Material Empire

Chapter 342 Who Is Stronger Than Who?

In the script agreed upon by Qin Hai, Yu Kexiu, Liu Jie and others in advance, there was no such arrangement for Yu Kexiu to come out and Shen Chuan Ming Ding Niu. Shen Chuanming is a strong leader and never likes his subordinates to contradict him. Yu Kexiu, Liu Jie and others are all about to retire, and what kind of treatment they can enjoy after retirement depends largely on their relationship with the city.

If they perform well, they will be transferred to the Municipal Industrial Bureau to take a job before retirement, and they will be able to retire as government officials in the future. Whether it is pension, housing, car and other benefits, it will be much better than retiring from a company. But if the city has a bad impression of them, then these superior conditions will be lost to them.

Because of such worries, these factory directors were unwilling to challenge the city directly, but handed over the matter of singing bad faces to Qin Hai, and they were only responsible for beating the side drums. Until that moment just now, everyone had performed according to the pre-agreed roles. Who would have expected that the hot-tempered Yu Kexiu couldn't control himself in the end, and jumped out directly.

"Mayor Shen, you just said that we are all enterprises owned by the whole people, and the assets belong to the whole people. I don't agree with this statement." Now that Yu Kexiu has stood up, he no longer has any scruples. Sitting down at this time will not be able to get Shen Chuanming's forgiveness, so it's better to say it happily.

"Director Yu, do you dare to say that your Jinnan Chemical Factory is not an enterprise owned by the whole people?" Shen Chuanming asked. If not for the presence of so many people, especially outsiders like Qin Hai, Shen Chuanming's attitude would have been a bit harsher. Even so, his current expression is extremely ugly.

Yu Kexiu was already fighting, so naturally he didn't care what Shen Chuanming's expression was. In fact, before Shen Chuanming came to Jintang as the deputy mayor, Yu Kexiu and other factory directors were very casual in front of the city leaders, and they could say anything, and the city leaders knew that these factory directors had such a temper. Don't care about this kind of verbal collision at all. But after Shen Chuanming came, he was unsmiling to everyone, and everyone became less and less courageous, and finally developed to the point where they dare not speak casually.

Today, Yu Kexiu feels that he can no longer retire when faced with matters involving the basic welfare of the retired workers in the factory. After all, Qin Hai is an outsider, so it is taboo to make irresponsible remarks about Jintang City's policies. Regarding Jintang's matter, they, the factory directors, had the most say. If they remained silent, things would develop in the direction Shen Chuanming hoped for.

"Mayor Shen, Director Zeng, President Qin, I'm sorry, I'm too presumptuous today." Yu Kexiu nodded to everyone with a look of determination on his face, and said, "If it's something else, I I have to endure it. But it concerns the livelihood of more than 200 retired workers in our factory for decades to come. If I, Old Yu, don’t stand up and say something, I’m not a human being.

In the eyes of you, Mayor Shen, these retired workers are just a pile of baggage, you can throw them away as you want. But in my old eyes, they are my relatives. It was they who taught me Lao Yu how to open the valve, how to add materials, and how to granulate. In those years of economic difficulties, they persisted in production hungry, and this is how Jinnan Factory is today, and I am Lao Yu today.

Mayor Shen, you said that our Jinnan factory is owned by the whole people. I would like to ask, why didn’t the city use the income of other enterprises to pay us wages when we couldn’t pay wages in the past year? The retired workers in our factory can't get their pensions, and a lot of old people pick up garbage everywhere with woven bags and sell them for money, just to support their grandchildren. At that time, why didn't you, Mayor Shen, say Are we an enterprise owned by the whole people? And... and..."

Speaking of this, Yu Kexiu's voice was a little choked up. Liu Jie, who was sitting next to him, hurriedly pulled his clothes, and persuaded in a low voice: "Old Yu, don't get excited, just sit down and say..."

"Last week, my master...Old Master Chen, who is almost 70 years old, ran to my house and begged me to open a back door for him to reimburse a 20 yuan drug bill, saying that there were already two in the family. I haven’t seen Hun Xing in a month, and my little granddaughter cried and wanted to eat meat. As a grandfather, he really couldn’t bear it, so he had the cheek to ask me to open the back door. My master, what a strong person, I have been doing it for so many years Factory manager, he never asked me to open the back door, but this time..." Yu Kexiu didn't know how to go on.

Everyone in the audience was silent. Even those government officials were more or less related to the company and knew the current situation in the company. They knew that what Yu Kexiu was talking about was just a small thing, and there were many more things that made people feel distressed. Looking at Yu Kexiu's reddened eyes, everyone was a little bit embarrassed. They knew that Yu Kexiu's offensive remarks were not for himself, but out of public interest.

