Match Point

Chapter 1058: chicken soup for the soul

"How does it feel to play in the Davis Cup for the first time?"

"The whole feeling is still not the same. I thought it was similar to NCAA, but it is different, really different. The whole mood and atmosphere are different."

"Ha, me too. This is the second year in a row to participate, but before going on court, my heart was beating hard, my hands and feet were shaking, and I was more nervous than last year's Wimbledon semi-finals."

"That's right, right before the stage, my knees felt weak for a while, and I almost couldn't stand still."

"I didn't expect that you would be nervous too. Watching your Australian Open final, I thought you weren't nervous at all."

"I'm not a robot, how can I not be nervous? Don't you see my passion?"

While talking, Gao Wen also showed off his biceps, showed off his muscles, imitated his celebration, and showed his passion.

Raonic was immediately amused and laughed loudly.

Most of the players came to Indian Wells after the end of the Davis Cup week, and chatting inside and outside the words is inseparable from the Davis Cup.

But after laughing, Raonic was a little disappointed and sighed softly.

"I don't know what it's like to be in the Olympics."

"It's hard to imagine. After all, it happens every four years. Just like the World Cup, it's too rare. Please forgive me for my lack of imagination."

"You don't have enough imagination? Haha. But maybe because of that, the loss is even more bitter. You know? Our team won and I lost a game. It doesn't feel good."

"Sometimes, the more you want to perform well, the easier it is to tie your hands and feet. The game has never been that simple."

You come and I go, we talk happily.

Both Gao Wen and Raonic are young people. They are freshmen on the Davis Cup stage. After their careers rise, the feeling of representing the country will change, and the importance on their shoulders will also be different.

With Kei Nishikori, Raonic is not dominant, with one win and three losses. However, at the beginning of the year in Brisbane, Raonic ended his two-game losing streak against Kei Nishikori and represented Canada this time. In the Davis Cup, he naturally hopes to continue his strength.

However, things backfired.

Although Raonic didn't tell Gao Wenduo, the loss between the brows made the corners of his mouth droop slightly.

After thinking about it, Gao Wen still offered a word of comfort.

"Milos, our advantage is being young, and similarly, our disadvantage is also being young."

"Tennis, like life, is always full of countless difficulties. Everyone hopes that life can be smooth sailing. It is perfect to never encounter difficulties and setbacks; but the point is that difficulties are never a problem. How do we look at it? Face it."

"Those difficulties and setbacks are the foundation of our ultimate self."

Simple words hide great wisdom in life.

Raonic chewed it carefully, slightly dazed—

After the Australian Open ended, a whole month passed in the blink of an eye.

He was very busy, always busy, but he was always confused, as if his head was full of things, but he couldn't sort it out.

Just like that, I was being pushed forward all the time, in a hurry, without touching the ground, and whizzed by before I had time to understand what was going on.

Maybe, sometimes, you can find your place by slowing down a little and carefully examining those failures, those setbacks, and those difficulties.

Raonic raised his head, and thanked Gao Wen sincerely, "Thank you."

"Come on, I knew that the Canadians' answers would never disappoint." Gawain rolled his eyes in response, which made Raonic's smile rise high.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Wen lifted his chin triumphantly, "You're welcome. Now it seems that the chicken soup for the soul read on the long-distance flight is still somewhat useful. Maybe I can give a TED talk in the future to teach success."

The teasing and jokes that came at hand were lightly broken up before the atmosphere became more dignified and serious, and the sunshine of Indian Wells fell like this.

Raonic's smile became more and more relaxed, and the stale air that was weighing heavily on his chest also poured out, and his body seemed to relax a little.

"Why wait for later? I think, if you publish a book on success now, I will buy it first, write the title, how to win a grand slam."

Rarely, Raonic also made a small joke.

Gao Wen put away his smile, put on a serious expression, and shook his head again and again, "Milos, you have learned badly, you shouldn't stay with Vasek."

Vasek Pospisil, born in 1990, is also a young Canadian athlete. He is in the same batch as Raonic and is also a representative of the new generation of Canadian tennis.

Raonic laughed brightly, "Shh, I think so too, but we'd better keep it a secret from Vasek."

Back and forth, the jokes between the two became more and more tacit.

Raonic didn't stay any longer, he packed up his hands and feet quickly, and cleared the field as soon as possible to avoid delaying Gao Wen's training.

"Get ready to train, I won't delay you, otherwise if the training madman goes crazy, the subsequent impact will be immeasurable."

"'Training madman' is such an outdated nickname, you are the only one calling it, really outdated."

"Oh? Then what's your nickname now?"

"Tyrannosaurus rex, do you know? Huh...Tyrannosaurus rex!"

"Haha, hahaha, if you said it was a Tyrannosaurus rex, then it must be."

"Milos, were you rolling your eyes just now?"

Laughter echoed over the training ground.

In a blink of an eye, Raonic had already packed his luggage, greeted Sampras and Pelt, and was about to leave, when he saw his coach Ljubicic winking there—

A small tidbit, at the end of last year, Sampras considered adding a new member to Gao Wen's coaching team. In addition to Agassi, the other candidate was Ljubicic.

Compared with Agassi, Ljubicic is willing to become a full-time coach. If he joins the team, he can follow the players to compete around the world.

However, in the end, Gao Wen chose Agassi, and then achieved the biggest focus since the beginning of this year.

Also at that time, not only Sampras targeted Ljubicic, but Raonic also.

Later, Ljubicic ended his time at home and took over Raonic as the head coach. Now, it happens to be a special period.

For Ljubicic, adjusting Raonic's psychology is now the top priority compared to technical and physical aspects.

Ljubicic is an honest man, taciturn, wearing a pair of super black sunglasses, and never opened his mouth when standing beside him, but Sampras took the initiative to greet He took off the sunglasses, and together They started talking, but their attention was always on Gao Wen and Raonic.

Seeing that Raonic was about to leave, Ljubicic became a little anxious and winked quickly.

Sampras was confused, "Ivan?"

Ljubicic realized that his small movements had been seen through, and he was a little cautious and a little shy. He touched his bald head, but he didn't explain, just motioned to Raonic.

Sampras turned his head away, and then saw Raonic retreated again, and raised his voice to ask.

"By the way, Tyrannosaurus rex, have you signed up for doubles?"

"Not yet, I'm waiting for Gregor's reply, what's the matter?"

It turned out that it was for doubles.

(end of this chapter)

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