Contact 198.

So Eud and Flora come into contact with Cherni and Rune.

After that, a little more time at the academy has passed.

“Finally the end is in sight.......!”

morning time. As she went to the classroom, Tiana said with many emotions.

When it comes to the end-

“I’m done with today’s exam!” (Tiana)

“Me too, I finished with the exam this morning.” (Selena)

“I’ll wait until tomorrow……” (Eud)

““Aigoo……”” (Tiana, Selena)

The end of the period of hell that had been acclaimed was coming to an end.

All assignments have been submitted.

The exam is almost over.

Although there are differences according to the subjects taken, they all ended today and tomorrow.

Thanks to this, there is a lot of excitement in the academy overall.

Also, some students have already finished their exams.

Since it was evident on his face, could he have recognized everything just by walking? Almost like a sign for Joan's rebuke, it stands out well.

Those who escaped hell first were really in the mood to fly.

Of course, the completion of the exam and grades are not proportional.

That's nothing to worry about now.

And now, one of the remaining exams—the study of theology—was rolling his eyes.

Even as I go to the classroom, I am reading the notebook I made with Francesine with an eye-opening momentum.

Seeing such a pitiful appearance of the youngest, Selena and Tiana were also anxious and anxious.

As if to cool off his overheated head, he rubs the youngest's head. Of course, when the older sisters are bitter, it gets hotter.

Actually, I'm going to test Jessica's labyrinth theory right now.

The labyrinth theory had already been heavily studied, so he was focusing his head on theology.

After arriving in the classroom, I will immediately confirm the labyrinth theory again.

“Tiana noona, Selena noona, then I’ll go this way.”

“I’m having a hard time~”

“Are Eud and Francis the only exams done tomorrow?”

“Yeah, because everyone said it was over today.”

When Eud and Francis take theological exams, the Phoenix faction also ends the Hell period.

That is why the older sisters also wish the youngest good luck.

After breaking up with his older sisters, Eud walked towards the classroom at a slightly faster pace.

It was not the classroom Jessica usually used.

Today I came to the multipurpose room located on the last floor of the school building.

Maybe it's for the sake of preventing leaks of problems and unique equity in the academy.

Students attending the same professor's lecture were supposed to take the exam at the same place and at the same time, regardless of the lecture time.

In other words, Jessica's labyrinth theory students this semester have all gathered in one place.

Upon entering the multipurpose room, I saw all the students sitting apart from each other.

On the blackboard in the distance, it is written, ‘Sit at least one space away from each other!

I could tell it was Jessica's handwriting just by looking at it.

Jessica's energetic voice seemed to resonate in Eud's head.

“I am Eudnii....”

“Wow, Radarus, the condition of your eyes!”

“I think I’m going to die…”

And find the Ragnaril faction that came first.

As Eud entered the classroom, Radarus approached with delight. I lost a lot of power though.

“But, thanks to Eud-sama’s help, I finally finished the preparations.”

Yurika, standing behind Radarus, nodded her head in gratitude.

Eud nodded with him.

earlier period of hell.

Eud originally intended to help Radarus and Yurika with the labyrinth theory.

Somehow, things got bigger along the way, and I was in a situation where I was helping all of the Ragnaril factions.

In the hideout of the Phoenix faction, about 20 Ragnaril girls gathered and received Eud's lecture.

As Eud looked around, the Ragnaril girls greeted him quietly. The sound was small, but it still conveys a lot of gratitude.

Still, Eud also received help from other subjects, so it could be said that it was mutually beneficial.

As Ragnaril had a diverse group of people, it was easy to get points or hints from various subjects.

“However, the labyrinth theory has more people than other lectures.”

“That’s right, Eud. Labyrinth theory is one of the few subjects that is taught regardless of grade level.”

Radarus quietly turned his head, as if he knew what he was saying.

Were there many factions gathered in the present lecture hall?

Of course, the Philade faction of 'Garmon Philade', who gave his tail directly to Eud in the classroom before.

Middle factions, ‘Ancus’, ‘Londerik’, ‘Fold’, etc.

There were also many influential students with more than two years of experience, whom I saw occasionally in the dormitory or inside the academy.

As Eud remembers, there was a faction among them that Anat had previously pursued as the next best thing.

There was an atmosphere where everyone was glaring at Eud or holding back.

Still, that didn't last long.

The exams wouldn't be easy enough to care about Eud.

Jessica is currently teaching not only the labyrinth theory, but also magic.

He told his seniors who had taken the magic test, “The test was also crazy difficult.”

In addition, there were also serious challenges.

Naturally, he predicted that the difficulty of the labyrinth theory test was also the best.

From what I hear, Jessica is already nicknamed 'Hell Jessica' among her students.

...does Jessica know that?

