Material Empire

Chapter 331 Qin Ling's Dream

Several buddies were chatting when they heard the door rang, and a figure flashed in. Before Qin Hai could react, he felt a slender and soft hand stretched out from behind, covering his eyes.

"Who is it?" Qin Hai was taken aback for a moment, which girl knew him so well and ignored the defenses of men and women.

"Gege." Before Qin Hai could guess, the girl behind him couldn't help laughing out loud. Qin Hai was so determined that he stretched out his hand covering his eyes and pulled the man's arm to pull her into the in front of myself.

"Xiao Ling, why did you come to Pujiang?" Qin Hai looked at the man and scolded with a smile.

It was his little sister Qin Ling who covered Qin Hai's eyes. She is also a senior high school student now, on the eve of the college entrance examination. Before Qin Hai went to Tongjiang this time, Qin Ling was still studying hard in Pingyuan No. 1 Middle School, but within a few days, she actually came to Pujiang.

"I came to Pujiang to take the exam." Qin Ling took Qin Hai's hand and sat directly on his lap, saying in a coquettish tone.

Among Qin Hai's two younger sisters, the eldest sister, Qin Shan, is more introverted, has good academic performance, and is extremely sensible. The younger sister, Qin Ling, is just the opposite. She has a lively personality, is good at singing and dancing, but doesn't like to study. She is quite a big girl, but she still looks like a child in front of Qin Hai. However, Qin Hai also loves this little sister very much. On the surface, he sometimes has a straight face, but in his heart he is obedient to her.

"What test did you take in Pujiang?" Qin Hai asked strangely.

Qin Ling shyly said, "I'm here for the interview at the Pujiang Conservatory of Music, and I've applied for the Vocal Music Department."

"Do you really want to learn to sing?" Qin Hai asked helplessly. This girl wanted to act in movies when she was a child, and she wanted to be a singer when she grew up. In short, she just didn't want to be a schoolmaster like her sister. Qin Hai himself is also a top student, but he doesn't discriminate against the choice of being an actor or a singer, he just feels a little uncomfortable.

Seeing Qin Hai's displeased expression, Ning Mo persuaded him from the side: "Qin Hai, Xiaoling likes to sing, so you can let her learn it. My sister said in the past that Xiaoling's singing is no worse than those singers. Maybe he can become a singer."

"What's so good about being a singer is to make people laugh everywhere." Qin Hai patted Qin Ling on the head, half joking and half serious.

Qin Ling retorted: "What are you talking about laughing with? You're really ugly. Look at Cheng Lin, there are always crowds of people wherever she goes to perform. Who dares to disrespect her?"

"Xiao Ling, you don't know how chaotic the literary and art circle is, there are many bad people." Qin Hai said to Qin Ling based on some of his views on the literary and art circle in his previous life.

Qin Ling had already arrived in Pujiang a few days ago, and Ning Mo and Yu Haitao were the ones receiving her on the Pujiang side. The two of them naturally regarded Qin Ling as their little sister, caring for her in every possible way and responding to every request. Hearing that Qin Hai seemed to disapprove of Qin Ling's choice, Yu Haitao interjected:

"Boss, let her do what Xiao Ling likes to do. She sings very well, and it's good to be a singer. As for what you said, there are many bad guys. Think about it, who would dare to make trouble with our sister?" ? If there are really such people who don’t open their eyes, let alone you Qin Hai, even Fatty and I can’t spare them.”

Qin Hai laughed. He looked at Qin Ling and asked, "Xiao Ling, do you think Hai Tao is right?"

Qin Ling said: "Brother Yu is right, of course, my brother is a millionaire, who dares to make things difficult for me?"

"Well, that's fine." Qin Hai figured it out, it's normal for a girl like Qin Ling to have a star dream. Being able to find fun in academics like Qin Shan is naturally a way of life, and pursuing to become a star with countless fans like Qin Ling is not a way of life?

Unlike other singers and actors, Qin Ling doesn't need to make money by performing arts. With the support of his billionaire brother, no agency would dare to bully Qin Ling. As for the unspoken rules in the entertainment industry, Qin Hai secretly made up his mind that as long as someone dares to stretch out a finger to his sister, he will use all his power to make this person convert to the Sunflower School from now on. Sunflower Collection.

"Okay, I have to go to class first. Brother, you have to wait for me to come back for dinner, and I have to ask you to treat me to Western food." Qin Ling stood up and said to Qin Hai with a smile.

Qin Hai also stood up and asked, "What class do you want to take?"

"Vocal music." Qin Ling said, "Tingting helped me contact a professor at the Pujiang Conservatory of Music and asked him to guide me in my vocalization. The exam is coming up next week, so I asked him to guide me. Twice as big."

"Tingting?" Qin Hai was puzzled, "Why is there another Tingting?"

Ning Mo explained with a smile: "It's the secretary hired by our company, named Peng Tingting. You've seen it before. Xiaoling came to Pujiang for the exam and didn't know the rules. It was Peng Tingting who took the initiative to help her contact the professor of Pujiang Conservatory of Music. , I heard that the candidates who come to take the exam have to ask the professor inside for guidance, so that they don't know how to sing during the exam."

