Master of Untold Daos

Chapter 615: Qinglong Dao

The demon is a prisoner.

Zixia curtain cloth moved lightly. Before coming to the prison gate, it was because Chen Ming had given her a drop of blood. She is now in a low position in the Yaozu, and is qualified to come to prison to visit.

Zixia went all the way with the bullhead jailer, and finally saw a Taoist singer in the 900s underground.

Zixia waved: "I am secretly interrogating, you are all going out."

Waiting for the two bullheads to leave here, Zixia looked at the man with a low head in front of him, and the cheekbones were already worn. Before the palace, there was also a chain.

There is still uncoagulated blood on the chain, dripping down the chain.

Zixia looked at this person and asked, "Are you a Qinglong Taoist?"

The Qinglong Taoist looked up and looked at Zixia. "Who are you, I have not seen you in the Yaozu."

Zixia said: "The identity of the Yaozu, don't say anything, but there is an identity, you will be interested."

Zixia sat down on a large table in front of Qinglongdao, "Seven sins of Yanshan, Zixia."

Qinglongdao people laughed and said: "You want to lie to me to tell the secrets of the Star Dragon Prince, hahahaha, rest!"

Zixia looked at the Qinglong Taoist people in a sly way. This Qinglong Taoist does not know what is going on. It is the loyalty to Chen Ming. Even if Chen Ming shows his identity, he is not a prince of Xinglong, or is loyal to Chen Ming.

Even more strange is that this guy is actually a new fairy king.

No matter how the Yaozu tortures the Qinglong Taoist, the Qinglong Taoist is hard to spit out half of Chen Ming’s words.

If Chen Ming is here, he may be able to explain that this Qinglong Taoist, he really does not know anything!

Zixia glanced at the outside and said: "I don't say much to you. The mountain owner is in the fairyland. The heavenly court has sent a large army to go to the encirclement. He is in danger now."

Said, Zixia has taken out a key, opened the shackles of the Qinglong Taoist, Qinglong Taoist this is moving, "Are you really a Star Dragon Prince?"

Zixia untied all the shackles on the body of Qinglongdao, and then said: "Go, quietly leave, here is a map of the dungeon, you can avoid all the investigations, the mountain owner is in the fairyland."

The Qinglong Taoist looked deeply at Zixia and said, "I remember you, let me leave, the old road is in mind, the old way goes!"

The Qinglong Taoist grabbed the map on the table, but for a moment, it disappeared into the darkness.

The Qinglong Taoist people left the tea for a while. North Junwu came here and looked around. "You put the Qinglong Taoist away. Is this what you call me a gift?"

Zixia smiled and said: "A subordinate is a sleepless person, you dare to detain, I see you are really impatient! I am here to save your life!"

Northern Junwu Road: "What do you mean, the so-called Yanshan Mountain Lord is a sleepless person? He is just a detachment, it is actually a sleepless person. In this case, you still use it to lie to children!"

Northern Junwu continued: "You have only come to save the Qinglong Taoist people. If you come, use the prison of the Qinglong Taoist people and give her a detainment!"

Zixia Fairy looked northward to Junwu and smiled: "Now the demon people are lingering in the cracks and living under the breath of the innocent parliament. I advise you, or you must move the idea of ​​a sleepless person."

"You may not believe that Chen Ming is a sleepless person, but don't forget, the title of the sleepless person!"

North Junwu walked away from Zixia Sanzhang, listening to the words of Zixia, faintly said three words, "the power of half-country."

The name of the sleepless person is half-country, the number of true sleepless people, no one knows, but the strength of each sleepless person is comparable to the power of half a fairy country.

Once every sleepless person opens his eyes completely and is exposed to the light, the whole starry sky will tremble!

The Yaozu, and can not match the power of a half-country, they are exposed to the light.

Today's world, the fairy road Changlong, the Yaozu only survived in the cracks.

North Junwu stopped and said: "Don't use her punishment, eat and drink."

After the completion of the Northern Junwu Road, it continued to move forward and disappeared into the darkness.

There is a reason for him to do this. He did not offend Chen Ming and he could avoid other demon kings. He had no excuse.

The Qinglong Taoist ran, and there must be a person who sinned.

If Chen Mingzhen shows the strength of a sleepless person hidden in the dark, then no one dares to kill Zixia.

The entrance to the ancestral ancestral land.

In the morning, Chen Ming washed a face and could see it. The old monster was scented before the statue of Zhenyuan Daxian, respectfully scented, and then the entire statue was cleaned.

During this time, Chen Ming discovered that this fragrance has not been broken.

This may be related to some of the means left by Zhenyuan Daxian.

The old monster is very fragrant, and half of the time he points to a new fragrance. The old monster's carefulness makes it easy for Chen Ming to see that this statue is weird. It should be this statue, which suppresses this old monster.

Chen Ming thought a lot of means, and finally there was only one kind left, Yinyang Island.

He didn't know how long he could hold on. Just look at Zhang Yangdao, this kid is a bit tolerant.

The old monster does not look for Chen Ming to speak, Chen Ming does not look for the old monster to talk, the two are at the entrance of the Xianzu land here, each doing their own things.

However, a month later, Tiedongliu came to the place with thousands of Jinxian. To tell the truth, Chen Ming did not want to spend thousands of gold cents, let alone the golden fairy of heaven! Just the old monster is here, according to the rules of the old monster, Chen Ming did not do it.

The spies of the heavens came several times and determined that they were here.

Chen Ming did not care much. Anyway, he really wanted to fight up. He released the undead Jinxian in the Dead Sea and added his own strength. These people are not necessarily their opponents.

What really makes Chen Ming jealous is this old monster.

However, three days later, Tiedongliu took the mighty Jinxian army and came to the entrance of the Xianxian ancestral land. The iron east flowed toward the old monster: "Please also ask the predecessor to make it convenient. Let me Wait for this person to be taken away."

The old monster disdainfully said: "I have said my rules. Here, it is forbidden to shoot, so as not to disturb the peace of the land of Xianzu."

Tiedongliu is a young man with a national character face, a robe, looks quite a bit of perseverance. Tiedongliudao: "I still ask my seniors to think a little more, and then answer well."

The old monster waved, and the iron east and the golden fairy army in front of him were already appearing thousands of miles away.

Chen Ming glanced at the old monster's means, but it was really unseen, deep and unpredictable, and people could clearly feel the pressure brought by the old monster. 2k novel reading network

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