Shen Chuanming's face blushed and turned pale. His majesty was based on the respect of others for his position. When people tear their face apart and don't care about his majesty, he can no longer hold his airs. He didn't know what Yu Kexiu said. He keeps saying that the whole city is in charge, but in fact, isn't the consistent policy in the city to let the enterprises fend for themselves? Everyone cleans the door for themselves, how can they use the profits of other companies to subsidize the discontinued enterprises.

Going back to what Qin Hai said about retirement funds, the reason is the same. The Jinnan Factory and Hongguang Factory were sold to Qin Hai, and the proceeds should be used to resettle the retired workers of these two factories. If other factories have difficulties, they can also consider finding someone to cooperate with or be merged. Why should they divide the money of these factories? Liu Jie and the others did not stand up to object like Yu Kexiu did, but Shen Chuanming could imagine that they were equally dissatisfied.

The reason is very simple, but it becomes complicated when it is linked to Shen Chuanming's political achievement psychology. He was silent for a while, and said: "Director Yu, I can understand your feelings. But we can't just act on our emotions. There are many enterprises in the city that are more difficult than you, and their retired workers also Facing the same situation, as the deputy mayor, how can I ignore it?"

"If this is the case, Xiao Qin, you don't need to talk to the city anymore, I won't agree to sell the Jinnan factory to you." Yu Kexiu turned to Qin Hai and said.

"Director Yu, what's your attitude? Is the Jinnan factory yours privately? What right do you have to decide whether the factory will go or not?" Shen Chuanming snapped.

Yu Kexiu smiled coldly and said, "Mayor Shen, the Jinnan factory does not belong to Yu Kexiu, but I believe that what I say in the factory will still work. I will go back to the factory now and take Mr. Qin Tell the retired workers of the whole factory about your proposal and Mayor Shen’s objection, do you believe that the 200 retired workers in our factory can demolish the building of your city government today?”

Yu Kexiu's words made Qin Hai, who was sitting by the side watching the fun, feel chills. He is indeed an old factory director who has been tested in various sports. He usually looks carefree and joking. Divide evil spirit. Qin Hai thought to himself that if he was in Yu Kexiu's position, he would never dare to threaten the city leaders like this no matter what. What a crazy scene it is to bring 200 retired workers to the city hall to demolish the building.

It was Shen Chuanming who felt more panic than Qin Hai. In fact, he has no experience working in a company, and has always worked in agencies. The people in the office have some rules in speaking and doing things, and even scolding mothers when quarreling is more polite than people outside. After he came to Jintang to become the deputy mayor, others treated him with respect and respect. No one had ever dared to speak such harsh words in front of him. He didn't know if what Yu Kexiu said was just a threat, or a promise that he really planned to implement.

"Old Yu, don't say such angry words." Shen Chuanming's attitude suddenly softened, "We will fully consider the difficulties of your company. What Mr. Qin said just now... Yes, it is necessary to earmark the funds for special use. My principle is The superiors agreed, but this matter still needs to be decided by the Standing Committee, and I can’t decide on my own.”

"The Standing Committee must also consider the demands of our retired workers. I ask Mayor Shen to tell other leaders in the city that the pensions of these retired workers are not given to them by the government, but owed by the government." Yu Kexiude He is not forgiving, and his attitude of speaking has become more and more tough. He has already figured it out, and he will hand over his life to Jinnanchang. Even if he offends Shen Chuanming to death, can Shen Chuanming get his official job?

"Mayor Shen, please explain this matter to other leaders in the city. In fact, we are not ignoring retired workers from other enterprises. If our cooperation with Hongguang Factory and Jinnan Factory can be successful, it is also an exploration An effective model has come out, which is good for other companies to get out of trouble." Qin Hai said leisurely.

"President Qin is right." Shen Chuanming heard that Qin Hai was trying to find a way for him, so he quickly took over the conversation, not daring to speak in an official tone, "President Qin is indeed a leader in reform, with an open mind, not like us, with a brain It's a bit rigid. It seems that our meeting today is still very fruitful, at least I personally gained a lot of inspiration. Director Zeng, don't you think so?"

Zeng Zhiqiang nodded like pecking at rice: "Yes, yes, I have also received a lot of inspiration. President Qin, look, I have written more than ten pages in this notebook."

"Don't dare to take it." Qin Hai secretly laughed in his heart, it seems that to deal with such a master as Shen Chuanming, he still has to rely on a ruthless person like Yu Kexiu. Just now, this gentleman was still pretending to be 13, but he was cowardly in a blink of an eye. He had such an attitude a long time ago, so why bother to waste these words?

"Mayor Shen is too polite. We are just asking the city government to give us some help from the perspective of our own business.... We just talked about the problem of retired workers. Now I want to talk about the problem of working workers. This On the other hand, we also need the cooperation of the municipal government, otherwise our work will be difficult to carry out." Qin Hai said.

"President Qin, please tell me, as long as it is a reasonable request, the city government will definitely stand by your side." Shen Chuanming regained his awe-inspiring expression.

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