Incidentally, her DS was also nicknamed “Viper DS” due to its vicious difficulty.

Since D.S. is the 10th aristocrat, he doesn't openly circulate his nickname.

Well, what's important right now is that there's more than a middle-class faction here-

“Dart, have you finished your studies? The difficulty of this test is great.”

“…Axius. Okay, so get out of front of me.”

"Good. So let's do a quick speed quiz."

“Hey, aren’t you listening?”

“Are you going to go with me? Among the plants that grow naturally in the dungeon, list three things that are both luminescent and poisonous.”

“Hmm… Arment grass, hecarum grass, mockery or not, go to your seat and study, Axius……!”

“Yeah, fast! Answer~! So, what about three characteristics of each?”

“Hey, it’s simple. When consumed unprocessed, arment grass causes hallucinations, and Mons who is sometimes addicted to it- ah, some!”

There was also a faction of ten nobles.

Even the two men who are leaders.

Axius Revolt Griffiner.

Darth Glone Igarit.

Axius had previously heard Jessica's labyrinth theory, so it was only natural.

I wonder if Eud was a little surprised that there was even Darst.

...First of all, from the conversation now, I had a rough idea of ​​what the relationship between Axius and Darth would be.

Perhaps, the words of Axius who said ‘close’ may not be wrong.

Darth had an expression full of annoyance.

Besides, is it something that happens often?

Some of the faction members around were perplexed, but did not stop him.

“-Axius hyung, Darst hyung, you must not interfere with other students’ studies. Because the two of them flirt with each other, Eud and Radarus were also surprised.”

“Kong? You bastard of the Truth, get it straight.”

“I don’t call this a gongnyang, then what do I do?”

“-Eud, are you here?!”

“Ah, yes…”

There is even a Truce nearby.

Could it have been unavoidable that it would become a form where the 10 noble factions were attached?

Other students wouldn't be able to hold a position close to the ranks of the teenage noble faction.

Naturally, it will be a situation where the 10 noble factions gather together.

Fortunately, the multipurpose room itself is spacious.

Even if ordinary students were seated, the seats were full.

Lenny Anne did not see her because she did not learn the labyrinth theory.

As Lenianne said before, it's good to read dungeons only as books, and hate studying.

Truth looked at Eud from afar, and a smile appeared on his lips in a welcoming atmosphere.

Axius also looked at Eud and greeted him lightly.

Ever since we met at the library, Axius has always greeted Eud in small and big ways.

It's a little burdensome for Eudro.

In the end, the atmosphere is quite sloppy, but...

Still, Igarit. Griffin. Metri. Ragnaril. Finally to Phoenix.(Read more @

The leaders of the 10 aristocratic factions this semester are all gathered here. Even middle-class factions with equal power.

In fact, was it an atmosphere like “the front line of the factional struggle”?

Ordinary students and students from small factions were also secretly holding their breath under the strange tension.

Of course, the giant beast clique was not here.

Blue wolves and black lions take lectures from other labyrinth theory professors.

So, you're probably preparing for the exam somewhere else by now.

There is a high probability that Kirumina will be there too.

She said, 'I haven't seen her since. Are you okay?’

Because Mina Kiru smells her better than Ewood.

When Kirumina is determined on her side and tries to avoid Ewood, she has no ingenuity to meet Ewood Lawson.

In fact, the thing that surprised Eud the most in this classroom was-

‘Cherny-senpai, you were hiding there.’

It was Czerny's existence.

Cherny was sitting in the far corner of the classroom, crouching.

Cherni is reluctant to reveal his own existence.

As if his hedgehog crouched. He wears round horn-rimmed glasses and lowers his presence as if trying to hide as much as possible.

Soon Czerny glanced at Ewood, then hurriedly shook his head.

I'm asking you to stop pretending to know.

The two of them can talk openly only at a 'set time'.

Eud smiled bitterly in his heart and turned his head.

“-Hey, Metri and Griffiners. You’re already living as if it’s a very old world. (Slightly quietly)”

“Even the darts. Don't you have any pride, you had a lot of fun with Griffiner. (Slowly)”

“But, it’s been a while. There comes a time when the real order is slowly overturned. (Slightly quietly)”

Very faintly, several negative voices could be heard in Eud's ears.



As Eud slightly turned his head, his voice was cut off immediately.

In the beginning, I said something really small to them.

I must have listened to Eud unexpectedly.

However, there are regular students around. Not sure who said it. Still, was it certain that it was a middle-class faction?

Radarus and Yurika tilted their heads slightly at Eud, as if they couldn't hear their voices.

Currently, when it comes to middle-class factions in the academy, factions that are not in the ‘Metri’ and ‘Griffener’ lines.

Like the Philade faction, those who are in the War Lane line.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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