Three conditions239.

Minimum conditions First, ‘find out how to read Rune’s secret by yourself and interpret the novel’.

Minimum conditions Second, ‘to win this Vanquish. About 20 years ago - just like Gareth Allite Phoenix did, father of three children.'

Finally, the minimum condition third-

“To Rune… … You want me to win?!”

“Simply put, that’s it.”

Rune wiped the milk off his lips with his sleeve and nodded his head.

Oberon hurriedly wiped it off with a handkerchief, seeing that it was slightly unpainted.

But, of course, Eud and Flora were also a little confused.


to Rune?

No matter how powerful the teenage aristocrats, Eud and Flora have no excuses, Aidaman.

Even so, Rune is worse than that - First of all, isn't she a ten-year-old girl 'in terms of appearance'?

“No, the condition is not too strict!? Rune, you mean you won't tell me that!"

What happened in surprise was none other than Czerny.

“No matter how strong you are, if you can’t control me, there’s no point in hearing the story of the 7th Dungeon.”

"still… … !”

“Wait a minute, wait a minute. Majesty? To defeat Rune-sama today is so difficult-”

“It’s not that it’s difficult, it’s that it’s impossible… … ! Now that she is only ten years old, Rune's strength has hardly diminished from her prime!"

“Eh.” (Flora)

“Wow.” (Eud)

Seeing the two juniors in surprise afterward, Cherny continued speaking with her forehead slightly raised.

“As Rune’s age is her age, there are many people in our generation who don’t know-”

“-Yamma, don’t tell me your age!”

“Rune was the most called ‘heretic’ in the ‘Alfale Family’, a scholarly family… … !”

“Cherni-senpai, being Lee Dan-ah is-”

“‘The unprecedented battle magician of the Alfale family, the battle mage’! And, ‘If she had been unmanned, she would definitely have become the golden knight of the last generation’!”


Eud and Flora were startled, and Rune turned her head away.

What was your reaction to when you were talking?

“Besides, Delberg’s brother and Eud’s father- I mean, when Uncle Gareth was a student, even my brother and I fought 2-1, but Rune won!? No wounds!”

hey, what the hell is this... … .

Once you start listening to it, did you hear a story you couldn't even imagine?

When the golden knight Gareth and the current king Delberg were in the age of Eud Night.

At that time, even when the two of us attacked, it wasn't that we couldn't defeat Rune.

Besides, I just said it like it was passing by.

Gareth has a record of winning several martial arts competitions as well as Vanquish when he was an academy student.

Delberg also has royal duties. He is a being who can never be pushed by power and magic, and even listens to the word 'no king' more than the current king.

But you beat them two to one?

Is it Rune? without hurt?

“Hey profit.”

Flora trembled as she held Eud's arm tightly.

“Don’t say anything misleading… … . It's not that I'm weak. At that time, Gareth Lang Delberg had not yet developed his talent.”

“Hwahwa, are you… … ?!”

“So, it must be said that it is a time when students cannot yet take off their tee. If I fight like that now, it will be quite difficult for me.”

In the meantime, he doesn't say anything about losing.

No, it would have been natural to think about it.

Attacker of the 7th dungeon - That alone is the story of being a strong person that surpasses the minimum SS level.

And when Eud met Rune for the first time not long ago.

The golden knights I've ever met- fathers Gareth, Liquia, and Deut. The ‘age of the strong’, similar to these three, was felt in Rune as well.

It is the one who wields the transcendent power.

And he was a unique spirit worn only by those who knew the dangers of that power.

Golden Knight - Although not a coordinator.

It is an undeniable fact that he is a coordinator-class powerhouse.

… … But what about defeating such a person?

To be honest, it was Eud who had accumulated a lot of experience, but this one also gave me a bit of a headache.

In other words, isn't it similar to winning the 'Golden Knight'?

“Uhhhhhhh, anyway.”

To the astonishment of the boys and girls, Rune continued with her words after coughing a little.

“Eud, your father Gareth is building up his strength here right before graduation… … You laid the foundation to become the head of Phoenix and the Golden Knight. There is also the 'power of the noble family' at the base. ‘Knowledge’, ‘achievement’ and ‘power’ are also included.”

