spiritual world is not big. When the world was opened up earlier, a rock popped out and slowly nurtured into a world.

The spiritual world is very hidden, and it is hidden in the immortal world today, and there are no more than three people who know it.

"What do I need to do to bring my sister's soul back to the world?" Li Qingshan thought.

"It needs a very strong call!" Li Qingshan suddenly remembered that he heard a sigh at the gate of the ancient city.

At that time, the monk Wuwu thought that it was because the Immortal Emperor had regrets.

But Li Qingshan didn't tell him that what he heard was a woman's sigh.

That sigh, with remorse, traveled through time, as if back to that night, Emperor Qinling went to God.

Li Qingshan knew what he should do in an instant. At this moment, he drew out the stories about Emperor Qinling and his sister from his memory, and then burned with a fire of nothingness.


A raging flame, burning in front of the tomb.

"What are you doing?" Monk Wu I asked in confusion.

Li Qingshan said softly: "The years are the firewood, the road is the flame, burn the story of the Qinling Emperor and the elder sister, and call the elder sister in the spiritual world."

"This world, and the spiritual world?" Monk Wuwu was at a loss, but he did not stop Li Qingshan.

Watching Li Qingshan burn the past, the ancient city shook...

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