Match Point

Chapter 1017: 1 chip

In tennis, the word "hitting" is often used for hitting the ball, because players need to use the racket to complete a series of actions such as pulling the racket, swinging the racket, and hitting.

However, professionals like to use the action of "touching the ball" when describing it. It is a touch and a touch, which is very vivid.

The so-called "touching the ball" puts more emphasis on the feel and feel of the ball at the moment of hitting the ball, as if there is no racket and the ball is touched directly by hand to complete the hitting action.

Therefore, "touching the ball" is often connected with words such as delicate, soft, enveloping, light, graceful, inspiration and so on.

Looking at the professional tennis in the past two decades, there are quite a few players who can use the verb "touch the ball" to the fullest, such as a-Radwanska, such as Fognini.

Federer is one of them.

Just like the ball in front of you.

Completely passive, completely embarrassed, and completely stuck, everything happened in the blink of an eye, so that Federer had no time to make adjustments at all, and could only rely on his own feel to barely complete a touch of the ball. The reaction force pushed out.


The tennis ball draws a shallow parabola, which is neither full nor towering. It is wobbly, as if a gust of wind can blow it away.

Hoo hoo.

Slowly, the tennis ball moved straight along the sideline, crossed the net unexpectedly, and then fell down like a feather.


At the scene, he took a deep breath, but before the shock broke out, he held his breath, all the voices were cut off, and he watched the tennis ball fall rapidly.

small ball!

It turned out to be a small ball!

Obviously, this wasn't Federer's original intention, but that miraculous touch was in desperation, and he hit a return that was comparable to a small ball—

The tennis ball flew in a straight line, crossed the net, and landed near the bottom line of Gao Wen's right teeing area.

From the perspective of the small ball, the route control is not short enough, and the unloading force has not been completely unloaded, which still leaves opportunities for the opponent to continue attacking.

But from the point of view of returning the ball, surprise! Accident! Still an accident!

A return that completely broke expectations!

Gao Wen was shocked!

Hitting the ball with all his strength in the previous shot threw his body's center of gravity completely out, and then he stopped and turned suddenly and started the second time to prepare for the next shot; however, Gawain did not expect Federer's return at all. amazing! Accident! Sudden!

The footsteps have just started, and they immediately change direction and rush towards the landing point of the return ball.

But a pause, a restart, plus the distance across the field, it is still too late after all.

As he ran, Gawain realized:

I can't catch up.

Watch as the tennis ball doubles, triples, quadruples and rolls out onto the court.

In the first set, the outcome has been decided.

For Gao Wen, he was a little weak, because his batting had reached the best state so far in the last two points, and there were no problems from tactics to execution.

Everything went according to Gao Wen's plan.

However, Federer was still superior in the end, breaking the deadlock again and again with incredible shots, reversing the situation, and scored two points in a row in the final stage.

This is ability.


Federer wins the first set.

Even though he lost the first set, Gao Wen had no regrets, let alone anger. He had no reservations and played his best today. As a result, the side with the better performance won the victory. This is the essence of competitive sports. He Be able to face it calmly.

What's more, precisely because of this, it just means that Gao Wen still has room for improvement, right?

Gao Wen looked up at the sky, with a light smile on the corner of his mouth, and then raised his hands, applauding Federer's shot for the second time in a row.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

The audience thundered, whistles and cheers filled the sky and covered the sky, and the desert of Dubai also set off a heat wave, and the whole world was dazzled.

For Federer, but also for Gawain—

The new generation of players live in the shadow of the Big Four. It is not easy to gather the support of fans. Most of the time, it is cheers from the hometown of the motherland. It may be more difficult to play away from the homeland.

However, from Doha to Dubai, in the two Middle East events, Gao Wen conquered the fans with his unparalleled actual performance on the field, not only the victory, but also the game temperament, game style and court etiquette, etc., Gao Wen is gaining fans in every aspect More and more love and support.

Even Federer, who faces the "global home court", is no exception.

In the first set, to be precise, there were no losers.

At the last critical moment, it wasn't that either side performed poorly or made mistakes, but that the two players showed their top form and faced off head-on. The better side won the points and won the first set.

Meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.

For the fans, this is undoubtedly a happy moment. Everyone is immersed in the atmosphere of the game, getting carried away and enjoying the charm of competitive sports.

So, what about the second set?

It is obvious that Gao Wen did not give up; to be more precise, not only did he not give up, but Gao Wen's high fighting spirit was still burning.

The more difficult, the more determined; the more challenging, the more excited.

After entering the second set, it was Gao Wen who broke the deadlock first.

Steady and steady! Go strong!

In the opening stage, Gao Wen forced a break point on Federer's serve, which was the first time in the game.

Although Federer directly used ace to resolve the crisis, and continued to rely on his serve to establish an advantage and keep his serve smoothly, it can still be seen directly:

Gao Wen is launching a counterattack.

After the opponent forced break points in three consecutive serve games but missed all of them, Gao Wen finally seized his fourth break point opportunity in the fifth game, Federer's third serve game, and broke serve for the first time in the game. —

Whether it was Federer's serve or Gao Wen's serve, this was the first time in the game.

The audience is boiling.

As expected, Gawain would not surrender easily, he was still fighting.

But I have to say that Dubai is indeed Federer's blessed land. As of this year, the Swiss king has won the championship six times here and has performed very well.

Moreover, after the Australian Open upset, Federer made both mental and physical adjustments. After arriving in Dubai, he regained his top form.

Feeling hot.

Facing Gawain, Federer was even more fully prepared, anticipating all impacts and challenges, and the entire counterattack came very quickly.

On the front Gao Wencai broke serve.

On the back foot, Federer improved his state and launched a fierce attack in Gao Wen's serve; at the same time, Gao Wen also realized that his serve was very important, followed by improving his state, and started a back and forth competition. This round also became the opening game The most stalemate and tense game ever—

Three game points, five break points.

Before and after, there were a total of nine equal points, and only one game took 18 minutes. The two players were sweating profusely, and they were at their best under the scorching sun.

In the end, Federer seized the sixth break point. When the backhand position was absolutely suppressed, he picked out a straight backhand shot and hit the ball accurately, forcing Gawain to lose his position. Then Federer followed closely and hit the net. The front high-pressure ball scored this point and broke Gao Wen on the spot.

The game returned to the balance of power, and then, the suspense of the outcome of the second set continued—

Another tiebreaker again.


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