In other words, the three conditions presented now are--knowledge, achievement, and force.

“And after ascending to the position of head of Phoenix and obtaining the status of a golden knight. Gareth was also aware of the Seven Dungeons and challenged them.”

As Luna said.

Gareth and Liquia entered the 7th Dungeon - 'Moonlight Sea' when he was in his early 20s after graduating from the academy.

In other words, this is what Rune is saying.

“‘It wasn’t until Gareth was 20 that he was entitled to know about the Seven Dungeons, and he got them all.’ But in Wood you? How old are you now?”

“… … Thirteen.”

“Yes, thirteen. In the end, it's a 'child'. no matter how strong No matter how good he was in school, he was still just a kid.”

It was similar to what I heard from Gareth one day.

Of course, Gareth said it with the intention of ‘leaving it to the adults for now’.

“Gareth is a ‘genius’ that no one can disagree with. Not only Eugracea, but even the rulers of foreign powers- Dragon Kingdom, Atnox, Safra, and Adus, he is a man who trembles in fear even to this day.”

Even though Eud knew the status of his father.

Hearing it directly from someone else's mouth, how strange would it feel?

“You are trying to get the qualifications that your father did when he turned 20, and now you are 13. if so-"

Rune took the milk pot that Titania was holding, and filled Eud's half-empty mug with milk.

like a little pressure.

“First of all, you have to show what Gareth did when he was your age, now. It's not all about making it happen. But, as I said before, this is the minimum requirement.”

Before long, the milk in the mug rose to a height that seemed to overflow at any moment.

When Rune takes the pot, the milk's surface has a pure white calmness.

"What do you think? If you're going to give up, I'll accept it anytime."

That is, to interpret the three conditions presented by Rune, ‘Exceed the achievements of your father when he was a student.’

Was it a provocation? Or was it encouragement?

But no matter what Rune's intentions were-

It must have been certain that he had given Eud a 'clear stimulus'.

“… … .”

After listening carefully to the mug that Rune had filled, Eud.

Gulp gulp- Boom!

It is powerful and one-shot at once.

“Puha- ha ha ha. … … Okay, okay, I’ll do it.”

Since Eud had come prepared in his own way, he had no intention of backing down.

No matter how tight the conditions were, he was willing to carry it out.

And at the end of Eud's bold reply.

Still, at the slightly timid answer, Rune smiled bitterly in the end.

“Uh huh, that’s it. done. Yes, where do you work hard? To be honest, you would think it would be faster if you did it until you graduate.”

“No, it’s too late to graduate anyway… … .”

“Realistically, it’s really fast!”

Well, it also conveys a poignant prediction.

“And just in case I tell you. If you don't 'win the Vanquish' and 'Read the Secret' first, I won't fight even if you ask me to fight."


“So, don’t hold on to the stick and wooden sword you’re carrying! Ugh, I'm afraid I'm going to jump on it for nothing!"

Rune hurriedly spoke to Eud, who was on the verge of grabbing the weapon.

“Oh. I don’t even know.”

“Oberon, Titania, she has a staff and a wooden sword in storage!”

It was only after Rune had said it that far, that Eud realized that his motivation was a little ahead of him without realizing it.

Seeing Oberon and Titania rushing towards them, Eud also gently placed the weapons on the pile of books.

Did Flora look at Eud so cutely?

Even though it was clear that Rune had given him a difficult task.

It's sure to be a rough road.

Still, she is always full of enthusiasm, and her three siblings look alike.

“After all, it’s Eud-sama. I started by not stopping when the destination was decided, so I really resembled the noonas.”

"Huh? Is Eud really the same as the older sisters?”

“If you look at it, it’s pretty similar. When you set a goal, you run as far as your eyes can see. And… … They say they are anxious because they want to take care of each other too much!” (Sogon Sogon)

Flora spoke a voice to Czerny so as not to be heard by Eud, who had bright ears.

Cherniman heard the story of Tiana and Selena through Delberg.

Hearing this again, he felt quite strange.