"The professor Tingting helped me contact is called Qiao Zihe. He is amazing. The most popular singers are all trained by him. Tingting said that people who want to ask Professor Qiao to guide them can stand a full line. Huaihai Road. Tingting entrusted many talents to contact Professor Qiao." Qin Ling said.

"Well, I'll thank Peng Tingting personally later." Qin Hai said, "When and how do you go to class?"

"I arranged a car for you." Yu Haitao said, Haijie Company has quite a fortune now, and there are six or seven small cars. Qin Hai's sister is here, and it is reasonable to arrange a car to pick him up.

Qin Hai said: "Let's do this, anyway, I have nothing to do now, Xiao Ling, I'll drive you there."

"Okay, okay." Qin Ling clapped her hands and said happily. She knew that her brother was not an ordinary person now, his business was very big, and he was no longer the young worker who could play with her at any time, so she didn't dare to ask Qin Hai to accompany her easily. But now Qin Hai offered to drive her to Qiao Zihe's home for class, so she was naturally full of joy.

The siblings, Ning Mo and Yu Haitao went downstairs together and came to the yard. The car sent by Yu Haitao was already waiting in the yard. Qin Hai came to the driver's side, knocked on the window, and said to the driver: "Come down, I'll drive."

The driver also knew Qin Hai, so he hurriedly got out of the car and handed the keys to Qin Hai. Qin Hai poked his head around and saw two people sitting in the car, a man and a woman. That woman was Peng Tingting, and Qin Hai was actually quite familiar with her. That man was also a young man, wearing glasses, with a dull look, Qin Hai didn't recognize him.

Seeing Qin Hai sitting in the driver's seat with the car keys, Peng Tingting quickly bowed and saluted, then pointed to the young man and said, "Boss Qin, this is my classmate named Gao Linqi. He knew Professor Qiao and helped to contact him."

Qin Hai nodded to Gao Linqi, and said politely: "Oh, Xiao Gao, I'm Qin Ling's elder brother, thank you for your help. Why don't you sit in the front and let the two girls sit in the back, and you just point out to me Lu, what do you think?"

"Well, okay, then I'll sit in the front." Gao Linqi obediently shifted to the front passenger seat, and let Qin Ling and Peng Tingting sit in the back of the car.

Qin Hai turned the key to start the engine, drove the car out of the gate, and drove onto the main road.

The road of Pujiang is very complicated, like a spider's web, Qin Hai has never figured out the road of Pujiang, whether in this life or in his previous life. Gao Linqi was a typical Pujiang native, smart and meticulous. He sat in the front row and kept giving Qin Hai instructions, telling Qin Hai which intersection to go straight on and which intersection to turn. The most rare thing is that he seems to understand the driver's psychology very well, and he can always give instructions at the right time without making Qin Hai flustered.

In the Pujiang River back then, although the roads were narrow, there were few cars, so the traffic was very smooth. After driving for about 40 minutes, the car arrived at the downstairs of Qiao Zihe's house. Gao Linqi directed Qin Hai to park the car under a big tree, and then led everyone upstairs, and rang Qiao Zihe's doorbell. house door.

It was Qiao Zihe himself who opened the door, a hale and hearty old man who looked to be in his 60s. When Qin Hai saw this person's face, he had a good impression of him, because he did seem to be a man of high morals and respect.

"Xiao Gao is here, please come in, please come in. Who is the classmate here who you said wants to learn vocal music?" Qiao Zihe asked Gao Linqi while letting everyone into the room. His attitude towards Gao Linqi seemed to be somewhat respectful, not like the tone of a teacher towards a student, or an elder towards a junior.

"Professor Qiao, this is my high school classmate Peng Tingting, this is Peng Tingting's sister Qin Ling, she is here to learn vocal music from you, this is Qin Ling's brother, named Qin..." Gao Linqi introduced one by one Everyone, when Qin Hai was introduced, he got stuck.

Qin Hai followed Gao Linqi's words and introduced himself: "Professor Qiao, my name is Qin Hai. I accompanied my sister to ask you for advice. My sister is a country girl and has never seen any scenes. I was afraid of her stage fright, so I accompanied her She's here, is it convenient for you?"

"It's convenient, it's convenient. I often have students come here, so it's very casual." Qiao Zihe said with a smile, "However, I will go to the piano room to teach Qin Ling how to make a sound, and Xiao Gao will help me check the sound system. Please wait in the living room, both of you."

"No problem." Qin Hai nodded. He took a look at Qiao Zihe's house, and found that it was a big house with three bedrooms and one living room. In such a city where housing is very difficult, it is really not easy to own such a big house. Qiao Zihe's status.

Among the several living rooms, there is a room with a very high and thick door. This should be the piano room that Qiao Zihe mentioned. It is estimated that the entire room, doors and windows are soundproof, so that Qiao Zihe can play the piano and teach students inside. Sounds and the like will not disturb family members and neighbors.

"You guys wait for a few minutes, I'll explain the audio to Xiao Gao... You don't know, Xiao Gao is an expert in audio, every time there is a problem with my audio, I ask Xiao Gao to help solve it." Qiao Zi He said to everyone.

My shoulder hurts for more than a day, and I can't sleep because of the pain at night. Guess it's frozen shoulder. It is said that people who code all day have this problem, and I can't avoid it. Sorry for the delay in updating.

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