This is- I'd say it's probably warm.

“… … That would be great to see.”

“It’s true, my lord. How lovely.”

“It’s just what I heard from my brother.”

Actually, the atmosphere is far from what Czerny wanted to do here today (night reading time).

Still, seeing Eud full of such ambition, Czerny thought that this was it too.

“… … what?"

In the meantime, Czerny belatedly noticed that there was no one in the 'underground library' today.

“Hey Rune, why didn’t you sing Kururu today?”


The humanoid Familiar, Kururu, was not seen.

Rune, who was making fun of Eud, said, “Oh, that’s right,” and shook his head.

“No, no. I called you, but today I have a different business. I'm going somewhere else now."

“Other business? To Kururu?”

“The family also has a business… … ?”

It was a fairly unfamiliar story to say that that little familiar was a business.

"No, I think you're hearing something strange. Kururu's business is-"

And that was when Rune was about to explain the children's strange reactions.

["Alert! Alert! intruder! There is an intruder, Rune!”]



An intruder entered the underground library.

* * *

intruder. Now called an intruder.

Kaka, Fufu, and Nana, who had been trembling on the table until now, also woke up startled by the sound.

Soon, along with the pixies who raised the alarm, the whole library's family members begin to show a hostile atmosphere.

[“It looks like you used the access key, but why?!”]

[“People I haven’t seen! But he seems like a very strong person!”]

["what?! I don't think he's a bad person... … ! But I still don't know who it is!"]

"Eh? Strong!?”

“Wait, guys, what!?”

"intruder!? Rune-sama, was this a structure that an intruder could enter!?”

“No, it would be impossible to just break in, even if it’s openly ‘I don’t know if I break it’… … . What's more, it's not you and Bernie who have the key right now, but how- huh? Were there more?”

“Eh, why are you getting vague there… … !”

Moderate enough to remind him of his father for a moment, Ewood could not hide his groan.

Rather, it is now on the first basement floor.

If an intruder has entered, it will be revealed soon.

It is said that ‘multiple entrances and exits’ are heard.

As it is written on the ‘Inside Map of the Student Union’, they say that you can enter from the inside of the Student Union as well.

And the sensation passed on to Eud afterwards-

“Huh?!”(Read more @

'what is this… … ?!’


Minimum, mother mage class.

Max, Gareth and Liquia class.

Those who have come here now are not usually strong.

Had the opponent noticed that the hostility of this underground library was directed at him?

As if reacting to that, the spirit of the intruder came rushing in to the point where Eud's skin stood on its head.

Despite the absence of strong hostility, the spirit is enough to hold great tension.

At the same moment that Eud felt his spirit, he grabbed the staff and wooden sword he had just put down in his hands again.

Soon, Rune quickly clapped her hands.

“Oberon. titania. No matter who you are, deal with it!”


The two familiars, who started their actions in an instant, sprint towards the intruder.

Clenched a fist and lifted the club, slammed the library bookshelves and walls and immediately.

The place where the intruder entered-

They attack through the ‘iron stairs leading to the interior of the student center’.

However, despite the onslaught of the two familiars, was the opponent too strong?

“Wow, what is it? You-"

With the 'embarrassing voice', the atmospheric pressure in the library is distorted as if just before the clogged air was released.


Boo woo woong - quaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Before Oberon and Titania could even reach them, the intruder pushed them away at once with a single move - no, not even a single move.



Woodang Tang!! Aww!!

In that shock, Oberon and Titania both flew books and dust and were stuck on the bookshelf.

And that moment.

Quiet, quaaaang!!



The two Familiars collided with the bookshelf, and at the same time, an explosion sounded. This time, even Eud takes action.

Gathering magical power from his legs, he spurs the floor of the library and leaps quickly.

Holding a staff and a wooden sword, he reached the intruder wearing a robe, up the iron stairs at once.


“Who are you!?”

“No, it is you! Who the hell are you!? Whoa!?”



“-Aah!!” (Lune)

Whirly Rik-!


Two voices full of bewilderment and the clash of swords resounded loudly throughout the underground library.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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